ITT: Identity Crisis

ITT: Identity Crisis

Hey my fellow Sup Forumstards. My life is pretty confusing right now but let me just sum it up for you. little over a few years ago I used to hang and smoke alot with my fellow stoner pals. We'd get murked during school days and on weekdays. I loved getting stoned it was like being in a different mindset and seeing everything in a different perspective. But the only dealbreaker was, was that whenever we go to parties the only girls that were there were just your typical stoner sluts. Thing is I wanted a girl that wasn't a slut and is loyal. I have never come across a stoner that isn't a slut. So fast forward a few years I start making friends with the preppy kids and stop smoking pot. My old stoner friends all kinda got mad a bit but I thought whatever and they later agreed that its my choice I left them. So here I am trying to fit in with the preppy kids and I feel like I don't fit in and its literally the only way I could meet a girl that is genuine and isn't a slut. so far I've made a few friends with the preps and still no progress because most of them know I used to be a pothead. Sometimes I get the urge to want to smoke bud again, but I try my hardest to ignore the feeling. Also started smoking cigs on the downlow because idek anymore.

TL;DR Stopped smoking weed to start meeting non slutty girls.

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hit the gym and start looking at men

Trips! He must be correct

I know the feeling. Opiate addict going back to college surrounded by people I can hardly find reason to relate to, besides the virtue of pursuing higher education.

Do you try to talk to other people? Like make new friends with people that dont know you did that sorta thing?


Almost nobody knows what I used to/still sometimes continue to do. I was away from school for a year, and the only familiar faces I see are the staff. They're happy to see I'm doing better than I was 3 years ago. I've tried talking to new people and they seem to like me enough, but it's just hard for me to relate. They all say I'm extremely smart, but I never liked being told that, it just feels like another barrier.

I'm still in the process of learning who I am and how I fit in with all this mess.

why dont you get high and see how you feel

Thats exactly how I feel man, I just wanna fit in with them but I feel like I'm just the odd one out you know? A bunch of smart preppy asian and white kids and then theres me the one asian pothead. But yeah you're right just gotta figure out my true self. And I hope you luck making new friends man and Its good they see you as smart I guess you can tutor people and meet new friends from that.

I know how it'll be. I'll get stoned, want to smoke more again and start hanging with my stoner buddies get looked down on by my preppy friends. Haven't smoked bud in 3 months and the reason why was cuz of preppy friends and i'd feel socially awkward when I smoked

you cant run away from who you are, you can better yourself but you will always go in the direction best for you

So you think its better to just go back to my stoner friends? I don't know man

It's definitely been interesting, for better or for worse.

Try being an ex heroin user and tell me how hard it is to make friends because the whole town thinks you're a goddamn tweaker. Honestly man just do whatever you want. Just go out more

Where do you wanna go in life? Where do your stoner friends want to go in life?

I guess you have it worse than me man, I'm sorry to hear.

My stoner friends dont really talk much of their future they just pretty much talk about getting baked and selling bud. I got into this one college and I wanna pursue home renovation businesses

So it looks like you have different (actual) goals that differ from your stoner friends. Do you think they will hold you back from accomplishing your goals if you're hanging out with them and smoking bud all the time?

Listen I've had hundreds of stoner friends being their plug and shit. I've fucked tons of girls for the same reason. None of those people, the ones I've fucked or hung out with, matter now that I'm in the working world. Only a few close ones who I can always be myself with have stayed through the years and that's how I want it. You plow the path they'll follow in your wake, you don't have to conform to preppy faggots to get laid, and not all stoner chicks are sluts. What matters is experience and how fun and engaging your time on earth is. Being true to yourself will make it better, so just smoke a bowl faggot.

All they wanna do is smoke, they skip the classes im in regularly and when they do go to class they are high most of the time.

Then I would leave most of them behind. They're only going to drag you down man; are they trying to get you to skip too? Don't put your GPA at risk for bud, because you can't just willy nilly fix your GPA if it's 'broken'

Damn dude.. that shits actually inspiring. Fuck social constraints, if they are my true friends then me smoking pot shouldn't deter them from me. I wish I could come across a stoner girl that hasn't fucked like 10 other guys :(

also I know this is kinda stupid but how come after I smoke bud I feel a little dumb, not retarded but like I just feel like my memory gets a little shit and I kind of become a slow thinker.

