Biggest difference between USA and Europe is that in America...

Biggest difference between USA and Europe is that in America, a good American can be of any race and can be called an American and live life to the fullest, and it goes beyond white people, America has a lot of good black people contrary to Sup Forums and Sup Forums but we also have a minority of blacks that ruin the image for most black people, same for arabs and Mexicans. In europe, you are only considered European of you are of European heritage

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I think you're mistaking our cunt for yours m8

In Europe, you are only considered European when someones call you like that


Australians are racist af

europe is not a country
we dont have identity as "europeans" and a lot of the times we dont even like each other

The majority of niggers here are trash Jamal.

Of course. America is a country, Europe is a continent, you ass fucker.

What state?

I am black and accepted by spaniards as a European Spaniard.

Prove it

>In europe, you are only considered European of you are of European heritage

is this supposed to be bad thing?

>>In europe, you are only considered European of you are of European heritage
>is this supposed to be bad thing?
Yes it's 2016

well technically America is a continent (or two depending on who you ask) as well

"European heritage" still includes other stuff mixed in there, you just can't have no connection at all to their history and call yourself one of them. It's the same for any country really. We just have this forced meme here where immigrants are supposed to just show up and inflict themselves on our country, and we're supposed to put up with that.

In reality no American sees it that way. If you have no relationship to America, Americans will naturally wonder why you're here.

And when I say other stuff, it could be anything.

Well, how can you be European without most important part of actually being European aka blood?

Are you European?

Not really senpai. Kind of but not really.

>and a lot of the times we dont even like each other
* most

>Yes it's 2016

It's not a bad thing, it's just different than America, I'm asian but I identify as fully American, I couldn't see someone like me claiming to be a full citizen of some European or another Asian country. It's a bit embarrassing to see cucked European countries try to integrate Syrians or Somalians and make them try to be something else, for some reason it doesn't work out there, they seem to get even more violent and religious. While in America, even the most devout Muslim families will always falter before American culture and soon the children of those first immigrants will be either atheist or Christian, seen it happen all the time here.
Stop with the memes

>If you have no relationship to America, Americans will naturally wonder why you're here.
What about le mixing pot and muh american dream where anyone can come and thrive?

>where immigrants are supposed to just show up and inflict themselves on our country, and we're supposed to put up with that.
I mean that is the image that you've been projecting for decades. Don't blame the immigrants but yourself really.

>"Give me your tired, your poor,
>Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
>The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
>Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

>to see cucked European countries try to integrate Syrians or Somalians and make them try to be something else,
I mean the Ntherlands did integrate their Indonesians and their relative smaller black population pretty well.

Asians were born to be American.

You're believing the democracy propaganda. Democracy really doesn't work.

Then what does?

But not on such a large scale as the US, United States culture is like a machine, you put immigrants in one end who might come to the US for freedom or for better life for their kids, and what comes out the other end after only one generation are men and women who act exactly like any other American, except maybe they speak a second language, or maybe they eat different foods than other Americans, but they are still as much American as you and me
It's because in America, Asians I Tegra te immediately, when my family moved here, my mom would beat me with a stick when I would speak in our native tongue, and when our school held dating events, she'd always talk to the other moms about how I would be a great boyfriend for their daughters, made me really embarrassed but I knew my mom just wanted me to fit in.

*Asians integrate immediately*

Am I into of Yoropian?

I heard they only don't have much trouble with Indonesians, Surinamese and Antilleans because they're slightly better than the current wave of immigrants from Morocco.

>*Asians integrate immediately*
Wasn't really the case here. A lot of our unfiltered Asian immigrants got together an turned one of the best West sydney suburbs into a ghetto for a decade.

What are Morrocans like? Are they worse than say... lebos?

>What are Morrocans like?

Memes about arabs in living form. Literally most useless people on earth. Gypsy-tier bad, probably even worse since religious

>But not on such a large scale as the US, United States culture is like a machine, you put immigrants in one end who might come to the US for freedom or for better life for their kids, and what comes out the other end after only one generation are men and women who act exactly like any other American, except maybe they speak a second language, or maybe they eat different foods than other Americans, but they are still as much American as you and me

You're giving us way too much credit. What do 90% of immigrants to the US have in common?

>Speak a European language
>From countries that are "western" culturally
>From countries whose governments at least pay lip service to western ideas

Of course they integrate easily. Compare that to Arabs and North Africans who practice Islam, speak Arabic, and are raised in societies that teach them that all Western culture is heresy, then move to Europe of all places. It's a recipe for disaster.


>Speak a European language
Nowadays it's mostly English. Which most immigrants speak.

>From countries that are "western" culturally
>From countries whose governments at least pay lip service to western ideas
A lot of countries may not have the same culture Westerners, but they still incorporate the same core Western values in their government of equality and democracy and all that.

