Hey i need medical help, i think

Hey i need medical help, i think.

So i sweat a lot, i'm a little chubby and i gotta walk a lot while i work. So sometimes, usally during summer, there's a lot of friction between my tights. Sometimes at the end of the days, i got irritation. It's hurt like hell, and i can barely walk normaly.

Is there anyways i can avoid that to happen?

How can i heal this when it happen?

Pic related, my tight.

another pic

another angle. Please someone, i'm sick of this. what should i do?

Cellulitis perhaps

Wear under armor compression shorts that go close to the knee. Helped me in sports.

Also, lose the weight

boxer briefs will solve your problem

Well i got some boxer like that. Doesn't seem to work...

Can't do anything about unless you lose the weight or wear clothes that make the friction less.

T. Another fat guy who deals with this shit

I get this during hot days at work. It sucks balls. Only way I avoid it is to dry often. I even tried leaving some toilet paper between my legs. Helps but TP is soft. Gets destroyed to fast.

Only solution is to loose weight.

I wear boxer briefs... doesn't help me either.

then go even further than boxer briefs and listen to the under armour user. it's like a more extreme version of boxer briefs.

try baggy pants
And apply baby powder to the irritated area

"little chubby"

On this board that's either an exaggeration or an understatement depending if you're referring to your chubby or your fucking super-sized man tits

baby powder bro, TONS of baby powder, it will heal it up, and keep it dry so that doesnt happen. also my mom always called it "gaulded" which is about right, it fucking hurts like crazy, get home, wash ALOT, WASH IT SO FUCKING MUCH, then put baby powder on it, and lay there naked and let it dry out. it will heal over night, trust me. OVER NIGHT, after that, baby powder all the time if you need to. it helps immensely

Pretty much this, they won't ride up your fat legs either

Its called chub rub you little piggy. Lose weight or wrap your inner thighs with an ace bandage or something.

I actually get really itchy around my gooch area. I have a feeling it's a mixture of sweat and my muse of baby wipes

Runner's use a product called bodyglide to lessen chaffing.

Also talcum powder.

Also lose weight fatass.

Fresh Balls. Look it up. It sounds ridiculous but that shit does wonders.

You have been diagnosed with obesity.

Great idea, jeez, why i didn't think of that.

i'm buying 3 pair of this tommorow.

I'm chubby and overweiht, but i'm not fat.

get some anti chafing gel. sold at walmart and such places.

looks like the beginning of mega space aids.
suggest an hero.

baby powder i walk 8 to 10 miles a day outside and would die if i dint use it

fat shaming thread

Get some fucking Goldbond, take a fucking shower, scrub that shit, then put the fucking Goldbond on. Viola.

+100 speaks the truth.

Again, fresh balls. Its like 7.99 and works like a charm.

Baby powder, but it wears off after a while
Or Coconut oil. It works great. You can use coconut oil for anything


You could try losing some weight for starters.
And yes, you are fat. You're not chubby. I'm looking at your pictures. You are fat.



Just stop being a fat fucking piece of shit. Pretty Simple

So am i

Thank. Buying this as well tommorow.

For all the other one tell me to lose weight, i know i got to lose some. But seriously, it's hard to do that when everytime you do sport, you end up with legs like mine.

mod please

the hell is wrong with you

You have to buy it online, but they ship super quick.

Nice dubs. Dubs of truth. I used to get it when I was a chubby teenager. I called it crotch rot, but when I googled it the internet told me it was "chub rub" and ideas abunch of post by fat women talking about it. For some reason it seems to be a predominantly female issue. I would wrap one thigh in an ace bandage and it completely prevented it from happening. So just do that until the weight comes off or the heart attack you disgusting gluttonous piece of human excrement. Kys.

Second this, baby powder works

I've always had this problem since puberty, and I've never been overweight. My super metabolism allows me to eat anything without getting fat. I feel your pain OP. It fucking HURTS. I tend to wrap heavy bandages around my thighs (the kind you put on top of other bandages to protect them), helps immensely. But you have to rewrap fairly regularly as they slip a bit.
I've wanted to try baby powder but I don't want people to think I'm fucked in the head. Still, might be worth it.

dude if you have this problem, you're definitely fat. wake up man.

i'm gonna give a try to boxer briefs and fresh balls lotion.

Plus, will lose weith this summer.

Hey op I have the correct answer. Mother fucking diet. Those parts of your body shouldn't be rubbing.

Corn starch works better niggas


Lose weight.

Compression shorts.

Apply glide (athletes use it to prevent chafing from their clothes, so it should help with your skin).

Don't fuck with him too hard, guys. I'm 5'11" at almost two hundo, but my mass is centered around my lower body. So my big thighs (this is the word you were looking for op) rub together. Just get athletic shorts and goldbond chafe sticks

i knew people would tell me to lose weight when i posted that. It's true, i need to get fit.


Lubiderm unscented medicated lotion. Keeps the skin from drying out which generally prevents such friction and heat build up.

Talc helps.

Ow, holy shit!! Obviously, you need to get yourself to a doctor ASAP. I'm also echoing everything said about weightloss/compression shorts/applying baby powder/etc. You might try Bodyglide, or something similar

Transfer the baby powder to a shallow container that can be sealed, and use a large, fluffy makeup brush to apply. (A powder puff works very well if you can find one.) Also, I'd recommend doing it in the (curtain closed, water NOT running) shower, because that shit gets EVERYWHERE. Unless, y'know, you just prefer them Tony Montana vibes.

With the compression shorts, get a few pairs that wick away sweat AND MAKE SURE YOU WASH THEM!!! Seriously, after every wear wash them according the their care instructions. If you don't you'll start to smell god awful.

Good luck, OP!! I hope your thighs get better!!

I used to have the same problem, but I lost weight

Nice dubs. I have some questions. Have you experienced this disorder in the past? Are you a fat woman? Why should he go to a doctor? Is your apparent concern for OP genuine? Can we see your inner thighs so we know who we're dealing with here? Who is best pony?

Answer all truthfully.

If baby powder doesn't help you can use corn starch

Get ants in your penis hole though.

Thank a lot to everybody, you're the best. I just ordrer 3 pair of compression shorts online + Gold Bond Friction Defense.

I'm sur this will help. Plus, i'm gonna start running around the block at night + diet.

Thank a lot everybody,

Babycreme with zinc, is the shit.