Guy from other thread, no longer trying with women so I'm letting /b decide what the ladies hear from me.
Just nothing that could potentially get me arrested is all I ask for, will 100% deliver.
Dubs decides this girls fate
Guy from other thread, no longer trying with women so I'm letting /b decide what the ladies hear from me.
Just nothing that could potentially get me arrested is all I ask for, will 100% deliver.
Dubs decides this girls fate
Screenshot I posted in last thread
Hey cutie ;) can I put it in your booty?
u liek harry poosie
what is written on your shoulder?
don't be a faggot
dubs, trips, quads, etc. have to be the last digits
if i roll dubs tell her you want to spooge on her glasses
Also considering doing this to girls on OK cupid and shit if you guys are interested in more lulz, I'm just trying to pass these 10 hours of work by, and trolling people is the best way to do it
write her this:
Hey my cool online friends, I am also considering doing this to girls on OK cupid and shit if you guys are interested in more lulz, I'm just trying to pass these 10 hours of work by, and trolling people is the best way to do it
Lol too late, whatever we can start fresh if she responds, I've got others
Dubs decides this fate.
Also other girl unmatched me
you have a monkey mouth, can I feed it a banana?
do you already have herpes and aids? I dont wanna buy condoms.
Damn dude, I cringed slightly here
It only takes some tits to get with a hot guy like this.
She responded lul, wtf, dubs decides next
jk I have some condoms.
your place or mine?
there are no virgins on tinder
only temporarily unbroken hymens.
My name is no. My name is no. You need to let it go. Need to let it go.
Ask her if she'd be down to roleplaying as Trump on Hilary.
Oh, and are you on the pill; I don't plan on pulling out.
What is love?
So do I send just re, or what the other guy said he wanted me to say?
you go for the post that was rerolled for.
this would be jesus you must be new af
Other guy op.
Yeah, a little, but at least I'm delivering
i am too tired right now be give you all the sarcastic greentexting you should recieve.
Girl from the original post responded.
Dubs decides
Respond, dubs again.
this thread is full of betas
You heard me, stupid fucking bitch.
Send the image I attached with the message.
Dubs, Tits, or GTFO
Probably, oh well man, it was nice to have a good laugh for a minute
kek, re
i dont need one :)
She responded
why did u swipe right then, huh?
you don't have a chance to keep from being raped
No dude, that's too close to jail territory, I'll post anything that isn't going to me thrown the fuck in jail
Prepare to join the "1 in 5" group
you can't go to jail for telling someone they'll get raped, just don't say you're going to rape her and you'll be fine
reroll for this
I heard that in the Philippines when a baby is crying, you suck on its penis to get it to be quiet so I guess that makes me filipino.
it works on my too ;)
Winrar. OP post "his**"
Get you fucking pronouns correct
ehh well yes but a good rule of thumb would just be to not say 'rape' in general (not op btw)
You can't fool me OP
>a good rule of thumb would just be to not say 'rape'
is this why people always act weird when i talk about rape?
You act like you're a virgin by choice
Can I alter that rule "Don't say rape in public if you're male".
If you're a bullshit feminist scream it as much as you want.
Next victim, I'm running out of girls I've matched with.
there you go
says you
will you be my cummy mummy?
If I get dubs, simply say "Build a wall" and your mathces will skyrocket.
Have you heard about our lord and savior Adolf Hitler?
Tell her that "The anonymous hacker known as Sup Forums has messaged you"
are you fucking kidding me?
give that sloppy pussy
BTW I was javascript:quote('682870533'); and javascript:quote('682867200');
Will you breast feed me while I dress like a baby?
What do you think of penis
its ok
i'm for it
it blows
Penis is good
You stupid faggot. He meant send what he was quoting. Not send "*his".
Worst newfag OP ever.
twas a technicality
It's so cute when sluts say they're virgins... seems like you must be into roleplaying
OP don't let us down
He's a faggot.
I guess so
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art.
Name a better body of work from any other rock artist, faggot.
Pro tip: if you actually have taste, you can't.
nice b8 m8
Perhaps OP realized having dubs decide was in fact not enough to fill the void created by no longer trying with women and ended it all
The fact that so many books still names penicillin as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" medicine ever only tells you how far modern medicine still is from becoming a serious science.
>go away.
>implying it's bait
>implying what I said isn't true