
Tribal is best edition

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Now with more dildos and sergals.




One of life's many unanswerable questions

sergals are kind of herms right

I'm glad I waited.


No, they just have tongue things on their cooches.

No. They're a species.
That's a "prehensile clitoral hood", to use the stock phrase.

However, this one is a herm with the PCH and a dick.


How did you know about Uncle Chuck's special game? He said we were the only one's who could know about that...

Hopefully life quits shoveling shit in face.

Sergals a shit

so its not a penis because they are a girl

I really like ARA, but Pumzie is such a tease and so hot

But glowing naughty bits

Man, this is hard

No, it's not a penis, it's an entirely different body part that elongated and prehensile.

More like they are girls because it's not a penis.
It just kind of flops around, maybe grips things?
But it doesn't do other penis tasks. It's not thick, it's not hard, and it doesn't squirt.

What is the context?

Now I'm curious. Does that mean it's sensitive or just like another tongue?

It looks like it would be insanely annoying to deal with.

looks like a penis. you guys are doing mental gymnastics so you dont have to say you are gay


Most pics I've seen don't seem to indicate it's as sensitive as the clitoris itself, so more tongue-like.

Always ARA.

You must have a really fucked up penis then.

That's totally less fun then.

That is a sacrifice I would be willing to make.

Just which I like more out of the two

Maybe favorite feline character but I also really like Arlena and Alyxis too.

But Pumzie dude. She's so cute and spontaneous. And I think she has good taste in music

You'd need either special underwear and have to make sure to clean it properly all the time.

You look like a penis.
Also, you're the one doing mental gymnastics to try and makes us seem gay, even though it's been explained what it is.
If you don't understand some of the words used in the descriptions, which is fine, Google them.

no its more like one of the dog ones.... because theyre dogs
stop posting this shit in s/fur

Ara a shit

It's got some sort of purpose, but sensitivity isn't it.


Hmm. That is true. I'm not saying that one is better than the other or anything. I just always go with ARA, for reasons.

ur a shit

>says the one not contributing

I like ARA's looks a lot more, but the whole cyborg thing is kinda strange to me.

>ass-kissing :^)

I know :')

i'm not doing mental gymnastics. you guys put a thing on a girl that looks like a penis, but made it not shoot piss so you wouldn't have to come out of the closet

not contributing is better than shitposting

Le Labels

Right, right.

Deciding is hard

Heh well they both are great.

Yeah, after she took her face off and I saw the terminator, I;m not sure how to feel. But they're both so awesome



I haz a picture too.


I didn't mean it literally. D:
*hugs Iggy*

Nah man, I'm gay as fuck and wouldn't give a shit if it was a dick, but just because you want it to be one, doesn't make it one.
Is it so inconceivable that a fantasy creature might have different anatomy to us?

Then why are you doing both?


She needs a pair of Gargoyles


/bridges self

Cats are love

I mean, same thing with Cortana porn.
Though I'll admit the John-117/Cortana dynamic got to me.

see guys, this is what i feel like when you tell me not to post herms in s/fur


Cats are life

I think they grow big in Chernobyl and rural Ukraine


That's a different thing, mate.

That's one angry pussy!


Like another tounge, it normally shields the clitoris.

Think of it like foreskin but for the clitoris and it has muscles in it.

I always wondered why the artist that came up with this shit didn't give the males some sort of prehensile foreskin or protrusion of the foreskin or even just a prehensile penis to match the insanity that the females have going on.

not really


>Cortana porn
I never thought of this existing but I don't doubt that it does.

Must be shedding

Or that time of the month


Was probably too busy writing literally insane female characters at the time.
Hell, the trait was even redacted for a short period, so now there are sergalsaunas with all manner of combinations of tits and PCHs.

So, let's say my computer died and I lost my greasemonkey script for Sup Forums. Could one of you fine people point me in the correct direction?

Why are they so amazing?

I'd bet it's still Google's first result for Sup Forums x.

It protects the bits that are sensitive, and it can grab/stroke your dick.

Why do people struggle with this concept so much?

Well, I would argue because the BBC gets the majority of its funding and patrons through top gear

Without Clarkson they're sure to tank

My only issue was if it's AND(X,Y) or XOR(X,Y).

So I just watched The Loved Ones, and have this song stuck in my head.

PS I Really REALLY REALLY dislike drills.

>Not being into robits because they are robits




Nah, I think they're beautiful animals. They're also very large cats and that's pretty cool.

That guy looks like Charlie Kelly's more successful cousin

Reminds me of the study they just did about humans being uncomfortable touching a robot's "privates".


I don't see it. But it's definitely something Charlie would do.

More like rub-butt!

5th actually... but again thanks... it sucks when your stuff dies. So how is everyone?

the only context I can harbor for that song is Four Chords by the Axis of Awesome youtube.com/watch?v=PgFrVqUXS8I

That or maybe like rats




I'd probably be pretty uncomfortable too, to be honest.
That's weird, we touch people who can react and feel and love parts parts.



It's definitely a thinker.



I keep getting those "weird coincidences" that totally freak me out.

That too



Hey gents.

Woo repeating words
Also who's watching?
Only extreme pervs would touch robot privates...




got any comics guys?


there is a lack of good zootopia herms