>and are raised in societies that teach them that all Western culture is heresy
A lot of Arab and other countries aren't like that m8.

Do you have any in your cunt?

No we only have few Turks that own kebab shops, but they are usually 2nd gen already

I guess, but "Muslims" here aren't that bad, I say "muslims" because out of the 20 or so "muslims" I met, only 2 actually practiced islam, and almost all of them had an American accent and drank more alcohol and ate more bacon than me! Most European Muslims I know are actual muslims, and pretty devout, and still seems to have an accent even though they're like 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants.

I grew up in atheist family,

Shut the fuck up you faggot.

You sound like a Jew to me.

Catholicism is Christianity.

>Nowadays it's mostly English

I'm pretty sure Mexicans speak Spanish.

>A lot of countries may not have the same culture Westerners, but they still incorporate the same core Western values in their government of equality and democracy and all that.

Mexico is definitely western

If you're Asian that's fine but don't talk shit about my ancestral continent unless you're prepared to talk shit about how Asian countries aren't welcoming enough to foreigners.

Are you a native?

Quit trying to genocide my people you chink bastard. You got two billion of your kind let my kind live in peace.

How exactly am I genociding you?

Plenty of non-whites in France are treated like any other French

No and I'm fine immigration to the US within reason but this Asian bastard is talking about mass immigration to Europe which is genocide of white people. I want mass immigration to Asia. I want millions of Arabs and African and Asian and fuck it, Latino refugees there in the name of peace and multiculturalism if that is what he wants for Europe.

America is solely for the working man! Bigots OUT!

Thats because niggers in France are there for decades already

>Not really
U need to go back

They'll never be french
I never said I wanted mass immigration to europe, just that it was strange? Please don't twist my words up my man.
Unironically, the most racist people here are the Mexicans and black people

Did your ancestors migrate within reason?

Shut the fuck up. I'll curb stomp you you commie. There's no such thing as "the working man." You got your corporations and their paid slaves and that's basically it but as long as my genetic footprint is sticking around that's good enough for me. I don't care who has the money as long as the food is going down my gullet.

I-I'm not racist ;-;

This is true. God bless amuric0a and all my fellow amuricans.

Who gives a fuck? You Chink barbarians can't play nice with me. 50 million murdered under Mao. North Korea is still a thing. You don't even know the kind of barbaric savagery that the Chinese keep under raps. Child prostitution. Killing endangered animals. Mass pollution. I don't trust you fuckers or your "harmless" image. White people are the most peaceful people on Earth. We stabilized the world and made the mistake of letting the muds multiply and we're paying for it.


"Eyy, Chino boy, Como estas, how you doing, open your eyes el chino"

Been hearing that from Mexicans constantly when I was younger

O-oh well I'm not a Chicano

I'm black, never really experienced racism, I'm in Wisconsin btw

Why do you think they'll never be French? France accepted blacks as citizens almost a century before the US did
You've been reading too many Sup Forums memes, plenty of immigrants here integrate fine

You said the problem with Europe is that there are not enough nonwhite people. Europe is the continent of white people. Respect that or I will not respect you. You're trying to genocide my people.

UK has good coloured people, they are called Welsh and I love them

Isn't that banter?

I don't know a lot of these outsider "French" have a tendency to explode and shoot things.

Yes and France is a shithole. Just the UK.

civic nationalism is fucking gay

I'd sooner be an anarchist than a civicuck


Had this one China boy make jokes about me climbing fences all the time. Do they not have bants where you come from?

Why are you deluding yourself, Jorge?

That's a blatant lie, you're not a real american unless you're white, and that's a fact, luckily now that Trump won this will be an accepted truth
Slaves are not american, mexicans are not american, chinese are not american
The only real american man is the white anglo

A lot of regular "Americans" have a tendancy to shoot things and explode shit in their pants

an African man can't be Anglo Saxon, latin, or slavic here in America anyone can be american
What? I don't give a shit about Europe, I just said that it is impossible for immigrants to become European. I think/pol/ has changed your life buddy. Especially when you refer to them as "your people", how are they "your people" when tou cant even speal many of their languages, dont even eat their food, and when they have done a single good thing to you, even when they mock us, our future president, and our values you still call Europeans"your people". I guess you're the real cuck.
Gets bring after a while, I'm not even chinese.
I made those jokes too, but it's the same thing all the time "open your eyes"

>They'll never be french

I never see French people saying this, i's always americans telling others about countries they know nothing about.

I will be american to the day I die negrotinian

You're wrong and also completely retarded for using the term European.

Also "American" means nothing, it's just a piece of paper.