I guess you're right man. Smoking a little weed on the side without them knowing won't hurt I guess.

all girls are sluts
everyone smokes
just be youself and do wat you want nigga

Prep girls are sluts too. You're looking for the shy or introverted curious type. they're typically inexperienced and loyal. And can get crazy if you convince them.
Your new friends aren't letting you in because groups of people just don't work like that nowadays. Not in workplaces, college, or any where else for that matter. It's like everyone is fighting to stay friends or make new friends before they convince themselves they will never make friends. You're new friends probably smoke pot or want to try pot but they think you might have because in all likelihood someone they know used to know you and that's how this information leaked. Give it some time and you may be asked to deal some dope some time. Make sure you can handle yourself, and you don't express any negative personality traits that my conflict violently with those customs and ideals of the 'prep' type.
I know where you're coming from Sup Forumsruah. And yeah, prep kids smoke pot, I've chilled my fair times. They're usually boring too, since who can you blame? They spend all their time doing homework, we watch anime and browse Sup Forums, listening to music of all types and taking surveys and researching everything imaginable and that includes fappin. Worlds colliding. Surely there is something each of you have to offer to the other? Even if it's a girl. Just ask some of your new friends.
But be warned, anyone can simply drop a secret they have on you and fuck you out of any chance with a qt you may have. choose your prep friends wisely and if you don't feel like you fit in and they just aren't accepting you for who you are, start distancing yourself from them by doing more important things.

>best friends growing up with some of the worst drop outs today, dealers and drug fiends (smoked weed, insane chick)
>by junior and senior year of highschool I was friends with magne cum latte and richest, over achieving students (smoked weed, sluts, threw orgies apparently)

Now I'm alone. Wondering - what's next?

If you want a loyal girl, find a girl with a purpose. I don't know if you're in highschool, or college, or just know preppy people, but usually motivated/ambitious girls were genuine and not slutty. Actually, if I knew how old you were, it might help.

Im a senior in highschool heading to college after the summer. I feel like it'll be a fresh new start for me.

I'm actually a highschool senior too where you off to for college?

Oh my God dude you literally hit it right man. I do want a shy kinda introverted girl more cute than she is hot. Also the fact that you said worlds colliding people meeting new people you hit it right man, preppy kids focusing on homework boring shit and you got us 4channers and stoners playing vidya, watching anime and fapping. tbh Im not ashamed of it

Im canadian and im heading to a college called Humber

This spectrum of friends included everyone in-between. I knew furries and weeaboos. I was friends with most everyone and that included teachers and even a few bullies. I was well rounded, and only had one partner those four years. She ended up cheating on me after a year maybe shorter and I just liked the sex so did nothing until she dumped me. She wasn't unique. She was self centered. Reclusive. Easily persuaded. And couldn't make decisions for herself. She didn't have a taste the imaginative.

All-in-all OP. The social group of girls has nothing to do with who they really are. Not until you meet this girl and find out what you have in common and in what ways you are different can you take the next step into building a relationship for yourselves and finding out what each of you really enjoy and who you each want to be.

>I know you know who the slutty ones are.
>Take an Aspie Test if you aren't sure.

If they offer STEM. See if you can't find the one or two girls in it. They won't be pretty, but they will be lot and good conversation.

Well there are some cute girls in the preppy side but they don't acknowledge me considering I'm beneath them cuz stoner. and on the stoner side most of the girls there either had sex with my pals and fucked a few guys. So yeah thats my ordeal and I'm pretty dumn sure I don't have assburgers either considering I act the way a normal human being is intended to act.

STEM? Whats that?

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

Ah okay. Im going into Renovation Technician so thats outta the question

At the very least find a girl going into a difficult major. No business or hospitality or bullshit majors. Girls who are busy don't have time to cheat.

I guess you're right but that means less time together. Well whatever can't have the best of both worlds I suppose.

Also if you smoke weed, don't let anyone including yourself convince you you have a personality disorder.
This Identity Crisis is probably just looking in a mirror asking yourself who you've become.
Obviously awesome right?

Start learning about other cultures and what culture is. Look into sociology. What makes you so different from other people and what makes you so alike? Start working on skills and learning valuable information you may use to your advantage for the rest of your life. Question everything.

'Preps' tend to just do their homework, and that's what makes them so 'smart' but today they're just rich and pampered with little care for anything or anyone else but themselves and those they care about, that's something kids learn from their parents just as much as racism it seems to me.

