Hey Sup Forums, will I regret skipping prom?
Hey Sup Forums, will I regret skipping prom?
Not unless you're a virgin.
I went alone and ended up nailing a quiet chick i never spoke to before then.
yes, prom is only once, and its typical for the human mind to regret a once in a lifetime opportunity
Fuck no. I never went and I'm a faggot who posts on a Mongolian finger puppet appreciation board, so you'll be fine
Mine is in two months and I am not going too :^)
It's not important at all.
It's only important to the small minded who feel things like this matter in life.
>Mongolian finger puppet appreciation board
that could be the most badass team name, the MFPAB
Only if you care about that shit, nothing special. Only as big a deal as you make it
I dunno maybe
I got thrown out of my hotel room on prom night and it was pretty hilarious and I think I would have regretted not going.
It's all circumstantial tbh
Yes you fucking idiot
If you have something better to do, dont go. But if you are going to shitpost on Sup Forums all night, you might as well go. What will it hurt?
>inb4 my wallet
Just wear a business suit, dont rent a tux
i regret going to it. rather i didn't
I would.
No I don't think so. I wish I skipped prom. It was just an expensive boring thing. If you want to get laid, you should just crash an after party and save $ and time.
Nah. Never went and i dont regret anything. If you're going to depend on high school for everlasting memories that are going to help you sleep at night, that would make you a pathetic being.
Never went to mine. Kissless virgin at the time, almost asked out this 5/10 nerdy girl to go with me.
Been on Sup Forums for almost 10 years now, and engaged to a normalfag woman now. You won't fuck up your life by not going.
Pics or it didnt happen bruh
I went and saw crank 2 in theaters instead of prom.
Got sexed up real good in college. Don't worry op,life doesn't end I'm hight school
no. i went. bunch of buddies and dates. i was "popular" as well. who the fuck gives about it tho...thats just my personality tho.
I don't regret it. I was working at McDonald's at the time and decided to make money instead. I vividly remember the sad appearance of me eating a double quarter pounder on a bench outside in a suburban plaza. I was content though, considering I wasn't fond of most of my peers anyway.
I went to prom without a date and had a great time just dancing with my friends. It's a dance, though, so if you're just going to stand around off to the side it's kind of worthless. It's obviously WAY cheaper to go without a date, since bring a date means buying a corsage, paying for dinner and transportation, and possibly buying her ticket as well as your own.
Will you regret it if you don't go? That depends on you. Are you the kind of person who regrets that sort of thing?
Only high school is the pinnacle of your life.
Also, if you're not someone who is enjoying high school, then not going is probably a good idea. But if you think you're going to miss high school and miss your friends in a year, then you should definitely do all the senior year bullshit that you can afford.
Probably. Ask yourself why you don't want to go and if the answer is rejection / fear, then you should go. It's rewarding to step outside your comfort zone, or at least important to try.
Wouldn't know. I went to prom 10 years ago.
It really depends on how attached you are to the people in high school. I didn't go and i completely forgot prom even existed until i saw this thread and its been about four years. No one i knew was going so i saw no point going alone.
Also, don't put pressure on getting laid and relax. Ironically, will increase your chances of getting laid (desperation is gross). People put so much baggage on supposed milestone events that it really fucks with having fun and misses the point.
Had other plans but i went to it with a girl that spent 2 months convincing me to go. waste of money and boring af. rather i went to the rave and done some shrooms .
Can go either way. Yeah it's once in a lifetime. But looking back it was one of the lamest nights ever, even with the sex. Go if you want, if it's disappointing don't give a shit. Just don't be one of those lame-ass seniors that think high school years are the best, and things will never be the same or as good, or any of that cringe bullshit.
No but don't skip college
Yes, what do you have to lose? "It's better to shit your pants than to die of constupation" - user
Underage ban
You'll never miss it. Such a useless and stupid event.
Eh, my son will be 18 in his senior year by prom time, no concerns here.
Prom is a horrible waste of money and time. You won't remember or care about it 5 years from now. Take the cash you would've spent on a suite, dinner, etc and go get a clean, classy hooker and a bag of blow. You'll have way more fun and remember it fonder than the time you awkwardly stood around in a gym for 2 hours listening to horrible music and trying to look cool.
Is that you jenn?
Yes, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's also a once in a lifetime opportunity to ruin prom for everyone else. Find a way OP. FIND A WAY!
Only fat ass neckbeards go to prom, faggot.
How ?
I didn't go I don't value shit dances with shit music I went to the after party where there was alcohol/drugs/good music. Only faggots that make high-school the highlight of their life care.
I pick up what you're putting down mia familia
If you regret going you'll only regret it for a few weeks, but if you regret not going, you'll regret it for months. So I'd say go to the prom.
No, I didn't go to my prom 20 years ago and now I'm the head line chef at Applebee's. Priorities bro!
Is anyone going that you want to see there? If your going to be a lonely wallflower, better to stay home and kick it.
I never went to mine and stayed home with my friends playing vidya and getting stoned. Not a regret for any of the 6 in attendance that night.
i skipped it. but then again i dropped out and got my ged junior year but i don't regret it.
lol no spend the money you would spend on dinner and the tickets and buy a hooker
Depends. Do you have a GF or not?
regret what?, are you really that much of a gringo?