Waifu Claiming thread

Waifu Claiming thread
>Pretend to be normal edition

The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Post fitting, not over-sexualized or excessive content of the sort.
>Take your porn, suggestive themes and ERP elsewhere.
>Insult other waifu
>Insult Dio
>Keep RP to a minimum.
>Ignore the RP
>Pretend to be normal and discuss stuff
Most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


still here

Mirai claim.


Trolling doesn't bother me. The rules aren't meant for them. It's simple enough to just bake new bread.

gj troll you stopped nothing

Go to sleep nigga

Milinda claim

some quality gachimuchi there kek
fuck dio
>sachi claim


>easier to laugh
Exaactly, Self deprecating humor makes all the shit an easier pill to swallow. That and masturbation as you said haha
Sheeeeeit, those sound kickass. and maybe settle for a bit less of a Graphics card while also upgrading the mobo?
Oh shit boi, Ill have to take a girl to a forest fire next time. Didn't know they were pussy magnets haha
That it does
Thats cus your imagination probably stopped at 4 as well

Also caliming

>Shizuru get!
>If dubs, i'll eat a rock.

I'm here too user

Faggot kys

@mega_phased on Twitter. Major fucking faggot


>glowing waifu
>rare waifu

You tried

Kek. The new gen kids are shitty


I'm sorry right hand :(

Lol sweet I gots this

Got best of both worlds but I wanna see yours

First, bunny user. And now you two

>responsive rattle
Oh no, I made a mess and I have to clean it.

Rory claimed

Aizawa claim

Claiming best girlie.

lol, I wasn't trolling. I just post shit to piss people off if they insinuate I can't do something.

It's reverse psychology, but it happens in EVERY edition of this thread I start in for the day.

If you let me get away with a couple RAW pics without saying shit, you get a stream of 20/80, 80% perfectly acceptable imagery.

Otherwise, you are guaranteed 100% content that wastes the image limit while disobeying the thread rules and providing 0 content other than fap material.

You gotta play it smart.

Hmmm, this seems familiar...

I'll rattle my ass cheeks on your face.

kek It's a blue glow, i heard the hearthstone thing "RARE"


forest fires are not pussy magnets, anime figures are pussy magnets.

I want to stick my d into her give more porn

>If you let me get away with a couple RAW pics without saying shit, you get a stream of 20/80, 80% perfectly acceptable imagery.

>Otherwise, you are guaranteed 100% content that wastes the image limit while disobeying the thread rules and providing 0 content other than fap material.


Naw nigga its 980ti or new mobo and cant afford both
Also the tattoo i want to get is the brotherhood of steel symbol

That is trolling.

It's a social experiment then.

Good luck solider, stay strong.

How do you think a game with your waifu would work out?

Based god. That'll be my project for tomorrow when I get home.

>Best idol claimed


Fag should know nothing is gonna keep the rpers outta this shit aside from gore. Or mayhaps guro of their avatarfag

Jesus christ, how childish can you be.
Dio is gross.
As long as you dont fart to rattle them, I guess Ill be okay with that.
This is defeating the purpose of trolling.
Get the tat. Make sure its west coast.

Heres my reply

>shinoa bro


Fuck off mai waifu m8

That is the exact defention of trolling

who is this
and rude

I feel bad for my right as well. Im a righty but left is what I use for the "feel good" kinda stuff
Both are nice
I wish mine glowed :/ and anime figures are pussy magnets as well? I guess I'll have a start an anime figure forest fire so she'll get doubly wet

kek maybeeee

Thats a little better.
>stay strong
What have you made me do?
>RIP me

>saved by the singles rattle
why even bother then? all you're doing is wasting your time
thanks for the image for my bait collection

Suppose so, was always into shooters as a kid


Tho its not like my generation is any better but my god these new ones are unbarable

if you light an anime figure on fire i'll find where you live.

pls no, every time someone mistreats a figure my heart breaks a little more

straight twerkin.

Idgaf post more pls


>make sure its west coast
Idk what that means
Heres a more fitting bait picture

Lurk initiated

Hmmm, I like the idea of the tat, and like rory said west coast best coast. But at the same time a better PC will bring hours of entertainment. Such the dilemma!
I've never thought about that! I dunno, maybe like a civ game where you have to conquer everything lol
So much Tomoko hate goin on. Y tho?

Apply the noose
Drink the bleach

>having a waifu

Why you lurk friend?


Hey guys! Back from work!

Ayy dats mai waifu fuk off

what is your obsession with that faggy character from space cowboy? you fucking waste of human life

Wait isn't she from Angel Beats? You fucking nigger. That show made me cry.

>pic related

Not really. Trolling is to attempt to get a specific reaction, generating butthurt, while HIDING the fact you're trying to do it.

I'm just using tripwire triggers.
>Call me out, and you're fucked
>Manage NOT to call me out, and I'll be relatively pleasant to chat with, only deviating a bit.

