Feels Thread
>tfw home alone on Thursday night
>everyone is out drinking with friends except for you
Feels Thread
>tfw home alone on Thursday night
>everyone is out drinking with friends except for you
Other urls found in this thread:
Haha jokes on them, Im drinking by myself.
>OP is beta right now.
You are drinking with us OP
Tinder bruh
Are u me?
Man, that movie was depressing.
I'm so lonely and dead tonight, Sup Forums.
Same boat here, user.
scared to click because of .gif
Don't know why the fuck people save things as gif. Its a normal picture though.
Fuck you, sir. I fucking despise anime. I gave this movie a fucking chance and now my heart aches because I put myself in the same fucking shoes. Now I'm fucking a lone. I lost the girl I loved and I won't settle for fat chicks. Fuck I want to settle but I can't. I can't settle. I wish I could have her back back but now she is about to have her second kid and shit. I'm just sitting here getting prepared for a job interview tomorrow. I'll have money in my pocket but what the fuck does that mean when you're alone? Lying to yourself that things are going to get better? Nah nigga you just got used to it. I would have never posted a single fucking thing in Sup Forums but then this fucking picture right here. This fucking movie. I forgot it even existed. But I remember now. Fuck fuck fuck fuck...
One more time, one more chance...
jk, real number of the beast is 616, look it up
Seriously tho, what can a beta like me do about it? I already called two girls to see if they wanted to have drinks and both declined. Should I just end it?
Don't feel bad, OP. I pretty much live, day in, day out, waking up, going to work, coming home, and getting on my computer. the only useful thing I do with my time is make shitty music as a medium to ventilate the frustration i feel for how mundane and boring my life is and how lonely of a person i am.
Keep trying user. There is at least a billion girls on the planet that look good. Keep trying.
holyfuck nigga that's quite good, what do you use ?
copped a 10/10 number today, we're getting to know eachother as we speak but the point is, don't give up bro, you could spend 5 years of solitude only to find a someone that's right for you or just dtf lol. It'll happen eventually, have some more confidence in your intentions too
It's called having a job
this one fucking kills me everytime...
fuck that, i despise motherfuckers who smile at the wrong time
>tfw finals
And general loneliness/depression/>tfwnogf like the rest of us
This is bretty good, user.
That Hurts man.
It's actually pretty good, do you have more like this ?
I mean atleast you try, I don't even bother trying so when you reach this point you can consider ending it.
>the only useful thing I do with my time is make shitty music
>shitty music
Bullshit user that was pretty good you should make some more.
I just want you guys to know that you're my only friends and I love you all
hi guys what is your "feel" playlist?
we love you too user
I love you too user
love you to Sup Forumsro
fucking this
How can an user stop being beta? I am very calculated and very shit at improvisation; if I don't expect a conversation and plan for possible responses I shit myself. I have a long story about fucking up with the girl of my dreams 2 times and I am trying not to go for the 3rd.
>having friends
nigga the only friend i had dumped me on monday
I appreciate the kind words from you guys, but comparatively it's quite amateur in my opinion, especially considering how much time I invest in making it...
And to answer the two user's questions, I use I just fuck around with FL Studio and only have what's on my soundcloud: soundcloud.com
Bed time is 2 am for us guys we have to wake up early to live another day...
go on facebook, find hambeast youre not attracted to, ask her out for right now, take her home and fuck her brains out. you wont be sad no moe
I have more god tier feels music if any of you are interested
i've never been able to find a good interpretation of this image
I have the shittiest luck with friends
Caleb:Dropped out
Travis: Arrested for meth
Dalton: Arrested for gta
conrad: Became hermit
Watson:Kicked out of house moved up north
Now there all gone guys and it seems every friend I make ends up going away just as quick.... But you wont go away Sup Forumsros Right?
it's 517am over here and I have to go to work in 2hours
same I even plan when I go out somewhere I don't know, I check google streetview around so I know where to go so I don't have to ask my direction to anyone...
love you too
:/ i like when it quiter and simple just like
I may be loosing the girl I love.
Forever and always Sup Forumsro.
I dont have the best of luck with friends either,.
What is the story of this picture user?
Fuck, He never opened the other two.
So I go to meps meet this fucking awesome bro, think "dam made a fucking friend maybe ill go through basic with him" He doesn't make it in the navy because of some stupid shit reason.
so go to a bar alone and make some new friends, quit whining on Sup Forums and do something about it.
mfw i'm crying listening to fucking katy perry alone in the dark at 5am good life
it only gets worse bro, i feel u in every single word. no matter which female i get with; none of them will ever be at her level. its been 12 years, sorry bad englando hope u make it tomorrow
i feel this joke is wasted on me, can somone exlpain, i had heard it in watchmen, but never really got it,
>tfw not a neet and studying for exams
>Thursday night
Since when did Thursday become the day of partying? Friday satisfies that role typically.
Hope it's get better for you b/ros, a friendly reminder that there's alwasys gonna be someone like you on Sup Forums. Good night
Damn man, that sucks.
For the most part I just can't communicate well. Small talk and introductions are bad for me. The last close friend I had was toxic, and I let them stay around for 2 years before I quit that shit. After that it was hard to talk to people.
It's alright Sup Forumsro, I got you.
shut the fuck up
or how about you stop your pity party, faggot?
You're not missing out on anything but a bunch of drunks that just wasting a whole night acting like a bunch of fake, Mexican faggots who will wake up tomorrow with a shitty hangover, $80 less in their pockets and friends posting drunk pics on Facebook that nobody really gives a shit about.
i started these breads with that wojak, im glad somebody liked it and reposted it. u made me happy and feel noticed. happy thursday Sup Forumsro