plenty of people on Sup Forums who wouldn't need such a scenario to want to fuck their sisters
For me, would be a tough decision. And unlikely she would consent anyway so human race is pretty well and fucked
Plenty of people on Sup Forums who wouldn't need such a scenario to want to fuck their sisters
also if artificial insemination is an option which is not specified in the prompt that could work i guess, but even so the grandkids would be forced to intermarry as well. Its not a lot of genes going around so the chances are like 100% of retard babies
maybe we can find a sperm clinic in this apocalyptic wasteland
It worked for Adam and Eve. A it is.
>tfw only child
Deifnitely option B. Fuck the human race we suck ass anyway.
that was a fucking children's book lol
Option A.
B..we are a virus. And sister gets anal.
This is very true.
yeah but here's a point to be had
If we suck, it is only because we have the capacity to evaluate that we suck. and most of the things that suck like war, poverty and pollution require a huge population to happen anyway. So if we go extinct there is noone to observe the "better world without humans who suck." there's just going to be animals who couldn't give two shits anyways. Your assessment that we suck may even be valid, but its a point made by a human brain one that grew up in the easy days of civilization I might add. modern civ is like easy mode for survival to an age where you could have the mental capacity to observe that fact
I feel you bro. RIP human race
would fuck my sister multiple times, might not even come out retarded, worth the risk at that point
Dubs checked.
Even if I wanted to mate with my sister, she's too old to have children.
Jokes on you, I only have a step-sister. And we've been fucking since she turned 14.
B, my sister is a fucking whale
Sexually, I would only need a rediculous stash of pornography that I could easily acquire from abandoned computers or nearby stores.
She and I would find a nice mansion to live in.
For food, we would live off grocery store food till that spoils, and then we would start a garden.
For energy, I would collect solar panels
I don't need to fuck my sister to be satisfied in this hypothetical post-apocalypse. What are you sick?
Nah, fuck your sister, eat the babies.
retarded babies is a possibility but at the same, the more babies you have the less the chances of them being retarded and the higher the chances for mutations. so I say. Have as many babies as possible with her, increase the gene pool through mutations.
Why would you try to save humanity from extinction? We should be. We deserve it. Have you seen the republican primaries?
edgy and unfunny
Are you 12? Are you leafy?
Yeah and also there are not doctors so good luck delivering that many babies with no problems.
My sister and I are both female. Sex would not produce babies. Only sadness.
I thought it was merely an elegant solution to the problems of sexual frustration and finding reliable sources of protein.