Hey Sup Forums. A wire in my input jack on my guitar got ripped off somehow. Where on the input jack would i solder the wire back on?
Hey Sup Forums. A wire in my input jack on my guitar got ripped off somehow...
I think
Very carefully
If i could get more pictures from different angles that would be very helpful
the part that has a blob of solder and a little piece of wire hanging off dumdum.
if you ripped off both wires, same x2... except you need to make sure the ground wire goes to the ground.
Hmmm, it appears to be a micrometer. It's supposed to be able to measure as little as a thousandth of an inch. Good find, user.
Better pics please. I don't know what goes to what. Get a close up of all the connectors and where it got ripped off.
>Electronics tech.
>UNLV 1985
Lets see that shit op.
lol shut the fuck up you dried up maymay
solder it back to where that big glob of solder is with no wire attached to it
underrated comment
Is that Bob?
You ever use micrometers before faggot? Jesus.
>buts that's an output jack
Is that Brent Hinds new signature V?
nigger never used a micrometer before
dime bags signature