If you could sniff any persons asshole for 30 seconds, who would it be and why? pic related

if you could sniff any persons asshole for 30 seconds, who would it be and why? pic related.

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bella thorne but id do more then sniff her booty hole id tounge fuck it

George Lopez, I feel as though I'd be able to absorb some of his funny funny by sniffing him.

you dont get that option

Hers because I'm addicted to the sweet musky smell of her ass and pussy

Anita sarkeesian

my sister...i know it would smell like heaven

Donald Trump to give him incentive to win.

IT'S STILL HAPPENING!! GET IN HERE FAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This...but I'd rim her ass for 30 minutes before I fucked it.

It would have been this guy - youtube.com/watch?v=YC1CUl4XcZc

But mysteriously died a few months ago

My own

No one because you're not giving me the chance to lick it. Kinda defeats the purpose.

that IS the purpose though, youre only getting tantalizingly close

no need to explain why fam

That's like giving me a bump of cocaine as opposed to a couple of lines. No fucking thanks. It's all or nothing.

wise choice fam


Abraham Lincoln

Sweet baby Jesus, this!

Emilia Clarke

This. Besides, who's gonna stop me from just shoving my tongue into her anus?

Bob Costas!

threads like this make me wanna go take a dump.


True. If you gave me the chance to sniff her ass, nothing will stop me from tongue punching her. It's not like there's going to be witnesses and you can always deny it. Your word against hers.

My sister in law. That and I'd eat out her cunt for an hour straight just to moisten my mouth if she'd let me.


I wish you could take a dump on my chest if you know what I mean.


I've been contemplating on whether or not I should save this.

God dammit

>It's not like there's going to be witnesses and you can always deny it.

Exactly. This thread doesn't make much sense. Who just wants to sniff an ass? I'm sure she would know, if I get that close to her butthole, I'm gonna lick the fuck out of it.

cause the point of the thread isnt tongue fucking n ass, its if you had to settle for just sniffing, who would you want.

I've always wanted to taste a ginger girl

Save it, its all yours my friend

this one

>its if you had to settle for just sniffing
I would never just settle. If I ever got that close to Khaleesi's fart box, I'm invading it.

more like this?

you never get ass or pussy, how can you be addicted?




this mate. My dad recently got remarried, so i now have two step sisters. We are pretty close now but im not a savage autstis thats going to fap to them like many of you pieces of garbage.

So anyways, I'm doing laundry right, and one of them asks if she can throw a few of their items in with my stuff. I say alright and she leave the items in the bin next to me while i go about my business. I finish putting my stuff in the machine and then go to put some of her stuff in. Lo and behold as I'm grabbing a handful of clothes I spot brown and red stains on the white fabric inside of her panties.

Girls are kinda of disgusting when you take away the sexual drive. fucking period shits, afterbirth, etc. Girls just make themselves out to be little flowers but they they are grosser behind closed doors than most guys.



this one