Found this in my wifes possession. She made a sex tape with someone and still has it...

Found this in my wifes possession. She made a sex tape with someone and still has it. Can I divorce her over this without splitting assets? And since its Sup Forums roll trips ill post screen shots from vid

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Country / state is relevant here.

Get it!!!!

op wont deliver

US, Alabama



Dubs counts too, faggot.

Uh, when was the tape made?

6 years before we got married says 97'

screenshot of video

Were you married when she made it? Can you prove you were married when she made it? Does the tape still play? That will be important in court. Cause adultery is a pretty solid way of not having to give her anything when you divorce. A lot of places, Alabama especially I imagine don't fuck around with adultery. It is considered serious shit law wise

Dat boi brought the trips

Were you together at that time?

It's before you got married, dude you don't have shit. Get over it, it won't matter, she did it 6 whole years before you married here. Courts will laugh at you for trying to get anything out of that jackass

334 here
You must already have a problem with her if you are willing to separate from her so easily

Free divorce over a 50 year old tape? I doubt it.

>OP divorces over old tape
>she was keeping tape because it's someone famous
>after OP divorces her she sells it and makes a fortune
>OP gets nothing but half his own assets

No we werent together back then. Its just written on the vhs
"December 1997"

oh my god that my childhood

Oh shit waddup ---Trips

Dump her ass. If she FEELS the need to keep that tape perhaps she still feels for the guy. And if she got married and held onto it, I would think its deceitful in a way. If you'd found it sooner you would have brought it up sooner or maybe not gotten married and found some hotter chick instead, or find a hotter chick now. She misrepresented herself.


Yes, Ive tried many things believe me..

Alabama is a no fault divorce state.

You don't need a reason to divorce her and that tape won't mean shit.

She will take something from the divorce, more than likely whatever she wants.

Deal with it or stay cucked.

I got you fam

What's the real reason you want to divorce her? Just tired of her? C'mon, don't bullshit.

Rolling for poorly lit, grainy, out-of-focus stills from OP's wife's ancient sex tape.

Isn't Ala that redneck state, couldn't you say she didn't save her self till marriage like a good fem, and therefore should be sent down under the name of god

lit fmilia

Been having an affair and its with someone she knows. Many sleepless nights its been killing me for the past 2 and a half years

Rolling because I wanna see op's wife gettin it from some other dude

Cheater Trips , surely op will deliver

I believe roll

Are you really OP?

fuck man I laughed so hard at this. I have a fucking tape like this I made 20 years ago - it is fucking unwatchable.

Reroll because I wanna see it

Op wants to show them , otherwise he wouldn't have put it on the table . Cmon op , do it for the Sup Forumsro's

What is your problem? I want to marry a slut, fuck I will film it.


>implying there aren't a shit-ton of redneck states

Wouldn't most guys probably get dumped if a chick found her dudes old sex tape?

Why didn't you mention that from the very beginning?

Check these trips faggot

alright, it depends, did you made a sex tape with her? How much older she is in your sex tabe?
Maybe shge just want to show your kids how hawt she was at age x

most likely the third possibility

most states are 50-50 states unless there is a pre-nup

yes, yes I am
trips confirm

Rolling to see op's whore wife

paralegal here
no but cheating is a total bar to alimony or PSS (post-separation support); as long as condonation didnt occur. this is when acceptance is implied such if you had knowledge of the act but did nothing to stop it

it's really just a recording of the 1996 Olympics

Oh shit waddup boi

Overkill user

Mighty Qauds have spoke surely op will deliver

Winwar. Even better. Let's see that grainy fat ass op

Faggot, stoled my quads

19 year old tape
VHA was outmoded even in 97

lighten up grandpa

is that from the 90s? no you cant divorce her over that.

is that the new one?

not here in Brazil, lol

We didn't stop using VHS completely where I live in the US unitl probably 2003-2005

op pls, i need to see that low-res fucking

Divorce Attorney in Alabama here, post wins and I'll give you an answer

Come on op. Let's see this shit

paralegal here
if it didnt occur during the marriage its probably irrelevant

Kek paralegal does your work again

OP if you don't post, you aren't welcome back on the Sup Forums. your posts will fade to page 11. you will never get gets. you will catch internet aids

Do it already faggot

Hahahaha underrated post


Qauds have spoke but op will not deliver because he still loves his whore of wife . Maybe you can watch the tape together and you can take suggestive pictures of your wife to send to her ole fuck buddy

Yeah, what a hilarious facebook meme XD

paralegal doesn't know shit then.. cause adultery is in no way a TOTAL bar to alimony. Only bars to alimony are post-divorce remarriage, post-divorce cohabitation (if you can prove it), or death of either party. (AL ยง30-2-55)

Op won't do it. He loves nigger dick in and around his mouth



Quality is bad, vhs is 24 mins long

We're all in this together

He's not gonna deliver because he doesn't want us to know he's actually a faggit and his wife is simply an unmarried man

Don't forget to adjust the tracking OP

I beat off to old pics I found of my wife fucking another guy.

Fucking hell that really is bad quality.

gonna need webm.


so whats the big deal?
you found an old vhs with her fucking in it.
so what

i keep pics and vids of every girl iv fucked
sometimes I even show my collection to girls before filming them

its a stupid reason for a divorce( dont think it could even work in your case lol)

Oh shit he proves me wrong. Sorry bro what a bitch to keep it

I think it depends if the state has adultery statutes, even then you'd have to prove it happened while you were with her at the time.

Good decision, though. That's some whore shit right there.

What you definitely shouldn't do is offshore as much as possible. Don't even think about bitcoin, man.

Definitely don't do that.


damnnnn that's a whole lotta tape too. She got fucked good eh?

Did she tell you she was a virgin before you got married or something? People fuck, get over it. Being on VHS should be telling how long ago this was. Don't be butthurt about something that happened in the fucking 80s/90s.

Weird that she kept it but, how bout asking her about it, not fucking Sup Forums

What could he possibly ask her about, you dumb cuck?

She held on to video of her getting dicked by another dude.

o yea whats this screencapture from a legal textbook in powerpoint say then?
dont hire this guy as a lawyer hes one dumbass nigger

What part of alabama, op? Birmingham here.

granted that is according to NCGS, state laws vary but both southern states so probably similar

So, just in case you were inclined to turn the tape into a digital file:
UCEC USB 2.0 Video Audio Capture Card VHS VCR TV to DVD Converter support Win 2000/Win Xp/ Win Vista /Win 7/Win 8
Video out from vcr goes into this, this plugs into usb port, software turns output into a file.

Learn to practice law idiot.. you can't pull North Carolina statutes and expect them to be enforced in Alabama. YOU are the one that people need to be afraid of using. OP explicitly stated he was in Alabama.

Gee I don't know, how about "why did you keep it?" or "how old is this" ya know, obvious shit that isn't a kneejerk into divorce? Unless she told him she was a virgin, of course she's fucked other dudes. Get over this preteen horseshit that a girl only fucks one person her entire life (and it's you lolol).

Divorce over a tape thats 10/20/30 years old? Yeah ok, you're good at decisions.

Depends on state. Some states don't assign fault, so it won't help you. Even if if you are in a state that does cheating can only count as a FACTOR in divorce settlements. If we're talking about something twenty years ago, especially if it was before the marraige, then i doubt it will help you all that much.

Tuscaloosa here. 10 years + of marriage can sue to get alimony. Adultry doesn't matter, it's up to the lawyers