Just focus on yourself. And don't be stupid.

So just disregard what others think and discover new cultures. okay that seems pretty easy. I always had a thing for bookish shy introverted girls, so um what kind of culture would they be considered in and how do I go about meeting some?

Things will get better once you're finished highschool

You're a faggot and you're young. When you grow up there are no "preppy kids" or "stoners", just people. Anyone who hangs on to the titles past high school is an immature faglord.

Do what you fucking want. Have friends who would judge you based off the company you keep - they're not your friends. They only like the mask you wear and they are likely wearing one too.

Defining yourself is like biting your own teeth - you can't do it. Just do what you like and fuck the people who don't like it.

I hope

Well im a senior in highschool so I guess I can still define others with thise terms kek. But yeah I guess you're right. Just be myself

You want my personal advice bro?
Find a girl you like. Figure out what she likes, and what she is like. Her astrological sign. what is her favorite season? What is her favorite music?
Study both an ancient and modern civilization that utilizes instruments in its music that some of her favorite musical styles include. What might her temperament say about her interests and tastes? Learn what foods are cultivated and traded to and from where and how they are traditionally prepared and/or eaten. What is the legal system like and how were these countries and civilizations founded and built?
Find out how much it costs to visit these places. What are the languages spoken? Are there study abroad programs in these regions? Learn how to bartend and mix drinks commonly made around the world.
Anyway, don't get caught up ni modern feminist and furry culture types. I mean ancient peoples and actual customs and practices found widespread. what is family and work life like in the middle east as opposed to northern russia?


you may continue user. You have my attention

You have the upper advantage that most people, not just girls, know little to nothing about what really goes on in other countries who aren't at war with America. You can use this as leverage to compare and contrast those ideas and political practices around the world that you've studied to your own and manipulate a girl in anyway you see possible or fit. Of course you want a girl who can make decisions on her own in my personal opinion. These girls are more interesting to talk to. But in the end are you just looking for love or for one night standers?
I believe you can live a fulfilling and happy life knowing and wondering what is really out there. But girls who can't care about that have never had that spark with me.
Maybe it's something deeper in the mind that says, "If this man were thrown into another country at random, would he survive and know where he is and what he's doing?" That's sexy to women whether they realize it or not.
A man who could go anywhere in the world and be prepared for what ever he may find.

I guess you're right man. I just think its tough to be knowledgeable on all those things you know?

And what better way to start than to realize that we are all actually the same on some physical and mental level? Girls and women throughout history haven't had anything similar to what they have today; luxury, education, expression, power, equality, opportunity. I find it is just as easy for women as it is for men to get distracted from the things that really matter in life. things like love, and truth, bravery and character, things that ancient writers spent entire lifetimes writing about. These are things that all cultures, races, and each sex share in common to some extent. This is where that interest comes into play.
If you can see from the perspective of another person living on the other side of the world with the accessibility of internet you have today, you should find it easier to develop an opinion on another country's problems and decisions. How many perspectives are there to an issue?

If you can see yourself landing a foreign chick with relative ease, some preppy material girl no matter how shy and introvert honestly, shouldn't even concern you. But if you're looking for loyalty.


Never understood why kids who smoke weed only hang out with other kids that smoke weed... i guess it's so you can mooch weed off them when you run out of money.

Anyway something you should know is there are sluts in every social group, preppy girls can be even worse because they'll slut out for money, status or just to get back at daddy.

Good girls are rare in western society, you just gotta get out and look until you find what you wanted.

Your first mistake was assuming that preppy chicks were inherently better than stoner chicks. Then, you tried to force yourself into a new group to try to get at their females that you had a false sense of greater worth about.

Are you in fucking high school? This is literally the stupidest thing I've ever fucking read. Why don't you go post this on reddit? Holy shit I'm pretty sure even they would tell you to leave... Underage, b&

Ahaha what a guy. Im 18 and Im about to leave highschool so kek

You're gambling on whether or not a women has just as good a judge of character as yourself. Identity crisis is just character. Are you a person any girl can see herself having fun with? Are you the kind of person you think any girl could have fun with? These are different. How you see yourself and who you want to become ultimately comes from inside. Sure I have all these possessions that say a few things or more about myself. But in the end it's how I feel and what I think about those things and people I'm constantly surrounded by that matters the most. This is the idea that has come to help shape who I have become today.
And I'm doing just fine being single. That's another thing, if you aren't happy single, you aren't gong to be happy in a relationship. Of course I've heard this from another user so it is of course open to interpretation. But as men, we need to learn what entertains us, and what keeps us motivated.
How do we influence others?
What actions do we make and what influences our own actions?

tbh man, good girls out there are either taken or just rarely exist.

believe me bro youre far too young to start a healthy long lasting relationship, cant believe you ditched your bros to go hang with a bunch of too cool twats, nice going asshole

decent loyal girls are fucking hard to come by and they probably dont want depressed cunts who dont know what theyre doing (me included)

Well I didnt ditch them per se. I still talk and hang with them every now and then but I don't smoke with them anymore.

