Can we have a positive/"it gets better" thread?

Can we have a positive/"it gets better" thread?

Things in my life had finally seemed like they were looking up, but they all fell to shit again and I'm really stressed out. I know they won't stay this bad forever, but it seems pointless to try.

We don't need to kill ourselves yet. :^)

Bumping with sunny RDJ

Should have known that no one would help here either.

it absolutely does not get better.

there are people in nursing homes fighting the same back pain they had when they were teens.

you come to terms with loss, but then cannot kill yourself.

technology will only make it harder to stay employed. computers will take over shortly here anyway. fucked, we are, young padawan.

Okay, so, I'll off myself after I get my brother situated. Thanks for the positive reinforcement, brohas.

Explain your situation and I can help

In short:
>be me, just turned 20
>shitty roommate, 1 brdm apartment
>17yo brother has to move in
>have two jobs, neither give me hours
>finally got a job that's gonna give me hours
>in small amount of debt with electric bill and uncompleted commuinty college class
>brother doesn't have job, roommate lost job, pay for everything in the house myself now (rent, groceries, utilities, do all the cleaning)
>can't afford phone bill because of it now
>phone shut off yesterday
>can't start new job, they can't call me

It's stupid and miniscule but it's been killing me.

God, I'm pathetic.

Only reason I haven't offed myself yet is I owe my uncle money he loaned me for tuition. I don't see a point to life.

what kind of a roomate doesn't pay rent?

>can't afford phone bill because of it now
do you have a smartphone?
use the many apps that give you a number to text and make calls over wifi

Yeah if I didn't have to take care of my brother I'd have ended it a year ago, he's the only reason I'm alive because I know it would kill him if I died haha

A shitty one, as I mentioned. She lost her job, we've been friends since high school freshman year.

Yeah, I've already done that, but the wifi will be shut off by the end of the week since that was my roommate's job to pay. I can't afford the shoes I need for the job either so it's kinda pointless.

It gets better. Boot out roommate and brother if they're going to be fucking freeloaders.

What shoes do you need? If they just need to look nicish, go to walmart and pick up something knock off and cheap.

>wifi will be shut off
public library has free wifi. so does walmart, mcdonalds, burger king, etc.

Non-slip black shoes. I have a bunch of stupid foot problems so it doesn't make it easier.

You're right, you're right, I'll just sit outside the library 24/7 until I get a call from my new job. Thanks.

Roommate is on the lease, and brother has nowhere to go. Only person I love in the world, besides my s/o.


It does get better.
Wife left me took the kids for some accountant with a big house.
I'm a mechanic so couldn't compete when she just wanted money.
Move into best mates house.
Whole life down drain. Lost job, started drinking.
Feel like I wanna end it.
Start to come out of my shell.
Find work in construction because bluecollar.
Spend all money on good family lawyer.
Get to see the kids regularly, kids go nuts every time I see them, don't want to leave when mother picks them up. Still makes you feel empty inside.
But found myself a good woman, at a car meet of all places. Kinky as fuck and works in child protection, gets along great with my kids.
Keep working hard, land job for 100k a year in a warehouse, easiest job I've ever had, boss is my age basically he's a bro.
Have a deposit on a block of land 10 acres with water and power, subdividing with best mate who I currently live with, got it real cheap on the side of town that is constantly expanding.
Plans to build massive shed then house (live in shed while house is built)
Still hurts that I don't live with my kids but basically living the dream life.
Have a nice car, motorbike project car is coming along.
tl;dr Best sex of my life, good job, kids are happy, dream house on the way.
Things do get better but you've gotta work fucking hard.
Or maybe I'm just lucky?

Aw man brohas, I'm so happy for you. I know it does get better. I'm so glad you kept your head up and kept going with it. I know most of my problems come from me being too passive... but I'm glad at least one other person out there doesn't think life is shit.


I did for a long time there bud.
I had my car repossessed, worked on the fucking dole for a while.
There was days I'd just sit smoking staring at the fucking wall.
I worked shit jobs way below me for fuck all money.
Just keep pushin man.
Sun comes up tomorrow, if you've still got blood in ya follow your dreams.
If there's no point to life then fuck all your insecurities and fight every day for what you want.
Ask the girl out, apply for the dream job even when its the 1000th time you've been turned down, infact especially if its the 1000th time you've been turned down.
I went through years of shit.
It takes time but if you stay focused, stay on track.
Fuck get counseling it actually helps.
Keep a diary of shit you achieve each day.
You'll start to see that even a shitty day where nothing happens, if you push through the depression and put pants on you've had a small win. Stay positive man.

I've been trying the diary thing. The new job I got is fast food but it's better than nothing. I know I could be doing a lot worse to get money (camwhoring, actual whoring) but I want to at least keep my morals.
I'm just going to try my best and do what I can to move forward, or at least not sick any deeper.

Also you're not responsible for your shitty housemate.
People can be parasites and it sounds like you're this ones host.
It's noble of you to look after your bro.
Fuck if nobody else is gonna say it I'm proud if you for trying and looking for help.
Fast food is employment. It might suck. But you are more likely to get another job if you are already employed. Start climbing that ladder. Maybe you'll land a temp job in a call center or reception.
Do you have a dream job?
Work out the path of training you'll need and go for it.

