Donald Trump to start a world war with China?

Donald Trump to start a world war with China?
Remind me why you idiots like him again?

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Of course not, don't discuss politics if you don't know what's going on.

>He doesn't know that Donald J. Trump is an isolationist
>He doesn't know that Donald J. Trump was against the Iraq War as it would destabilise the region (which it did)
>He doesn't know that Donald J. Trump wants nothing to do with conflicts anywhere in the world apart from those in the United Staes of America

He didn't explicitly say that he was going to war with China, I think he was talking more about the Middle East.

Better than being owned by China, which is right where Obama and Hillary will take us.

Thats why we need a politician like Bernie, free education for all.

I actually don't believe that he said that.

There's no such thing as free. Ever.

i ain't clickin that shit nigger

Yes there is? When you don't pay for something?



Someone has to pay for it.

everything is free, moron.

>Military Isolationist.
>Constantly says he wants to close all overseas military bases unless the countries pay us to keep them open and we make a profit off them.
>Hates Neocons.
>Literally the only non-neocon who ran as a Republican this year besides Rand Paul out of the 17 candidates.
>OP thinks he will do war with China.
The closest thing he was implied to war with China is a trade war because he wants to bring back factory jobs to the US. Also Hillary openly describes herself as a neocon.

Nothing is free. Ever. Right now somebody else is getting fucked up the ass to pay for your "free" shit, but eventually your ass is going to get fucked.

Hard. Long and hard. Right in the ass.

What you actually need is a higher standard of education. Free education is worth fuck all when it churns out illiterate, self loathing socialist morons who think mayonnaise is a gender.

Hey buddy. You just blow in from stupid town?

so other people get fucked in which way, while i breath my free air?

Trump is not going to start a world war with China.
Trump is going to end a world war with China.
Make America great again - Vote Trump!

He's not even "Self Funded" anymore. No surprise since he never was.

Pretty sure air is free. There is a tax on gas and cigarettes though
