Things you craved for ever since you were a little kid but still haven't got

things you craved for ever since you were a little kid but still haven't got

>my own fucking room

You just made me grateful for something I've had my entire life. But what I've always wanted is

>female attention

a pussy of my own :(

How old are you, and what circumstances have prevented you from getting your own room at your ripe old age?


>How old are you
>what circumstances have prevented you from getting your own room
being poor

The kind of girlfriend who is your best friend, knows everything little detail about you, shares endless inside jokes, always by your side, and is pretty much your second half.

Same boat Sup Forumsro

Same here. Being 25 feels bad man.

>mfw i'm 27 and closing on a house this month

My own house.

or a large automobile


I wouldn't be allowed on Sup Forums if I have a gf like this, right?

You would. You just wouldn't be allowed on /r9k/. Also your gf is probably 5/10 max or a tranny. The hot/crazy matrix proves this.

being happy

The ability to fly.
I'm never going to get it, am I?


Get a wingsuit, is the closest you're going to get to fly, at least for the next 10 or 20 years

Hearing my mother fuck her boyfriend

Underage b&