Hillary Clinton is at a community college right by me Sup Forums, Wat do?
Hillary Clinton is at a community college right by me Sup Forums, Wat do?
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Walk in with a Make America Great Again hat
Will do user
Columbine her ass.
You could become a bigger hero than Brejvik.
Post pics please. Become a Sup Forums legend.
Pledge your support to her to ensure the security and prosperity of all Americans.
Fuck off you nigger
This. Go full Columbine.
Live stream it too.
You will literally be the greatest hero since Chris Kyle.
All good answers to this question will send the government to my house, so I'll just suggest trying to shake her hand.
Shoot her. Make us proud.
Don't let us down. Live Leak it you glorious slut.
Bruh, what is she gonna do if you wear MAGA hat? Have you arrested for exercising your 1st amendment right?
Take a first person pov picture of you giving her the middle finger while she's looking at the camera. post it here and we'll spread it across the internet.
You won't do anything. Fag.
ask her: 'Now that Trump and Bernie are the only remaining presidential candidates and seeing as they haven't given speeches to Wall Street, does that mean you'll finally release your transcripts or are you waiting for all 7 billion people in the world?'
film it
Please, God yes.
Combine it with the other trips. Flip her off in a Make America Great Again hat.
Vote on this poll that's what you do
Sup Forums which thread should I make?
Vote and which ever one wins I will do
Is this supposed to not make sense?
vote for her
WTF is this? A trips thread to make America great again?
No, but we are trying to make Sup Forums mediocre again.
i think she's the best candidate
Go to the rally and yell "tits or gtfo"
Trips of truth! God wills it!
Get a gun and shoot her
Sharpe in the pooper?
Top kek
because hillary is a woman, while bernie is an old man, and trump has small hands, and we all know what they say about that.
You know how whenever someone tries explaining the multiverse theory, they always use the most absurd thing thing as an example for the infinite possibilities?
>There is an alternate universe where Zimbabwe won WWII
>There is an alternate universe will Abe Lincoln cured Cancer
>There is an alternate universe where Hitler created Pokemon
I feel like our universe is going to be one of those examples if/when Donald Trump wins the presidency.
This please
>because hillary is a woman
Go there and ask her if she is legally allowed to have TS-SCI classified emails on her personal computer
OP, you realize you have to do this, right?
Okay OP really now, this is getting ridiculous
Op here, just wow at all the trips
You know what TS-SCI is, but you don't understand how post dated classifications work. do you even intel, bro?
How many more trips must lose their lives for our noble cause?
this. this.
We deserve this OP, buy the fucking hat and show Hilary how much of a cunt she is
Kill this numerical bitch
>Because Hilary is a woman.
Well, the White House does have a kitchen.
top kek
Nahh fam
how about posting a more up to date picture.
No comment
This is fucking retarded
just like Benghazi.
fucking gold. thanks.
find a good vantage point and a mortar launcher. both are very unrelated, i swear.
found the liberal
>East Los Angeles
Your name is either Carlos, Jose, or Juan.
I probably know you.
Snap her neck off her shoulders. And when they ask you why. Tell what difference does matter.
Ask how she plans on satisfying an entire country if she can't even satisfy Bill.
The fuck makes them think they're welcome here in Canada?
Lol none of those, I'm Asian but yes in east Los Angeles
Sup Ping Pong. Did anyone even go to class today? My class was empty
Nah I don't go to elac just live by it, some friends of mine do though.
Let's meet up at the Carl's Jr
Wildly lunge at her once she's nearby
Hit on her. Try to fuck her.
Wat if dude?
I meant Hillary.
This. I don't need American libtards to deal with on top of our own.
try and smelll her crotch and report back with how her poon smells like
OP please. You wont get in trouble for it. You probably wont even get noticed by anyone but Hillary herself. You gotta do it.
>meet up at the Carl's Jr
I'm at home now. Class is over. Plus Carls is shit
Lol won't disagree with you there
>being a moderate
>seeing the shitshow campaign
What is politics anymore?
Please do this OP. tell me the only reason we havnt heard from you is because yo uare in the process of delivering
Come on thread, don't die on me!
Her feet are fucking gigantic
Rip threat OP is fag
they're not bad
prove it faggot
Don't let this die. OP might deliver.
Assassinate her and claim you did it so Trump would win
Join the jhiad britger hood