Any doctor fags here or does anyone know if this is a genital wort or not doesn't itch or hurt or anything and this is the first time Ive seen something like this show up
inb4 cancer
Any doctor fags here or does anyone know if this is a genital wort or not doesn't itch or hurt or anything and this is the first time Ive seen something like this show up
inb4 cancer
It's cancer m8. You ded
That genuinely looks like a cancerous mole
heres another
Skin tag or mole
HPV bitch
welcome to the club
Seriously check it out, you don't want to lose your dick
so does it look more like a mole or genital wort
It's a fucking genital wart
Its a wart commonly caused by HPV. Go to a doctor, It has treatment and isnĀ“t deadly.
My bad I meant
damn knew i shouldve wraped it when i fucked that dirty nigger
My warts dont have that deep color. I know how to permanently remove them but it involves heat pain and alcohol. Im about to do it again tonight. I do it maybe once a year. I got 2 that will die tonight.
might be ingrown hair. Shave around it sab and band-aid for few days. Or mole. If just the one I do not think it would be much else
Wrong again
Condoms won't protect against it. It's skin to skin contact. If she has it in her pubes like you now do (obviously she had it in her pubes) you can transmit it even when a condom is being used
Only protection is vaccination
fuck shoulda got that gardisil shot
I got mine in S.Korea
HPV Its not caused only for having sex...anyone could get HPV for sharing a soap or a towel with someone infected.
man i bet I know exactly who it was too anyone want her fb
Yeah I dont buy that. Neither will your wife.
so i shouldnt tell anyone i fuck about this right
Nah, everyone pretty much has it anyway
can you still get the gardisil shot to protect against the other strains of hpv if you already have one
Yea you can but it won't get rid of the warts you got
Go get them frozen off before they spread and keep it clean down there. It'll be gone before you know it
is there a home treatment or should i go to the doc regardless
Doctorfag here.
You just have to watch it for a while. If it changes in shape/color/size, it is time to make an appointment to have it looked at.
so the consensus is genital wort then
Moles don't just fucking pop up. If it showed up a month or so after fucking some skank, it's HPV
At least it's not something way fucking worse. Next time be more selective
Falls into the category of "get that shit checked out".
well it wasnt a month it was like 6 months ago
also moles can just show up its called melanoma