Any entomologists on Sup Forums?

Any entomologists on Sup Forums?

Tried to get him to bite me but he was having none of that shit.

kind of looks like a mole cricket, adolescent maybe

doctor here
its aids im sorry youre going to die


theres a video of one grabbing a goldfish underwater, cant remember the name. Has wings too. Try not to lose your shit when it flies at your face.

Water bug... Get it in water

Op here

So it does bite!

I'll fuck with it to see if it'll bite me

im gettin outta here

This. You got a ten gallon tank and a bunch of gravel? Think you found your new pet fishy

>the most excruciatingly painful bite of any insect
good luck bro! take pics

Saw one of these fuckers outside of an IHOP one night that was bigger than an adult hissing cochroach. Tip: Avoid it like a hornet with better aim and execution

It keeps trying to grab me with those front legs. I think that's how it bites, it'll grab first. It wasnt all that hard to piss off

>Tip: Avoid it like a hornet with better aim and execution

let it bite u fgt

You know they breathe air through their ass, right?

It's a water scorpion.

The female lays the eggs on the male's back and let him deal with that shit. They're feminist scum

O shit waddup?

u kno dat bug?


It flew away. I didnt know these fuckers could fly!

Gravel filling most of the tank, water down a slope from the gravel. Egg crate separate water and land sections if you're good at that kinda stuff


oh shit waddup!!

fucking waterbug,
i hate them,
they pinch. and its painful.

How the hell did you think it got there? Swimming?

This momma is carrying a load of Fuck No!

It's a Giant water bug


I think you mean inject you with acid with its proboscis

kawaii desu

I thought I was the only one. We are brothers now

yeah but to be able to insert any needle you need a mechanical force.
and that mechanical force that is kind look like pinching, its not biting since its not related to the mouth,. its not really stinging since its not a sting its more like some needle on the top of the front leg.

nvm misread your post. Its in the family Belostomatidae commonly called giant water bugs or toebiters. Dont fuck with it, their stings are pretty nasty

Actual entomologist here. Can confirm Belostomatid.

They make decent pets. We had a few in the lab I work in. Put a big rock/some bark/aquarium toys in there so it has a place to hide/chill. Feed it live crickets once a week or so and change the water every month. Their bite is actually strong enough to draw blood but I hear it's not that bad.

It's a fucking Toe Biter, one of the most painful bites from any insect