Odd question but is any other /b / homeless?
I am, it's by choice and not drink or drug related!
I live a happy life but I'm just wondering if any others from /b / are.
Odd question but is any other /b / homeless?
>by choice
How do you live day to day? I've gone through a small homeless period where I showered in the gym and lived from my car.
I live in a dumpster in mumbai India
Sneak in to DisneyLand you FOOL AND LIVE LIKE A KING!
What do you really miss? And Is there a specific thing that makes you happy besides paying rent?
Is that you in the pic?
Use the gym, public pool shower, I don't look for hand outs,if I am stuck ill trap animals and forage food.
I walk place to place to see new places and I love it, I don't know if I could go back no normal life.
I used to go to the bins behind shopping chains
All indians live in dumpsters filthy indian
I am heroin addict just got done being hobo..not bueno comrade. I got sick of panhandling and being called scum so now I sparkplug cars and have phone money clean needles and many herrings
Do you have a job? Do you have a source of income? How do you get food everyday?
Sorry the pic not me, the only thing I miss is warmth on seriously cold nights but collect enough fire wood and it's not real bad , and my family sometimes too but in all its ok
No I've no job but some nights I get a bar job here and there but mainly hunting n living from the land for food
Being homeless is great. The less you have the less you have to worry about.
For the bread and butter I leave newfags in the gutter
Where are you doing this that its legal? Or do you do it illegally? How do you cook? Are you always moving or do you have a "home area"?
Good thing that you still have your family.
In the UK at the moment, it's not illegal... going to head to France soon and just head south
>I sparkplug cars and have phone money clean needles and many herrings
Sounds fairly bonus.
You are house less, or without domicile.
Home is an abstract concept not predicated on being in a structure.
Fucking pleb.
Homeless, I have a tent and find new places to sleep every night.
many herrings?
Sparkplug cars?
Technically, yes, but I use my grandparents house as a mailing address.
(Op) k well I need to go, been using an open WiFi connection outside a. Pub ... Thanks for the chat guys
It was most certainly not by choice my friend, you should have more compassion for others