Just saw the latest episode and I teared up like a bitch.
tell me how much of a fag i am.
I deserve it.
Just saw the latest episode and I teared up like a bitch.
tell me how much of a fag i am.
I deserve it.
You are the cringiest, fattest, pussiest, gayest, faggot in the entire world!!!
I fucking loved the last episode but it makes me wonder what they are going to do next season, I mean how much bigger than god can you go
OP is officially a faggot
i was thinking its gonna be about how God, the winchesters and Lucifer team up to defeat Amara
user what happened?
It's all good. Was a really good episode I mean finally they confirm Chuck is God the whole thing between him and Megatron was awesome
No Op Dean and Sam amazing. All women should blow them off just because they are Dean and Sam.
but if that is the next season how will this season end?
>how will this season end?
so far, with op being a faggot
The show is cancer and the fanbase is even worse
Probably in a cliffhanger in which Amara is about to destroy the Universe
Is "still a better love story than twilight" still a thing?
whats wrong with the show?
or do you just dislike anything without nigger cock in it?
I love it fuck anyone who doesnt
It's going to end with God destroying himself to kill Amara. That's the reason for the autobiography.
I've never seen this show. Are these people women? I see a tall-ish short haired lesbian woman in a coat and an ugly woman with long hair.
I hope not, I like chuck.
nice try faggot
its a spinoff from sex in the city, they hired only women with "sarah jessica parker looks".
I also see a third potential woman but the pixelization has destroyed her face
Same but think about it, the look Metatron got when he finished the book and Chuck was singing the song about being gone for good. He wrote the autobiography to ensure his legacy in writing rather than in being because the is the last time he's going to create anything, especially after the countless times he's tried before but Amara always fucks it up but he finally has something worth preserving.
Seriously fuck this show it's been shitty fan service since season 6.
It should have ended with Dean living happily ever after thanks to Sam's sacrifice at the end of season 5.
It was supposed to end with Cas revealing he was God; they kept a nod to the original script when Dean asked Cas that. But agreed, it should have ended there.
that would have been a nice ending, but I am also happy that they went on because I had many laughs at those bastards
episode of what?
Only reason they kept Crowley
what exactly am i looking at here?
ur moms rapists
They need to bring back Charlie, they better fucking bring her back! oh and cass's girlfriend
Two brothers with 11 season long sexual tension.
Hannah? She was meh. I'd rather see Meg back
Supernatural has made me shed a few years too. You're not alone, OP.
That show is still on?
I want that car
Meg not Hannah, Meg and Cass were the best
Plus, Cass never liked Hannah that way
I want Bobby back
Meg pegged Cas once or twice. Back when he was all about bees and shit.
Bobby and Gabriel.
Eh, Bobby lived probably longer than any hunter did. I don't think he has any unfinished business
Meg however, she and cas said that maybe they could've been together some other time some other place
I'd like to see Gabriel too, he always makes me laugh
They never confirmed if Gabriel was dead or not. There's a chance he could come back.
It's a great show!