No yLyL?? let's get some grub going

No yLyL?? let's get some grub going

Other urls found in this thread:






wow so funny lel I lost

one more for the road







I know that it's shit





Cant tell if sarcasm or not





no more dumping for me

Turn up the physics!

Hey OP, you left your books here!







Holy crap that edge.


Terrible thread

عربي 100%


Lol i just commented on the vid that I contracted cancerous autism

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In nomine Desu et Desu, et Desu Sancti
With ten thousand faces
Agendas and fates
I have nothing in common with me
I hate all my races
And genders and states
I'd rather be no one and free
Come desu until morning
Don't think; disappear
No one will know it was us
With no advance warning
I'll wipe the world clear
I am Suiseiseki.
░░░▒█ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▀█▀ ▒█▄░▒█   ▒█▀▀▄ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█░▒█
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Oh no you just didn't




With my perceptions in a mix
Down twenty gigs through the net
To the cloudy site of Sup Forums: Population >9000

Excessive faggotry, well maybe
In the shadow of red & green eyes
All the strangers pass through
Where the rules just don't apply

At the fork turn left a store
But on the right stay free from sight
'Cause >9000 quite bitter beings
Like to stack the bodies high

The only way to ever leave is
Overflooded by the spam
And entanglement in Sup Forums
Brings you fear in fifty posts
Desu deleted all the tourists
At the bottom of the lake
And not the supports the cause
To leave not the Sup Forumsro's, stains their veins

Here, three miles back is where we are
All we ever wanted was Snacks back
Civilized are close but way too many
All we ever wanted was Snacks back

Footprints giving clue to where we are
All we ever wanted was Snacks back
Civilized are close but way too many
All we ever wanted...

hurr durr physics


Suck my dubs fagget

Check n kek'd


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