Sup, Sup Forums.
It's been a while. Just got out of the loony bin. On Klonopin and feeling better.
Want to know why you should never date a horse girl?
Sup, Sup Forums.
It's been a while. Just got out of the loony bin. On Klonopin and feeling better.
Want to know why you should never date a horse girl?
No user why dont you tell us.
I'd like to know. Just lost my girlfriend ibe had for over 4 years.
She was a horse girl.
they'll spit the horse cum in your mouth when you aren't looking
Horse girl: (n)
A girl who owns a horse and/or has her social media profile picture set as her and her horse. Accuses people of pretending to be "country" on a constant basis. Generally emotionally unstable and all around insane.
"Dude that girl at the show last night was cute."
"Nah man she added me on Facebook... She's a horse girl."
This girl wasn't just unstable. She wasn't just insane. She wasn't just a horse-fucker.
Actually, I don't think she fucked horses at all. No promises, though.
We'll call her Madi, as that's her name. And she's the reason why you should never, ever date a horse girl. Don't do it. Do not fucking do it.
I'll start.
Madi was one of those girls with rich parents, filthy rich parents, a sicko brother who you knew wanted to fuck her, a father she kissed on the mouth long past when it was normal. She was the same way with her horse, but maybe she was just like that. Anyway.
I met her back in high school. We went to this fancy private school, black-and-white uniforms with stiff buttons. She always rolled up her skirt so you could see the bottoms of her thighs.
I wasn't much to her, not at first. I played volleyball, I wasn't rich, but I had a good drug connection. I didn't realize it at the time, but that's what drew her to me.
Listening to you user.
tuned in
I came over to her place to deliver her some adds. Her brother wasn't home, her parents were gone. I didn't normally deliver, but for any girl who had big eyes and a nice body and was that short, shit, I'd do anything. If drive half an hour. More. She was probably about 45 minutes away. But I did it.
She asked me to stay, some minor pretext, and somehow we ended up on her couch, and then on her bed.
Like a horse-girl or a girl horse?
So that was her junior year of high school. My senior years. When she saw me at school she never talked to me. I should have found that suspicious, but her brother and I had a couple glasses together and I honestly never could stand that Napoleonic motherfucker. It probably went both ways. She never introduced me to her parents, her friends, nothing.
I did. My mom loved her. She was over god damn near every weeknight, always busy on the weekends, but every weeknight she was with me. My girl.
I should have known what her dad would do when he found out.
A girl who had a horse and liked horses a lot. Fucking inbred.
Gary!? What are you doing here!?
Anyway. I'm gonna continue.
I guess it's not fair to say that it's something her dad did. Madi did it, it was all her choice.
So, as well as owning a horse, she has to be inbred.
We never officially dated. She said she had commitment issues, said her grandparents wouldn't approve, her parents would approve, said she wanted them to think she was saving it for marriage. I dunno. A lot of excuses, and I was dumb for taking them at face value. I won't make that mistake again.
I don't even know if I can tell this next part. It makes me shaky and ill and furious to think about.
I can try.
And no, she's not inbred. You're inbred. Stop fucking up my flow.
did you ever get nudes op ?
sup im on ativan. whats going on .
because she'll convince you to kill for her like in wayne's world
you got cucked by a 2 foot horse dick, happens to the best of us
I don't even know if I can write this. I'm just... disgusted. Empty.
I came to her house one night when I knew her parents would be gone. I had some extra adds. Some dabs to be did. It was gonna be a good night.
Her brother's car was in the driveway, but at that point, I knew him and he knew me. We stayed out of each others' ways. I sold to his friends, not to him, and he never asked me. He was probably getting it through his sister anyway.
Fuck. I hate him.
I don't think op is coming back and I don't think he ever got nudes
Lol. She never sent me nudes. Snapchat nudes, yeah, but does that count? You can't keep them.
Also I've been posting, be patient
Adds are Adderall. Is that a regional thing?
shoulda screenshotted op lulz
does she fuck the horse?
otherwise I'm not reading this thread.
I'll continue. I snuck around the back, the way I always did (I'll let you make your own "back door" jokes here. You're welcome to. She's a Catholic, so she was a pretty big butt slut).
I went to her door--three back from the corner of the house, and knocked on the sliding glass gently. I didn't want to scare her, but I didn't want to make a racket.