Also Im not depressed or clueless been in 4 other relationships been single for the longest time rn tho

so why do you feel this urge to have a loyal gf? why do you need a woman

(same poster here)
ive also been in a few relationships my longest was 3 years, and i regret most of it

Because all the girls I've been with either cheated or got bored of me. Having friends helps but I just want to meet a loyal girl soon. Being single feels lonely and boring

Damn dude at 2 years you'd think you've truly found the one. my longest was 5 months.. but then again thats highschool

He's right but it's rarely one individuals fault that an entire groups of friends stops hanging out with one other person. If you saw your stoner friends (usually fucking stupid, mooching thieves) becoming a negative influence on you and you wanted to hang out with other people for a change and your old friends can't understand that then they weren't worth it.

And yea, try not to worry about too much about women, worry about yourself first. You aren't too young though, but you should understand how to take care of yourself before you take on some girl who the two of you believe you can support. This is why you should...
>pic related

it is
use this time to your utmost advantage

I was gonna tell you to find some middle ground because as adults we tend to lose these rigid groups but trips have spoken

Why the fuck don't you just smoke bud by yourself, you don't need a bunch of asswipes to enjoy bud.

I'm a black man, but I sometimes imagine myself as Chloe Moretz when I do daily activities such as walking and doing chores. Sometime late last year, I dreamed I was a white woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore a Christmas dress while going to class and grocery shopping.

This locks her in for the rest of your life by the way.
>pic related

I recommend the book She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman

I fucking hate her voice and the way she talks but hey, this could be beneficial

I did that for the most part, but isn't it bad to smoke by yourself? I heard someone say people with problems often smoke by themselves. I think its BS though

yeah well i was 17 and basically moved in with this chick and helped pay bills after i got a job in a factory and shit she had a kid to another dude, looking back its just like what the fuck... but i have alot of great friends and regular girls if you know what i mean, lifes good, i just cringe on the past haha

well that should tell you something about yourself and girls around you, just take time to readjust and the girl will come to you and you know it will be right, just stop searching and kick back and enjoy life

I guess just stop looking for girls and hopefully one day I'll come across one for being myself and enjoying life.

In college, your hottest chicks will be some of the smartest, like yourself (just not a chick of course unless that's your bag).
Which means one way to grab these girls attention in to have an opinion, to be outspoken on anything you could possible cover in any class. Not all classes will allow you the opportunity to express your opinion - but for those that do, you need to take that advantage.
At this point, the question of what turns women off becomes more important.
What turns women off emotionally, sexually, physically, and in any other way?
What turns you off OP>?

mah nigguh


daz it mayn, you got it

What turns me off? Really snobby bitchy girls

It's BS :)

Thats so weard. A simmilar thing is happening to me.

Guys OP here, didn't think this thread would actually get some real helpful advices but hey there are a plenty. Its people like you that make me think there's still some kindness in this crazy world we live in.

How so?

I think it would be an honor to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth before she dies.
I'd get my own family crest and I could start a new family tree. I think that would be dope as hell.

Really snobby bitchy girls are usually hot. Girls who think they deserve special treatment because of their gender.

>Don't worry bitch, I open the door for anyone.

That would be pretty dope man. Really? Is it weird I find cute girls more attractive than hot girls?

Does it matter? When you say hot I know what you mean, and when you say cute I think I knew what you mean as well. Is it the satisfaction you think you'll derive from the reactions of cute girls?
Also try not to be biased towards women based on their looks, it can be easy to do so and hard not to. Women who aren't on my 600 pound life are usually quite beautiful and mysterious creature like they say.

I find cute girls hot. But it's hot to me when a girl knows what she's doing and has the optimism in bed to try and learn new things.

>not weird at all, just find different terms to use because slutty girls can be cute too