Ok Sup Forums how do i get this girl to go on a date with me? i've asked before and she said no...

ok Sup Forums how do i get this girl to go on a date with me? i've asked before and she said no, she "doesn't want a relationship" i'm not naive enough to think that means anything other than "i'm not interested in you" but how can i change her mind? as far as contact goes we speak online a fair bit, (was every day but cut it down recently) but rarely actually see each other, wat do?

TL;DR how to get out of the friend zone, or more casual acquaintance zone in this case

>inb4 give up
i want a way to change her mind

that's not the friend zone, that's someone you know that does not like you zone

Personal experience is get friendzoned and then after being there for 1 or 2 months try again

Got friendzoned and a month later bitch was begging

hence casual acquaintance zone, i'm sure there's a way around it what ever you want to call it

You sound like a stubborn dumbass to be honest. If she doesn't want a relationship, then she doesn't want a relationship. Also, you can't force somebody to go on a date with you. You're not friend zoned, she just doesn't like you. Move on OP.

They wouldnt speak online if she didnt like him

I get dates but nothing ever happends and noone wants to commit. I have no fucking idea what Im doing wrong.

Have you tried to actually become friends with her? What's her favorite color? What's her favorite tv show and why? What does she want to do with her life?

Girls are people who happen to have a precious resource they need to protect from every faggot who wants it. Treat them like people and they'll give you the resource. It's as simple as that.

Commitment is a joke though, especially in current year. Cohabitation for as long as possible and move to the next.

Become more attractive in every possible way.
Get more muscle, clear skin up, better hair, better job, stable lifestyle, better car, all of the superficial shit that women look for in a man.
Then ignore the shit out of her, while somehow making sure she knows all of these better things are happening.
She'll come to you.

Nothing else is going to work. Ever. Sorry. She's not interested in you and she will only change her mind if 1. you become Adonis reborn and 2. You become something that she can't have.

Women are incredibly shallow. Like take the worst example of a shallow man and double it. That's your average woman.

Have fun.

im talking about follow up dates or sex man, possibly relationships

most people tell me once they agree to go on a date youre basically in already but not for me

yes they would. Women can communicate with other humans without trying to get into their pants.
I understand why this would seem like a foreign concept to you.

My problem is i usually tell the woman exactly what i'm thinking or it'll end up being something like 'do you want to have some fun' 'do you want to get freaky' and that works way to often.

What you're doing wrong is you're 16 and thinking other people want to commit to you when they're going to move away and find someone better.

Just ask the bitch to hang out and get to know each other better. Remember you can't expect someone to just like you, you both have to put in work to build a relationship... Or have money and food... that works too

Then that means you're fucking up your dates.
Do things better. Or be yourself and wait for someone who likes you for you. That'll take time, you sound boring.

Ok OP here, need to clarify, i do like this girl a lot, i'd just accept it and move on otherwise, i'm not going to force her or anything, just want to know what i could do to improve my chances at getting a yes, the point is just to get her to agree to go to dinner or something with me, from there i could make it work or accept it as a failure

her fave colour is purple, she loves adventure time, want to become a millionare but has no ide how, is lazy yet ambitious, boyish yet cute, i can go on

sound advice, however she's not actually shallow, she flat out turned down my rich much better looking friend, and told him strait up he's a superfical douche, at least in my case she was kinda nice about it

If she's in the friend zone then be an asshole to her and start talking more dirty. either way your problem is going to get sorted.

not even close

What do you think of my dick? And yes, I know I need a trim...

Give up fuck her friends, then friendzone her.

Yeah I know. That's the adult way of looking at it. One date does not mean jack shit. Just ask out different types of chicks. Broaden your horizons a little. Maybe one will pull through. That's how I got my gf, making some changes.

You could also be creeping her out. The most interesting and beautiful man in the world will scare women right the fuck away if they come on too strong or desperate.

The first thing you need to do is realize you don't need them. Until that happens you'll never give off the vibes they're looking for.

You fucking mexican?

you sound boring, im sure you can get a good view on someone from 2 Sup Forums posts man, goddamnit your posts lake value

Have you ever hung out face to face? What does she do in her spare time? And how old is she?

This is Sup Forums you don't need to lie to me.
For the sake of the mods I'll say you're 18 and we can move on.
Saying you're any older just makes this sadder.

No, why?