It's a trick, but I don't care if you know it; it works for me either way.
>a fun conversation
>a disgusting fest of fetishistic fuckery

Not exactly. In this case, one is a moderated result that deviates only somewhat from the accepted flow, the other is an immoderate direct attack with no purpose that actually wastes my time as well until I gotta go.

One is potentially slightly unpleasant but mostly all good, just adding some extra flavor. The other is rude, obnoxious, pointless, and absolutely disgustingly perverse, generating HIGH levels on unpleasant.

Also, this user gets it.

hey koko. hows you doin?

Hey me too how was your day?

Rikka claim.

As am I, but I can't forget the memories I have of fuckin around with friends, fuckin with people and generally just fuckin
Do you have any figures? I kinda want some but I don't want it to get out im a weeb lol
Cmon dawgie

Sup Forums claimed
>bow down niggers

no only cause i cant afford them, i want to get a bunch but i need to get my new car asap.

Oh god no. Kurisu is from Steins;Gate.

You have a point.

And because, fuck. That is why

topkek. Don't worry, there's happy feels.

ooh that sounds badass! A anime related civ game huh. Who should we sell this idea to?

Im doing pretty good thanks, how you doon?
Trips confirm, buy all the figures instead of car. What kinda car are you tryna get?

whatever, i guess...

yeah, wutevs

To each of their own

No, no, you see:
Trolling is subtle, and it generally wants to keep the trollees unawares.

What I'm doing doesn't care if you're aware, because I'm good with either.
As long as people don't call me out, I'm all good with any usage of this thread. I just won't follow the rules to a T.
But, when called out, I will shit on the rules for no reason other than don't call me out, because your rules are fake anyway

I kinda alluded to that here:

That's.. wow

Best qt!

Can't what to see it brah




I enjoy both hands since I switch from on sessions unless using lotion

You're welcome m8. Just wish it wasn't as pixilated

You're welcome

Some are okay not gonna lie. Most are shits

Maybe me

Sup jenny

Hey rika! It was fine. Buisness was slow so i didn't need to do much. How about you? Hows your day been/going?

>Yay, for once rattles

Alright i'm back. And i went and did some counting.

I'll be tracking a bunch of the things, as long as i can be fucked, remember, or am

around to track it.
Hugs: 26
Syndra tells someone to kill themselves: 72
Dio mustaches things: 9
Rattles: 41
Burger: 2
Kagami x Magumin no u cuter: 16

typical weeb mobile

i want a nissan 240sx
or a subaru WRX

CC claimed

I think we should sell it to whoever makes the civ games. Or like a mod or something haha we could make billions
Tru, dude have you seen the new COD trailer? I'm a bit salty that their baiting me with the remaster of COD 4

She too innocent, too pure

Alright. Got my IS-2 the ventalation upgrade she needed

spider expert

Best smug!

>my heart
stuff to do

>barks internally

Slow days are always great but then time goes by so slow, what do you do? My day was alright, learned a couple new things on the job and now I am home haha



It took me almost 0 seconds to notice that my image was almost the same, just with Cirno X Daiyousei.

Even blue/green on the same sides.
It's fricking uncanny.

QOTT: when beating the meat, are you left or right?

I'm both so one isn't lonely and muscles wont build unevenly

Just looked at the corsair 980ti its only $680
But i also need a mobo and a tattoo and i want to see rob zombie live
No u

Ambidextrous! I tried switching, just didn't feel right with the way it curves I guess. I mean I can do it but it takes longer
>using lotion
Whats that? Never heard of it
Oooo, I got a nissan myself and that shit is built like a tank haha


Meh, I just have a bad taste in my mouth over them

Meh, it's IW so I have no expectations
>Having to buy a special edition to have CoD4 remaster
Fucking jews did this


Gake and Fay

>beating the meat
not all of us have the protruding appendage.

Fuckin' lefty. Righty for special occasions.
I'm strange.
>The only "lewd" I have because of topic

id rather not say

Welcome back m8.

I'll try my best!

You're a funny guy, you know that?

Didn't even think of that lel. Does Steam still do those paid mods or whatever that stuff was about?

You mean to pass the time? I didn't have much data so i just played with a basketball in the parking lot. Other than that i just doodled in a notebook.


>cracked up like a 12-year old reading that post

oh sorry, was reading replies.

I want to fill your waifu like a creampie with my jizz

how can you be both?
need that balancing

I just looked up IS-2 and its a tank, what are you gearing up for Tomoko?
>existential barks
>muscles wont build unevenly
Too late for me, If I keep this up i'll look like quagmire when he found internet porn
How much are the concert tickets? You might be able to get the 980, and see the concert

I want to cum in sachi's mouth

If you can't do the splits, you won't be able to straddle me in bed.

Well I meant what do you do as a job haha What did you draw? Was it cool?