Well, looks like I'm not going back to work on Tuesday.
Fort McMurray Thread
Well, looks like I'm not going back to work on Tuesday.
Fort McMurray Thread
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would be funny if you had a real hardass boss that refused to close down because they havent closed for 40 years
Albian Sands and Suncor are shutting down.
You call that a fire? We eat fires like that for breakfast here in California.
There was a fuckload of smoke down here from the fire this morning, christ.
Starting to get pretty smokey here in Saskatchewan
Any newfs otg
Mfw when I'm Nova Scotian and only need to worry about drug trafficking and NS power
Don't lie. Everyone knows you Californians all eat cock for breakfast
trips is truth!
Is it only paid staff that fight these fires? Or are there any volunteers?
Stats on fire sizes or gtfo
Saskatoon here. Lots of smoke.
The one fire is the size of NYC.
what's happening? I don't watch or read news.
Are there any Sup Forumstards up there right now? I'm still going to try to drive up on Tuesday, so I can bring emergency supplies.
Big fire
Fort McMurray
It's going to be a very bad year for wildfires.
The fort mac fire would be placed at #6 all time for area burned and #3 all time for structures destroyed if it happened in California.
But its not close to being out, its likely to be larger than anything Cali has ever had unless the weather changes.
If I had to pick a place to burn down . Ft crack would be my vote
>burn baby burn
The fucking climate criminals got what was coming to them. Fuck fort mac. I ain't donating shit.
Edmonton here. If I can make your lives worse I will.
Have you ever been there?
Not that guy, but Fort mac has a reputation, same as any oil boom town for general scummyness, drugs and petty crime.
I've worked there since 2006.
Who's got the video of that crazy guy that drives like 100 straight through a for set fire?
>oil slows down.
>mass lay off
>entire city "mysteriously" burns down
>bunch of rapists and meth heads get insurance money
Yeah , fuck 'em . Wasted all their money on giant pick-ups and quads .
while not as big as macderp fire at 210k acres currently, we frequently have very large fires in this ballpark.
Sept., Calif. three major fires raged simultaneously. The Valley Fire burned through 73,000 acres in Lake and Napa Counties, killed one person, destroyed 600 houses, and forced thousands of people to evacuate. The Butte Fire burned in Amador and Calaveras Counties, destroyed more than 450 buildings and made its way through 70,000 acres. Meanwhile, the Rough Fire, the largest of the three fires, burned more than 140,000 acres and threatened to destroy some of the biggest and oldest trees in the world. Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency for Lake, Napa, Amador and Calaveras Counties."
This shit happens to Ca all the time.
I'm from Vancouver Island.
All you faggots with the jacked up douche trucks better not come here.
Don't need you cocky pricks and those Tonka toys around here. BRUH
Love how hippies live off of the benefits of hydrocarbons, that all modern civilization depends on but love to bitch and moan that we extract it.
Dont like it? Go live in the fucking woods.
I thought you ate the bill of rights and used American Flags to wipe your ass.
I'm pretty sure they drive vehicles powered by unicorn farts.
I'm from California, California burns well.
What a faggot. Go to Port Alberni and you'll see all the same fucking vehicles you just described. I live on the Island as well but I'm moving soon. Good fucking riddance to you backwoods close-minded, jealous little assholes.
I wonder how big the backlog is gonna be for the court house. I have a court date for a 50 over speeding ticket in July.
>implying theres any jobs on the island
Vancouver island is for newly weds and nearly deads
Are all these fucking Newfies gonna go home now?
Yup, and they buy food and products shipped in by horse and buggy, live by candlelight and only use objects made of wood or hemp.
I love how these fags were all making 150k per year but didn't bother to save any money. If my house burned down tomorrow, I have enough to survive for 1 year and put a down payment on a new house. I make 60k per year. They deserved this.
Wildfire fighters get training, like 1 or 2 weeks and they get sent wherever. A crew of natives just left town today to go, their hourly rate isnt too high but they get long days with lots of OT, usually 10 days straight to three weeks