Make her laugh all the time. Then ask her how to get with another girl. You're welcome

Don't be a pussy and make your fucking move. Don't be a little shit and act like you actually have a fucking dick man. Jesus fuck what are 12 honestly if you want a girl to like you and you fuck up that bad maybe you might like other dudes.... homosexuality is a reality y'know...

oh yeah? well youre a fag

thats true, though i did straight up ask her if i creep her out, she said jokingly "no you're just a bit of a twat"

no we don't hang out face to face, i see her at work mostly, but she works evenings and i work early, or used to, not had a job for about a month as i fucked up my arm, also she's 19, i'm 26

Actually I can. You're here on the internet bitching to random people whom you don't know about how this female that you have hormones for won't love you despite all your efforts and you're looking for a way to change her mind.
That tells me an epic shit load about your personality; or the lack thereof.
You can take the criticism and roll with it, or you can put your dick in your ears and keep wondering why repeating the same thing over and over again never works.
Believe it or not I'm the only one here who's trying to help you.

Your dick is beaner colored, like your dick just crossed a river man

Does she know you are friends? Could be holding you back, but you have to find common ground something your good at that you can do for her. Its a long process but its allways what can i do for her that would make her happy, sometimes its a simple thing of flowers, but the other key you are missing is confedence. Try for an easyer girl and work your way up dont waste time, as you age you will realize that special someone wasnt so special after all.

That's the spirit my gentle newfag.
Let's continue.

She's trying to make it so if you shoot up the place you'll do it on a day she isn't there.

i do make her laugh all the time, but that second bit sounds counter intuitive, anyone else think this would work?

i am actually bi, she doesn't know that, but it doesn't matter anyway

Then you need to hang out face to face outside of work. Depending on what you're doing, she'll probably be more focused on working or feeling gross than building any sort of relationship. You guys aren't even friends at this point, just coworkers making chit chat at work to pass the time. I hope you're at least of average appearance...

>inb4 give up
Give up. Seriously. Once a girl has said no, just fuck off and move on. There's literally nothing else you can really do.

So you don't like it?

Jesus fuck dude NO.
There is no possible scenario where this ends well for you.
A 26 year old hitting on a 19 year old at your place of work.
BEST CASE SCENARIO she has daddy issues and drives you fucking insane for the 2-3 weeks after she allows you to plow her until it all explodes in your face and she accuses you of rape.
Most likely scenario is you're pulled into an HR office and told that you're be been sexually harassing this girl and you have to leave.

If she didn't immediately start fucking you as soon as you showed interest, BACK OFF. She is not interested.

i think you confused me with op man

yeah, i guess i need to hang out with her rather than go straight for a date, but i don't work with her, i just go to the place she works about once a fortnight for food

well i'm 26 and have had about 4 girlfriends and fucked about 14 girls, plus i'm about as confident as they come, though i do tend to get a bit awkward around her, she the only person thats ever happened with though

POST YOUR FACE, seriously odds are you're just ugly, i will give you tips on not doing that

Not at all. Trump will get you. No worries.

So not only do you not work with her, you see her once a week when you eat at the restaurant she works at?

How do you know anything about her? And have you considered that she's just talking to you for a better tip or out of boredom? This doesn't look good user.

put some sleeping pills in her drink and go to town my friend.
pic unrelated, i assume

like i said we don't work together, she works at my local takeaway i like, though i'm always polite and only little flirty when i see her at work

i'm not that bad, bit of a manlet, but thats never gave me problems before

as i said we talk online a lot, we were doing that before i even knew she worked there

Well... I'm an European in Europe... But I kinda like him.

... Ok what are we doing here.
Is this suppose to be some long winded post where you're pretending to be Butters from the Raisins episode of South Park?
Because if it is, you had me up until right there.
No ones really stupid enough to fall for a waitress.

I'm out.
Enjoy your restraining order OP.
It's not happening.

yeah you're really not bad. Which means there's plenty of other chicks out there. Seriously just move on. It's in everyone's best interest.

she's not a waitress, she works behind the counter on the register, and honestly i wouldn't care if she shoveled shit for a living, she's smart and funny and beautiful, and i like her for who she is, not what she does

>inb4 give up
Well, kid, it helps. I did. I'm happier that I have given up. At your age, don't count on women for anything.

apologize for being creepy and start being nice. Also, psychology says the more familiar you are to a chick, the more she starts to like you. so if she stops thinking of you as a creepy guy 7 and lets you hang around with her, eventually it'll pay off

i think

Then how did you meet her? At the very least youre not a god damn troll so you have that going for you.

What do you talk about to her? Do you think it's possible you sound like a "fuckboy" and thus undesirable?

1) alpha up
2) get drunk, and let her have fun.

3) profit!

kek, i don't think i'm quite that much of a stalker, i just want to get her out on a date with me

thanks user

like i said, i don't creep her out, the familiarity thing sounds like good advice though

was kind of weird, i was up at like 4am one night and posted how bored i was and anyone could inbox me if they wanted to chat, she inboxed me and we chatted shit for a while, i found her to be witty and funny and just awesome to talk to about everything, it wasn't until a few weeks later i realized she was the cute girl in the takeaway i'd always liked the look of, im pretty sure she doesnt see me that way, though i could be wrong,