Hey Sup Forums, I may have just had the greatest day at my job ever
>Be tard wrangler at a middle school level
>Emailed from staff telling me I'm to handle a new kid today
>Wonder why the fuck parents would move their kid's to a new school with ~6ish weeks left
>Read on email and see that kid's transfering cross-country from middle of bumfuck nowhere Idaho
>Previous school left a single note with the kid
>"He's a little off"
Understatement of the fucking century
>Get his little card detailing student ID, locker number, Classes, and name
I'll provide pic for proof as soon as i find it
>Kids clearly Arabic, got a name like mustafusta or somthing, call him Musa for short
>Should also mention I've got a little leadership kid helping me out, learning the ropes of tard wrangling
>Me and leadership kid have a pretty good friendship so i let him slide with more minor things
>Back to the story, beginning of first period go to pick up Musa from office
>Thinking back on the email I'm expecting some downy, maybe extreme Aspergers, or something severe
>See kid at office
>Tinny little 7th grade arabic kid, about what I'd expect
>Looks normal enough, while getting his picture taken for ID seems normal enough
>Walk him over to his locker to show him how to unlock it
>Realize he starts talking about fucking weed
>He's literally offering weed to me and my leadership bro
>Pass it off as some kid attempting to be cool but make a mental note to pass it onto the security guards
>Next thing you know for 10 minuites straight Musa starts talking to leadership bro about how "phat all the girls asses" are
>Leadership bro is visibly cringed while i'm trying my hardest not to piss myself in the middle of a hallway
>Leadership bro starts using some generic questions to get to know the kid
>"What school did you used to go to?"
>"Somewhere in idaho, but none of the girls there had such big booty tootys"
>Another few minutes of me holding back tears
Hey Sup Forums, I may have just had the greatest day at my job ever
Why the fuck not? Go ahead continue.
do it
Bumping for interest
please, cont
ffs OP send it already. let me guess, you didn't type it out first :(
Interested bump
lurking intensifies
Come on man, don't be TARDy with this reply!
...I'll show myself out.
>"So do you miss your old friends, anyway to contact them like social media?"
>"Nope, and i can't because my parents took my phone for watching Pornhub"
>Holy shit i can't even explain how my sides felt
>Finally get him to class
>Me and leaderbro are in tears after we drop him off, I think i may have pissed myself
>After a while go to pick him up from his english class
>He looks really unnerving like he doesn't know how to be in an social enviroment
>Get him out of the class room
>He askes if it's okay to go in the bathroom and light a joint
>I have no fucking clue if he's even kidding anymore
>I just laugh it off but send a text to Aryn (the security guard) that I'll be needing help, soon
>Leaderbro stops to talk to a girl for a little bit, he comes back and the first thing we hear from Musa is
>"Is that your girlfriend?, because I'd fuck her, to be fair I fuck everyones girlfriends"
Cont. I'm sorry no pre type guys
Cont please
>Tard Wrangler
My sides are in the fucking fourth dimension
newfag alert
Holy shit
Fucking newfags wasting the quads
newfaggot you do not deserve those quads
It's alright OP
> Has Sup Forums Hank hill reaction gif
> Still calls newfag
an image doesn't make you any less of a new faggot. kill yourself.
>"I'm not kidding guys, I'm a total Player cmon"
>I think Leaderbro is catotonic right now
>Deliver Musa shit then head off to health class
>While I'm away contacting the sec. guard apparently Musa pulls out a pack of joints and offers Leaderbro one
>After droping Tard in health class leaderbro tells me about that
>Alright enough, enough 3rd period this kids going to the office
Sidenote theres a boring ass conversation where I have to talk to school admin which only pisses me off I'll add it after I'm done
>Anyhow comeback 3rd period with leaderbro and guard to handle this kid
>Holy shit find out from otherleaderbro that the kid offered him marijuana, and teacher saw
>Musa's in cuffs walking away from the school
Nigga what you doing? Check 'em
Me and leaderbro are honest to god fucking amazed at this fucking kid, some of the individual shit he said managed to psyche me out and i've been doing this shit for years now, to sum it up he's now in juvey and i had to grovel back to my boss about how horrible it turned out, Still fucking amazed
These stan-worshipping dipshits are ruining this thread, but I'm still here, paying attention. This is great, keep it up
I've got no dubs to live
Quality thread OP.
just let him smoke a fucking joint you cunt
OP's not a fag
not everybody is a deadbeat pothead with that attitude asshole
Yeah in the middle of school, great idea
In the end I'll never forget this little Arabic Autist
Holy fuck OP can you type any slower?
I'm a pilot for Hawaiian Airlines who makes a little over 300k a year
Nada this ain't bullshit buddy, i only wish i was this creative
Lol you can't just let a retarded 12 year old smoke in school... How old are you 16?
>dude 420 just let the kid smoke man, bob Marley is sick!!1!
>not reading the filename
i bet
34 friendo
Seriously what kind of self respecting man tries put a pedestal between special needs children and themselves. You laughed because the kid likes vagina and weed? So what if hes a little socially aekward you clearly arent helping that. Only tard i can deduce needs a wrangle is the giant pussy with security on speed dial for children.
OP is once again a fag
Yeah, you sure sound like it.
420 man!!!11!!
where the fuck is OP
Think you mean 30k...
Lol I feel fucking dumber from having read your shit post.
Do you have a vengeance against tard wranglers because they had to take care of you everyday at school ?
wait, is that fucking it?
shit story; very anticlimactic
That's it? Wtf finish the green text fag
I don't know if it's really worth putting all of the crazy shitty quotes he said throughout the day, plus it didn't really have an ending, happened just fucking today so I'm unsure of what'll come
Fucking breaking news people young males like vagina and weed... God this makes my sides hurt my sides also go into an explosive reaction when my fedora is tipped. Im going to ask my boss if i can wear my fedora to work in my ass
Does anyone else think that Musa is cool as fuck and OP is a massive cunt?
Try to be cooler fuckhead.
You seem like a real fucking shitter.
...thats not how the education system works...i for see a lot of public school for your family
>Musa In cuffs walking away
>leaderbros literally in tears at this point, he can't hold back his laughing anymore
>After getting bitched at by the health teacher, the sec. guard, my boss, and a few other admins who just wanna shit on my dad i finally go home
>realize that the little arabic autist has made my fucking year
>he may also be getting plowed in juvey
>intersting days gone on
You were on a roll faggot. You should have greentext the quotes, the bust, the shit storm that had to have ensued...
>Ya fucked up user.
Wouldnt be the first person to shit on your dad. Especially if he raised a queer like you. Id bet youve got a dragon twister cereal bowl. Lol what a lame