What the actual fuck is this, Sup Forums.
My Beta League Of Legends account in which I spend way too much money in just got permabanned.
Serious question now, is this shit even fucking legal?
Can they just take away something that you've spend a shit ton of money on for being an asshole?
Is there a way to get it back?
This sucks balls.
Help me, Sup Forums.
And yes I am a fucking faggot that plays League Of Legends AND spends money on it, sorry.
What the actual fuck is this, Sup Forums
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And does it say why you got banned?
Yeah, for being a toxic ass motherfucker.
how much did you lose
If you were permabanned, you probably deserved it. And yeah, it's legal, dipshit. You agreed to the terms of service every time it patched.
that's what you get for being a faggot all the time.
Yes they can. Your account was on rent. You made enough people miserable to get permabanned and you deserve this.
Good now play something less cancerous
Probably the best comment yet.
you signed a ToS which gave them sole discretion in banning your account, dumbass.
Yes its legal. You don't own anything, You are merely renting it from them.
Then you deserved it. Hopefully you weren't as bad as Tyler1
Enough to get fucking pissed off.
Shouldn't have been such a fucking retard, then.
Still fuck off.
Shouldn't of *
This. Also fuck you for being toxic.
Love you too, user.
>is this even legal
This made my night. Enjoy your permanent ban kiddo.
So satisfying
money talks bullshit walks just dont ever give them another cent again regardless of if u use the free product or not.
riot are autistic retards its an embarressing joke
In all seriousness, you're probably boned. But it couldn't hurt to take a shot in the dark and write them an e-mail or mail them a signed typed letter for a personal touch. If you are humble and tell them you accept responsibility for your behavior, and you love their product and got a little carried away but you see the error of your ways now, etc. there is a 1/10,000 chance they might lift your ban at some point.
It wouldn't hurt to try. But you'd have to stop being a dick.
>stop being a dick
Not fucking worth it, fuck you Riot.
Yeah dude Riot does not fuck around. I've spent almost 1000$ on League and they almost perma banned me. Was banned for 60 days it was brutal. Was so scared I quit being toxic as fuck after that. Key is don't booze and League. Lmao.
see? autism
literally mentally retarded
democratic state
popular majority
mass appeal
Time to hop on the Vainglory band wagon
the contracts null and void because of their criminal conduction in the construction of such
I just found out i have testicle cancer. Reading about you getting permabanned from lol gave me the strength to not kill myself. You lil lol fgts deserve to be shot in the face eveything about your community is toxic
hopefully OP learned that actions have consequences.
Good luck taking that to court you whiny little toxic bitch. I don't play league but more game devs should be like this.
>good luck world rebreeding this shit
This is why I prefer dota. League fags are pussy's who can't take shittalk. You should never get banned for shit talk. That's gay.
league can fix their problems
remove chat filter & restrictions
remove "low priority" queues
remove any notion of report/consequence (you are not an institution in such a position to judge such and the precident set is a magnet for shit)
alright well good luck with that. there will come a day when you realize that being such a cynical toxic faggot is a poor way to choose to go through life.
who you voting for presedent?
Can't agree more.
Not through life, but looks fun as fuck through online games.
Fuck you fag. Nobody should shit talk in a game mommy fucker. It's not nice to call someone an as swipe or a fuck face you knob gobbler. Be fucking nice shit stain.
Listen, you don't own the account, Riot does. You just have access to it.
If you auto attack in lane however, kill yourself. Just fucking do it you feeding piece of shit
Actually riot games owns all the accounts and has every right to permanently ban your account. Maybe you should grow up and stop being a whiney bitch on a video game. Karma's a bitch
quit that shit fucking game. I quit two weeks ago after spending $100 fucking shit game
Hey DOTA dudes, help a former diamond league fag here who quit the game because no one can take shit talk and Riot are a bunch of PC tumblr posters and convince me to play DOTA
The Shielf of Appeal is the best defense against the Banhammer.
