Hey guys, can you photoshop me without the cheese hat on?

hey guys, can you photoshop me without the cheese hat on?


Wow you look like a faggot

Um, do you want us to add the missing Chromosomes too?

bumping for potential

less than a year left in his term and his supporters are still asking for handouts

its over nigger

Put the chromosome in the bag plz?

This dude looks like he is missing more than just chromosomes

Is you name Fromunda?

Yes, I can. But you're so new here, you don't understand the rules. Therefore I will not.

is that a cheese in your pocket, or the missing Chromosomes?

I just heard you guys are good at photoshop.


reddit = cancer

Someone should switch it with a bbc instead

It looks like we need to photoshop in a personality too

Reddit = a place where someone will photoshop a picture for you

Sup Forums = cancer, butt fuck it, cancer is funny as hell

Um, wow.....

Dude looks like the poster child for anal birth.... or the offspring from having sex with a horse.

Do you want us to Photoshop out that blank stare that says "I masturbate to Thomas the Tank fan fics every night?"


Damn. Looks like an autistic child molester

nice singles

Imagine the dating profile...
"Hey baby, I am like blue cheese, all crumbly and moldy for you"

hes clearly handicapped.


Im offensive and I find this very jewish

I've been a graphic Designer for 5 years, I think I enhanced it by giving you an Afro, bitches will see that and want some of the BBC


Remids me of this

Lol nice afro. 5/7 style


Wheres this Sup Forums I hear of that can maek some gud pics


I think we would be better off saving the cheese and deleting the stupid thing holding it up


Poster Child for Retroactive Abortion

Agreed senpai

A cheesehead for a head of cheese. #2016Economics

He looks like he is living proof that anal sex leads to reproduction

#Save the cheese

Agreed user-senpai

Mrw a faggot is spotted in /b




Hey OP, Graphic Design fag here, I decided it wasn't the hat that was the problem, so I decided to fix the real issue, you need to show more confidence in yourself. I really really really really like the way this came out

here, i know my job man

Sup Forumsros is time to throw the cheese away.
it's getting rats.



Lol'd even though clearly bait.

it truly is the definition of cancer, god damn that is something


I bet this dude has seen more action from this post then he will ever get from human interaction




bump cus op is a faggot.


Save it, its all your friend


nice cock
