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I recently tried cocaine and did quite a bit of it. It was definitely a one time thing as I have no desire to do it again. I'm a try everything kind of guy.

That being said this was 3 days ago that I did it and after I did it things would smell and taste of, well the best way I can describe it, bleach.

It's starting to subside but I just wanted to ask; is this normal?

I greatly appreciate the info. Thanks in advance Sup Forums.

P.S. Two things:

One: Yes, I love it. Super euphoric high. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Two: As previously stated, no I do not intend to do it again. I just like to try things. Always wanted to try coke.

I'm not sure if bleach is the right word for the smell, I always thought it smelled like gasoline?
I've done coke quite a lot of times, I try and keep away from it mainly though as I find it very fiendish. Find myself really craving that next line and I don't like that feeling.

Saying that, as of around 2 months ago I am a regular heroin user so I can't really say anything about 'fiendishness' lmao.

Me again

If you ever have some coke to yourself and you're coming to the end of your supply for the night, save one last line and just leave it there for as long as possible. Once you whiff that last line, you will start to feel very sad that there's no more, but if there's just 1 last line left you can easily go for hours or even completely end the night without that fiendish feeling hitting you too bad.

Other than that, coke is a pretty great drug, just wayyyy overpriced and doesn't last long enough.


>me again

whered'ya go OP?
was looking forward to a nice drug chat

I really appreciate the response man. It was funny as the day after I literally thought something was wrong with the water in my house. I thought there had to have been a gas leak into the water pipes. The way you describe it is actually fitting.

MDMA is another one I'd want to try.

I don't know if I'd try heroin. Probably not. That and meth are things I want to avoid.

So far I've done weed, coke, Hydro, and Xanax.

Really want to get my hands on some extasy. Haha

didn't disappear haha! Sorry about that. Playing Overwatch. Great game by the way.

The gasoline smell/ taste is from the way they make it out of the plant. I dont know all that much about it so Idk what exactly what they do with the gasoline, but it's involved in its manufacture.

Fucking faggots. Honestly, just hope all you druggo faggots who think you're the shit for using it die. So fucking cringy

Oh wait what? Oh right, you will die. Probably from some sort of cancer regretting your entire worthless life. That or you'll rot in jail for possession. Either way, it's satisfying knowing that you will end up one or the other, less druggos the better

soberfag here... die in a fire faggot and let people live their lives the way they fucking want.

this is very normal..... what you just inhaled had probably been cut with all sorts of things, including chlorine.

i wouldn't worry too much about it.... even if it was "pure Colombian flake," it's still processed using diesel gasoline and a litany of other chemicals.

i sure you felt great, though.

Haven't seen this pasta yet.

Heroin isn't that fucking amazing man, it's just nice. I'm not shooting it though, just snorting/smoking. I don't think I'm a junkie yet although I'm using almost daily atm.

>Really want to get my hands on some extasy

for sure man it is really, really great. A good roll is fucking intense, just pure love and euphoria, everyone you talk to, you will form deep bonds that may last forever.

Dude I just installed Overwatch like a few hours ago, it's fucking awesome. Thinking it may become my new main game. Move over csgo!

hydocodone is essentially an opiate, though not as powerful as heroin. do too many vids though, you will get hooked.

Could be lingering burns or irritation on your mucus membranes. Wash 'em out with warm water and you should be on the road to reco.

Look in to dextroamphetamine or just amphetamine bro. Cocaine does a fucking number on you and the high is short as hell, meth has a horrible comedown even if you just snort it, and don't think about MDPV or any of those RC stims.

Stick to amphetamine occasionally, as clear cut as you like, add creatine, malto, or just plain fructose to ration it out and save your nostrils from chem burns, only take in one nostril or orally, fuck syringes.

At a party it can liven things up without horrible comedowns, neuroleptics can knock you out when ya want to sleep, and focus on quality rather than quantity.

You're using it daily and you don't think your a junkie? Well, if you aren't you soon will be, unless you decide to save yourself.

cokes a waste of money. doesn't last long enough to justify the cost.

One of my childhood friends died of a heroin overdose today.

You got some very stepped on coke. Probably 20% pure. Very difficult to get in US. Coke is processed in different ways. Acids, baking soda, gasoline.

Slippery slopes, man. Stimulant addiction is a creeping wreck, and you only notice it after you've had a couple of months going strong on it and it hasn't been "fun" in a long time.

unless you live in florida, texas, or new york, your shit is cut with meth, sorry.

I live in SF.. used to get the best coke. Now wired for hours on some weird meth high.. I've gone to Costa Rica. Real coke is real coke. Everyone now is getting meth

I've taken like 2-3 day breaks and yeah I felt a tiny bit rough on the second day but other than that I was mostly all right.
Like I said, I'm only smoking/snorting, and it's relatively low doses, and I don't think the gear I'm getting is very potent at all.

I'm not an idiot, I know I'm dancing with the devil, and I know I'm probably kidding myself when I say I'm not a junkie, but I don't suffer any 'craving' whatsoever. Heroin is very rarely on my mind, I just have a little here and there and chill out.

Will probably quit it when I finish uni for the summer and move home.