>key is
>don't be fucking retarded
This is entirely legal the money you spent was to apply a number of riot points to your account which you then exchanged for virtual goods which are once again bound to your account. Your account belongs to Riot you simply access it through them. Not to mention the various Agreements people blindly click (which are legally binding regardless of the fact that .01 % of people read that shit) The best you can do at this point is attempt to appeal the ban which personally I don't see happening.
tl;dr yes it's legal and yes you deserved it.
Grow some thicker skin or get better at the game. I'm stuck in an hour long game with some auto attacking, out-of-position, feeding, support, who refuses to buy vision or place it after I buy it. Fuck you. If your gunna ruin my game by being shit, I'm gunna ruin yours.
See this guys? Fucking casuals.
I know people who spent over $1000 in this game
Yeah that's not right.
why dont u round up all these cunts with a taser and stick them on a repeat subscription
the people i meet have known and met in real life that play this game are the dregs of society im warned about
lol baby rage is real
im glad youre gone
TOU- read it
lurking for more kek
Roblox is more of your cup of tea. Maybe when you get older you can play games like that.
>i spent over $10,000 on csgo
Wait a whole fucking second. What does this sentence mean? Seriously.
>perma banned for being toxic
Thats actually fucking retarded. I got perma banned on Sup Forums for posting CP without a chance of appealing and some mod unbanned me.
If you agreed to the terms of service, you are bound by them.
I agree that we all should grow thicker skin, but simply being toxic isn't productive. An out-of-position support needs to hear what is wrong with his decision making, not that he should kill himself. If he doesn't listen, then owell. At least you did something more constructive than tell him to kill himself.
Nice, now get cancer and die. Feels nice to know that Riot is cleaning the trash from League. Go cry to reddit, gayfuck.
Is this meant to be ironic? You'd be banned for saying this in-game. The fact that you go to the trouble to say this here leads me to believe that you probably have said something to its effect in game. Using this baseless assumption, I will now assert that you should be banned from league as well. Go cry to reddit, expletive.
Please allow me to elaborate further, I'm not gunna go nuclear on someone for fucking up once or twice its fine, we all make mistakes, I'm going to try and help nicely you because happy teammates are more productive. But if you don't listen and keep dying over and over to the same mistake and lose us the game, you are gunna get an earfull. In dots there is no surrender, you are stuck for the whole approximate 60min. If you waste an hour of my life due to incompetency and stubbornness fuck you.
> (You)
it means youre autistic as fuck and dont come near me
go to bed, moosehunter
League is for faggots. Get the fuck out.
Ok I found my photo I took when I realized I got banned. I think I appealed and they declined it and I had to wait another month. I forgot I could appeal.
Heard of this happening with this shit game. Reason i never played it
I understand why that would be frustrating, but I, personally, could alleviate that by considering the person on the other end of the monitor. Is he trying? Then okay, I will fortify my patience. Is he not trying? Well, then, why? Is he bad? Well, okay. Everyone has to start somewhere. Is he intentionally trying to upset me? Well, if he is, then there's nothing I can do to change that. No amount of swearing or anything else will remedy his behavior. In either event, I don't see the point of resorting to toxic behavior.
leagues the worst thing that ever happened for real time strategy its a giant psy op to curb stomp you autistic retards, gg generation end game is ???
I figured someone would. Hopefully you can appreciate the sentiment, and separate my autism from the equation.
Shouldn't HAVE -- moron.
If you don't want to hear him on the game, then mute him, it's that easy you sensitive fuck, not ban him and waste a shitload of money,freedom of speech is a thing for a reason, you don't have to listen to his shit talking, but you hate him soooooooo much, that you and some other faggots want him banned? Goddamned Fucking sensitive pussies. OH GOD HES BEING MEAN BAN HIM
you agreed to their terms of service retard
imaginal cells ull find none here heretic
entire loops dsm cover to cover
you agreed to terms of use. quit crying faggot
lol fucking retards itt thinking toxicity is bad
fucking ignorant scum, i sincerely believe you all need to be tortured
This is why that game is complete cancer
>le freedom of speech may may
freedom of speech only means the gubment can't impede your opinions. it doesn't mean any fucking wanker can roll around out in town, spewing absolute bullshit about anything and not get the shit beaten out of them
This is a valid point. I agree with part of what you're saying. Should we ban people for speaking their mind? I would say, however, that we should punish people who consistently exhibit anti-social activity in a socially relevant competition.