Seriously though - I'd commented earlier as well, but it really does get better. I spent every winter from about age 16-28 or 29 being sure that 'this was the year I'd snuff myself out'. I'm 34 now and generally happy and have a good life. Age and time give perspective, and you will come out okay.
"There are worse things for the spirit, Nettle, than fatigue and sore feet, a little hunger and a little cold." Hang in there OP.

Such a good ending. I have a question about the wife thing. What inspired you guys to get married in the first place if you knew relationships could bring hardships? What would you be doing now, if you never got married?

I'm having a hard time thinking about what I want in life. I want to become successful and smart, partly because I want to, but what inspires me most is so I can get a girl to fall for me. I know my life would be easier if i didn't have to worry about being alone though.

and as this user said.
Your 20's can be fuckin shit.
The pain can kill you but everything you've survived so far is just shaping you to be stronger.
Look back at that diary in 5 years and see the shit you've survived and feel proud that you got through it. Because a lot of people don't.
Fuck one of my jobs was a piggery 45 hrs a week shoveling shit and slitting throats.
I'd go home stinking like you wouldn't believe get showered and work nights at a supermarket. Was clocking up 80 hrs a week and was still in debt for 2 years. I was 25-26 at the time. Started doing a night course on fridays learning how to weld. Nearly killed me. But you come out feeling like you can survive anything.

I need a thread like this so fucking bad

>be me have good job
>been at it for 10 months
>miss a day of work without calling in
>didn't have access to a phone and couldn't let them know
>get fired next day
>probably will live in my car for a few months

I'm trying to remain positive and think of it as a new life adventure but it's really hard too.

Advice Sup Forums?

We were young high school sweethearts.
I fucking loved her. I was working as a mechanic and she was a nurse. Got her pregnant at about 22. Got a mortgage on an old weatherboard 3 br house.
Her friends all had really successful husbands, dr's, IT dudes, old money families.
She started wanting a new car a bigger house.
I was earning like 35k a year and couldn't live up to her expectations.
Came home early one day and she's in bed with this guy.
Broke my heart.
Daughter was 2 and son was only a month old.
I beat the shit out of the guy with her screaming at me.
She left, took the kids.
I couldn't see the kids for ages because I was "violent".
Couldnt afford the mortgage, couldn't afford the car. Got fired from my job for being an angry dick because I hated everything.
Used to cry myself to sleep thinking about my kids.
But my mate offered me a place to stay.
Probably saved my life.
I tell that guy I love him all the time.
He actually helped me to look for work.
Kept encouraging me.
Thats when I started working at the piggery.

I mean I have two jobs already, I'm just hoping this one can consistently give me hours so I can make enough to actually thrive. But thanks so much for all the moral support!!!
My dream job would to be to work with teaching or translating a language. Learning languages is one of my favorite things to do and I want to be able to travel and speak around the world. But rip me being able to afford college for that haha.

Thanks. That means a lot.

That's bullshit I'm so, so sorry dude. Things definitely will get better for you. Hey, at least you have a car! Look on craigslist for jobs, those ones are usually more desperate and will hire quickly. I believe in you.

I'm sorry to hear that mate.
Are you rural or city?
Sometimes you can shower at camping grounds and that for free. get food stamps and look for community housing. Start applying for pleb jobs. Someone will see the hard work you're putting in and take you on, just make sure to work hard and they won't regret it. It might take a while but hang in there.

it gets better the second you let yourself believe it can. all of 2015 i was smoking weed and for the last 4 months i started doing coke and bars.. felt like life was meaningless and shit, but i became a christian and quit everything, been sober since christmas without a single relapse. i still had to deal with all the bullshit i was hiding with my drug abuse but a positive mind-frame that is constantly reinforced is key to being happy. i constantly reaffirm my positive mind-frame with the bible, but shit do you homie. find out what works and stick with it

Just so you know user's we are here for other anons you always have your family here at Sup Forums

You're other question.
I dunno what I'd be doing if i never met her.
Doesn't really matter you can't change the past and I wouldn't trade my kids for the world.

Your* fuck me I need to learn to spell check my shit and greentext. Ah well fuck it.

>things start going good
>family do their best to ruin everything
>stop speaking to my family
>things on the up again


Thanks for sharing, man. I really appreciate it.

I'll be your fam, fam.

I'm more in a city than rural there is still campgrounds in the area though. I have a gym membership and shower there, for now.
Being a single guy and trying to get community housing in the US is a joke. I'm not even stereotyping. If you aren't a minority single mother with 5 children you will likely not even be put on the waiting list, and by some chance if you are put on the waiting list you are put at the very bottom. I've had 3 different job interviews today, and 2 tomorrow. That's a start i suppose.

Did you ever wanted to become and IT, or an engineer yourself, and do you ever plan to pursue further education now?

I can't really identify. I'm more of a guy whose never had gf, is seen as a loser to his colleagues, and fears being a neet his whole life. I hang around an elite group of people, and have been called names, and told I'll never amount to anything, and its just, Ive been told these phrases so many times, I start to lose faith in myself. Ill never face the adversities you had, so theres a big gap between our priorities. But I see that life doesn't end in your 20s, and theres still always hope to get a well-paying job, but only if you keep trying.