Naw your good dude, however if it tastes like bleach that means whoever sold you that coke cut it with something so he could make a profit, so you probably snorted some kind of pill. & coke. The original kind? thats just clean and uncut stuff. (Uncut as in they wont powder up a pill just to have more to sell.)


I'm sorry to hear that.
One of my oldest friends (literally knew him since birth, his mother and mine were close friends) is now a total junkie and lives on the streets.

It's used to extract the drug from the leaves initially.

Dumbass. You're already somewhat addicted, and there is only one way this can go.

Try using something that won't ruin your life.

In US....if you're paying less than $70 a gram, you are not getting pure, or you're just being ripped off. Call charlie sheen. I'm sure he knows where to get the good stuff.

I'm sorry to hear that as well. It fucks me up because her family was friends with my family, and I can pinpoint where she started going down this path. Keep wondering if maybe we didnt say the right thing, ask the right questions, seek the right help..

I just never wanted it to end up this way. Last I heard, it was just coke. I had no idea it got this far, and they found her alone in her apartment. Of all the ways to die.

If hes still alive, please try to talk to him. Even if he wont listen, you wont have to live with this kind of regret over things not said. Might still be some time left to help him out.

I know right! I'm thinking the same thing.

>almost daily

Goodness. I've never done anything on a daily basis haha! I'd like to try MDMA too. Tell me about drugs though man. I don't really know much of anything. I love to hear other people's experiences.

Yeah I know, thanks for the reminder.
Just drowning my sorrows dude....

Can someone describe the experience of being high on coke? My friend was pressuring me to do a line today and I pussyd out. He told me he had not slept in over 24 hours and he looked very tired and his eye was red as if veins in his eye ruptured. He also was using a medicine because he said his nose was clogged. So yea that's why I chickened out after seeing him like that but he tells me the high is amazing and would make me very alert and stuff.

I hate coke. Doesn't last long and the comedown makes me anxious as fuck.

op if they use not pure coca from begining but make first a chemical-chain with other elements for that that no dog could find it and after that refein it it could have some rests of the "chemical"

if they work in a good lab than you dont have the smell but its unlikely that they have good lab it could be the cheapest way of purifaction

>Keep wondering if maybe we didnt say the right thing, ask the right questions, seek the right help

Please don't beat yourself up about this. I am currently in the midst of heroin addiction, and have surfed through many different drugs with my addictive personality. I just don't like being sober, and believe me, there is nothing anybody could say to me to make me change what I'm doing.
I don't know, maybe that's not what you want to hear, but just know that she did what she was doing and you likely couldn't have done anything about it short of locking her in a room.

Chin up Sup Forumsro xx

>Farmers in Columbia manufacture coke out of their sheds to supplement their shit income
>using whatever chemicals they have access to

gas doesn't surprise me. its cheap and readily available to low income families.

if it's good coke it's just super clean. You don't feel like you're rushing on anything, you just become a fantastic conversationalist. Any topic becomes super interesting, and you have an answer for everything.
the "great" answers you're coming up with may come across as cocky, asshole things to say...

Texas my man. The high was short lived but INSANE. I could describe it as a sense of everything being right with the world. I scared my friends on accident while on it. They'd all done it before and I told them, in my desire to describe my feeling, "I could die right now and that would be fine with me". I wasn't scared. I was good, nah mean.

Sometimes when I'm high and people say things like "I could die right now and that would be fine" I watch their faces and I often feel like I can see the cogs turning in their heads and I start getting anxious thinking that they are going to kill themselves and/or other people in the room.

I rarely get coke-anxiety but when I do, oh boy is it horrible. It's like regular anxiety but..... hyperspeed.

>It was definitely a one time thing as I have no desire to do it again

I said the same thing last summer bruh. Now I'm 21, broke, probably just flunked out of college and still living at home.

You'll get bored again some day and ask the friend you tried it with to hook you up again, then again, then again. He'll get sick of it and just ask his guy if it's cool to give him your number. You have your own coke dealer now. You buy from him week after week and the deals supposedly get better and better

I've done this plenty of times. He's right

Sounds more like speed or Dextroamphetamine. Coke shouldn't take long to wear off.

Then again I live in Australia and it's hard to get the real stuff but everyone is selling it!!??

Over hear it's always mixed with other shit that like speed or dexis. Tastes like catpiss to me, not that I've ever tasted cat piss but you know what I mean.

I get that. I just don't feel that sort of connection to it. As I said, I'm just trying to experience things. I didn't want to do coke for fun necessarily but just to see what it's like. I've seen and I intend to move on. Does that mean I'll never do it again? Of course not. I might do it again some day. But not any time soon. That's how I treat weed anyway. Once every couple years or so I go HAM on it. Then quit again.

I can't understand cocaine addiction or addiction to anything that has any sort of come-down. I feel like shit after a coke binge and the day after is very unpleasant. The last thing I want to do is more cocaine? How does one develop a cocaine addiction? Are you literally just doing cocaine all day every day or what? Do you not just constantly feel worn/cracked out and sweaty as fuck? lol

coke is really overrated, there is nothing worth that money in coke. also that smell is happens to me also it will be gone in 2-3 days.