Maybe that does not have to be as severe as a ban. Perhaps there could be a certain hidden ELO for people who are just not nice? I wonder how the lot would fare.
Act like trash, get banned.
You can pay to enter lots of things, be a dick and ruin it for others you get kicked out. Try not being a toxic fuck on your next account
as if "toxicity" is bad. inbred fuck
simply isnt true
its a psychological operation of vilification by hypocricy
stfu kys nigger hehe xd
cant handle flame scrubs? lol are u a triggered feminist now ? i thought thats what u hate, i guess Sup Forums is just faggot feminist faggots, ohh yea cant report me here huh, well go to redit then KEK
Not the guy you quoted, but you haven't even made a point. If I had to guess, it would be, "This game is cancer because this guy bothered to think about his opinion and respond to a guy who also had an opinion. And that's bad because of reasons that are just plainly obvious to everyone. duh."
Would you disagree with that assessment? Perhaps this is also cancer.
same here bitch it's called dealing with it you fucking faggot, keep being a little beta bitch
trips decides it
dont get upset over it if u like stagnant stats/account progression go play mmo rpg like osrs runescape if u like rts go play age of empires or something
the entire gaming industrys dead as far as im concerned it doesnt look like that because of self confirmation bias in the accounting stats but the shits rotten and dieing its parademic
should start a program up: turn league users into glue project
you sound like you have many friends and healthy relationships friend
But wouldn't the easier solution to just mute him? He would eventually learn that if he keeps being toxic, no one will want to be in a game with him, which would in turn result in either him quitting league of legends forever, or stop being toxic
league of legends is the only game where ive been legitimately "toxic"
i dont know why, but that game strikes a nerve with me.
regardless, i would love to torture you into agreeing with me
If you don't play by the rules, then you deserve what you get. Welcome to the real world faggot.
You are not wrong. To be honest, I know its not helping, its just me being pissed off and looking for an outlet. Idk I haven't played in months because of this, maybe if I go back with a healthier mindset it will be better. I just having difficultly understanding why you would ignore the help of someone who shares a common goal of yours. Its not like micromanagement type shit either, its common sense stuff like lane equilibrium, understanding how spells and items work, basic positioning and map awareness skills. I mean why?
Game is much more complex than league and greatly rewards knowledge and skill. Its a fun game but finding a reliable team is rare.
play by the rules of a bunch of inexperienced inbred fucktards who implement arbitrary, unjustifiable, and illogical constraints
dead within 5 yrs guaranteed. ss my post and put it on reddit when im right
i actually agree though, it is really rage inducing when you get stuck with teams of doorfucking retards
You're a good person. I don't know why you're here. Have a great night.
I played City of Heroes for years and bought every expansion pack, every extra costume, every bonus power, and bought storage space on their server for my own adventure designs. I estimate I paid over a thousand dollars. Then City of Heroes got sold to NCSoft, who decided that it wasn't making a big enough profit. Not that it wasn't making a profit, but that it wasn't extortionate enough for them. So they shut it down and stole all my money. They refused to sell City of Heroes, too. They just trashed it and took everyone's money -- they were still selling shit right up until the end, knowing they were ripping people off.
I'd have sued them, but NCSoft is in Korea. Too bad, so sad, gweilo.
I have never again paid money to an MMO and never will. They got to burn me once, but the entire industry has now lost every penny it would have made from me. My advice? Don't spend money on MMOs. They're a fucking rip-off. You're at the mercy of the greedy capitalist scumfucks who run them.