Waifu claiming thread
>Post pics
Waifu claiming thread
>Post pics
underrated post
I like your waifu's brown jugs.
I'm in
INB4 deleted by OP
>not breast milk
Hey there Miho ;-)
Btw, Claimed!
Hey anons
Damn, 2% fat. What's her secret?
Kyouko claimed.
not sure if want lurk
if want cancer, am smoke cig
Is that cum?
Dubs are my waifu but they never notice me
2%milk 98%cum
Together we stand!
Riperino then.
Yea dubs are my bitch
Magical Gays
Knew it... Im gonna go bang my cat now
My nigger
Snowblind is still my favorite ever.
Nothing comes close (for me, at least)
Dis guy knows how dis works
Never saw this many megucas here at same time.
Psst, have the non ant version.
God damn, hey there Homura!
Bless you
Hey, I hope you're doing alright. Im feeling a bit apathetic and its better that I just go to sleep. Bye.
Fuck of weebs Sup Forums is a place for intelligent discussion and debate not dumb memes and autistic weebs
Shitpost intro aside how was your day so far
doing great, how are you today?
goodnight beautiful
you're not even the original at this point are you?
Nightie night homura-chan.
Magical Girl Takeover
>you still need to work on it
Da cheeze is life
I'll keep working on it.
I need dat figure
Kek, there is legit a wiki page dedicated to "Mami's mammies"
I can top that.
You know I prefer this one for her
I keked so hard.
d-did i just get bamboozled????
Very subtle gay
Oh my god.
Subtle, but still there :-)
hello kagami, while things are slow.
How are you doing in the real world?
army plans still going well?
You should have seen the Canada one for it was taken down.
Well, it is about 3 am over here in Eire, so ima gonna go hit the hay. Nightie night everyone!
it's going right now....i just gotta see about goin to emt school and all that lol, how about you yuuko? how have you been? i feel like we haven't talked in ages...
Have a goodnight.
Goodnight Mami-senpai
hi hi friends
hello nano!!! how goes it with you??
Hello Nano
Im heading out for now, have a great Cinco De Mayo everyone!
you always seemed wrapped up in conversation. Never wanted to interrupt.
EMT sounds like a grand career choice.
I am good. uuuhhhh school ended. which is a thing....i don't really do much....
hello nano
Nano, having a good day?
you wouldn't be interrupting silly, i kinda was inspired by shinoa honestly, i looking forward to it, except for the school....
school ending is good, are you enjoying your time off???
>sorry it took so long lol
>fresh milk room for 2
i-i can't....sorry, im not sure where shinoa is...
I got play of the game~!
>My greatest achievement today
i don't no what to do with my free time.
Any suggestions?
>other thread
i....uh....try picking up an instrument if you can!! im a worse offender for not doing anything lol
Congrats. Who were ya playing?
such things cost money.
I'll just end up shitposting more probably...
Thanks cutie!
>worse offender for not doing anything
o rly.
Fluffy Hair.
not too bad! been playin video games all day
hey there c: how are you feeling?
hello friend
sorry ;_;, that's all i do pretty much lol
how did it feel to see your name in lights like that?!?!
>i bet it felt good kek
maybe not...but i feel like im pretty bad lol
Yep, I have Steam, who doesn't?
I've been on my laptop since I woke up.
okay you got me beat....but if i didn't have a job, we'd be tied kek
>tfw i wake up on saturday and first thing i do is turn on my pc
It felt really good~ I was like
>That's right niggas, I'm the best
>Evil laugh
I'm too tired to keep going tho, I'm going to sleep now, have a goodnight~
Hungry. And it raining out and my roommate is to busy video skyping to go buy me food.
>tfw when up everyday and the first thing I do is turn my PC on.