Let him finish the fucking story, you Aspie rehtards
As soon as she saw me through the glass, she tried to cover up what she was doing, make it look like it wasn't that at all. Her brother's pants were somewhere on the floor; I'll let you figure that one out.
I hate this, I hate this. I'll try to tell the rest.
>inb4 dinosaur
you should just an hero on camera
I like the amount of incest, but dissapointed by the lack of horse cock.
I'm tentatively waiting. Hopefully no dinosaur
>bumping for epilogue
I wish I could say that I did something dramatic and vindicating but I didnt. I probably yelled, probably pounded on the door. I don't remember. I think I punched a wall or something because my hand was bloody after that and my knuckles have been kind of uneven ever since but I didn't do anything that made me fee better, and she locked me out, wouldn't let me in, and I ended up leaving a little bit after the rain started.
And I thought that was it. I thought that was over. My mom was heartbroken, thought she was the one, etc etc, none of it matters. I didn't want to tell her Madi was a fucking slut, stupid whore, never the girl my mother thought she was. Fuck her, dudes. Just, like, thinking about it makes me furious.
But that wasn't where it ended, because she called up her dad. And I live in California, where there isn't a Romeo and Juliet law. And I was 18, and she wasn't.
You know where this is going.
I'm just gonna bump with centaur porn.
This Horse story was turning me on tho'
Stop bumping with horse cocks, you fucking degenerates
Sorry for the mess op. Dont get messed up over a woman, love sucks.
>horse tits
Because they're fucking crazy. This is common knowledge OP. They're just crazy cat ladies with money
So, to be clear, she was fucking her brother, op?
all I saw were horse cocks.
I think that was implied pretty heavily.
just waiting for the rest of the story
I don't want to go further. I don't think I can talk about it too much without giving my hometown away, but Sup Forums, it got bad. I've got a restraining order out against me by her, all the people I knew in high school think I'm a rapist, all that good stuff.
They dropped the forcible rape charges, probably because they knew they couldn't get anywhere. Her dad's a lawyer, but he probably isn't stupid, even though his Lannister grandkids will be.
It doesn't matter though. I could move to another country, another state, I'd still be a sex offender.
There's no happy ending. No friends, no job, nothing. There's just one lesson, and it's five words long.
Don't date a horse girl.
This is the kind of horse girl we are talking about?
Any questions?
Was her brother a horse?
dem trips demand a continuation. Plus the sheer power of anonymoose can find out who she is with all those pics you dumped, dumb fuck
Jesus man, I'm sorry that kind of bullshit happened to you. What happened in court?
and that's how a low-life drug dealer gets used for drugs by a rich girl
Her brother was not a horse.
If it helps you with your masturbatory fantasies, though, then sure. He was a horse.
I don't give a fuck, fuck her
>Lannister grandkids
Dude, I don't even think I'm allowed to talk about it. A lot of bullshit, a lot of crocodile tears. I don't think the jury was real convinced but she's small and cute and looks a hell of a lot younger than she is so it didn't matter much.
All I got nailed on was child annoyance and some other bullshit thing, it could have been worse. But it's bad.
Shit man, just try to keep your head up in the meantime
so now you're a registered sex offender and life sucks eh?
So you're saying all women with horses are incestious freaks, no wonder you got into so much trouble with that level of shit tier critical thinking
I will never date a horse girl. thank you OP.
It's an exaggeration, yeah, but horse girls are all fucking nuts, not just Madi. You think I'm wrong? Go date one.
Damn OP, I thought mine was bad.
She was a horse girl for a few years before I knew her, rich parents, emotionally unstable, the works.
When she dumped me, she started drugging up with everything she could smoke, dated like 8 people in a span of 2 months, and said I was responsible for all her fucked up anxiety shit.
I'm sorry Sup Forumsro.
I actually dated one in high school, she was an only child though. Total cunt, but its why I love centaurs so much.
Damn, sorry to hear that user, that's some rough shit. Much respect.
I know a horse girl. Knew her when she was 16 just a neighbour, she was a compulsive liar, she got knocked up at 18, the government took the baby away from her! Haha. She worked as a whore and stripper now she just shat out another baby. Her Facebook is all horse shit.
So one of my closet friends has a 13 year old sister with a horse.
And she's the type of person who just smiles and everyone gives her exactly what she wants.....
As much of an awesome bro my friend is, I can see his sister being a horse-girl...