Same in many European countries actually but that's a relatively recent thing


They're brainwashed just like most Americans but they're still my flesh and blood. Blood is thicker than water.

che mexinarco, everyone knows they aren't real french, even my family says it when they looked at the national team of france in the world cup, they are not real frenchman, they are african

you will never be a real american, enjoy your last days because Trump will kick you out

French are latin, Africans can't be latin, unless they alter their children's DNA. While Americans can be any race.
Face it bud, you and me are more alike than you and any other European or me and any other Asian.

Trump isn't kicking shit out. Trump is the most directly controlled puppet of the ZOG that has ever been elected. His children have literally dated Rothschilds.

Why's he wrong?

Yeah but that's not the same as French or British is it you yank cunt?

In some ways yes. But in some ways no.


In terms of talking about non-whites not being seen as the nationality of the European country they were born in. It's the case in countries in Eastern Europe but it's not an issue in countries with significant immigration. Suggesting otherwise would be controversial but that's the 21st century innit

The crime of destroying or conspiring to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. No where is murder included in that definition.

Fucking L@MO do you neckbeards actually believe this shit?

No jew is mindcontroling white women and forcing them to have sex with non whites

>Fucking L@MO do you neckbeards actually believe this shit?
>No jew is mindcontroling white women and forcing them to have sex with non whites

And take the Holocaust off of there because it never happened and even if it did it couldn't be a genocide because as everyone loves to say "Jews are not a race they are a religion." They follow a religion that says things like "The Akum(non-Jew) is like a dog, yes the scripture teaches us to honor the dog more than the Akum."

Asian men have tiny dicks and Asian women love white men. Right?

>He's actually serious

A Jewish man films a porn site called "" and it is highly publicized despite the fact that interracial porn loses money. Jews produce porn that loses money just to fuck with white males.


In a way yes

Shit, I dunno. I would've said various forms of hereditary rulership but then they all lost their heads recently. Nonetheless I still lean towards the lords and kings because, in the long run, they seem to have stability on their side.

Ah yes nothing quite so stable as constant wars of succession

Fuck that shit.

>In some ways yes. But in some ways no.

What ways do you relate to an Asian American more than some random European without muh heritage?

I'm not sure I just agreed cause I thought that it would appease him. I know some Asian women and they aren't noticeably different from white girls other than they are a bit more career/ school oriented. Maybe they are a little bit less standoffish.

Asian women definitely have a white guy fetish and that's definitely affected things but they are pretty much the same. But I still want to protect my heritage.

Why do americans do this?

I'll bite it...

>Biggest difference between USA and Europe is that in Europe the concept of nationality is inherently linked to ethno-historic events that had shaped its countries and its people throughout history, while in america the concept of nationality is strictly (and mostly) linked to whether you're paying your taxes and somehow contributing to the economy (what actually means "being a good american" by new worlder standards)

Being European is not just about ethnicity nor history, and definitely not just an economic factor like in the new world, it's about the history of nations that had been united for a long time because they share things they don't share with outsiders (these things being ethnicity, culture, language, you name it)

Can you tell me if your ancestors fought in the american independence war?
Probably not, since by that time the US population was about 2.5 million people

Where were your ancestors back in the day? Somewhere else, where the idea of nationality was the same as the European one. You just came along after that, and that's why new worlders misunderstand Europe, because they generally think european history/nationality/etc can be summed up in the spawn of time of 250 years since their nations have being founded
America's a melting pot since the beginning, it's totally different

Every real german/italian has some ancestor that played a role in the german/italian unification process, as the french in the french revolution, and so on
There are thousands of dialects in every village throughout Europe that had been spoken by locals for over a thousand years, stuff 4x older than your country, and the people that created those dialects are the real local europeans, not foreigners that came along after that and learned how to speak it after a few generations

It's not about racism, it's about identity m8

And that's why "not everybody can be European" by European standards

t. European abroad

> murrican post about murrica

Noice post.

>it's about the history of nations that had been united for a long time because they share things they don't share with outsiders (these things being ethnicity, culture, language, you name it)
Europa has never been united in it's entire history. Every time there's been an attempt nationalism would prevent it.

>Can you tell me if your ancestors fought in the american independence war?
Probably not, since by that time the US population was about 2.5 million people
Most Americans are mixed mutts so even if they're majority German or some other ethnicity they probably have some distant relation (i.e some guys (pure) European mother could have married a dude who had what you're speaking about in one on their very mixed backgrounds).

That's why an Asian/Latin-american/African immigrant aren't looked as real Americans.

>It's not about racism, it's about identity m8
It depends on what you mean. Can you say a Indian/Paki or whatever can be a British due to their connection with England? They were part of the British Empire once. If you say no but then say that some random other distant European can then that's leaning towards racism imho.

Good post tho m8.