What is Sup Forums smoking tonight?
What is Sup Forums smoking tonight?
Nothing. Im a weekend toker
looks like decent pot
well done op
your chance for a decent job
Not easy to get my hands on any kinda drug where I live...
>Hurr weed + good job = no because I surrd.
what type of jewish hell hole do you live in user
Nothing because my states not legal and all the dealers around me are the $30 a g kinda dudes.
Living in freaking Japan.
That stuff here is goddamn expensive for a tiny amount, also if you get caught using drugs or under the effects of it, you're so fucked.
>My guy.
Its Friday where Im at so gonna smoke some later.
Menthol clove?
Fucking kill yourself immediately.
Nothing, because i'm not a fucking loser.
think its time to move user
Clean air and your mom's pussy. All stoners/smokers a worthless faggots.
It's the strongest shit though.
33mg tar.
>Tech manager
>Make great bank
>Smokes every day
Try again
>33mg tar.
>It's the strongest cancer though.
Some Bruce banner.
Clean your nails you fag.
Check'd, I am also a grown man, drugs are for teens and faggots.
Why would I be?
Fools like you on the b ball court.
Smoking some blackberry kush.
I'm smoking some cock
White widow mmmmm
Ill probably ty to resin-hit my pipe but im dry atm
Lol my state is one of the most against pot and I can still get medical grade for 30$ an 8th
Where u at, man?
Strong af headband