Anything overwatch

Anything overwatch


Fuck that game.
Why the fuck would they think it was a goof idea to let the super killy glass canons just walk through rhinehardts barrier, THEY SJOULD HAVE TO WORK AT LEAST A TINY AMOUNT to get their reaper noob shotgun or instakill sword into his back

ure bad at the game lol. i have no trouble against glass cannons as reinhardt because im not an idiot like u teehee

D.VA is best grill

>lel ubertrollolololo XDDDDD






















Reaper is black.

Also, maybe I missed something but, what's the deal with drawing female characters with cocks? I see that shit constantly, but never understood it.



Cocks > vag






god damn, internet wastes no time



The game was announced like a year and a half ago.

I fucking love fat chicks












i want all the ones of tracer taken down. they make her out to be a standard woman and not who she really is

What about all the ones where she has a massive dong?


What are you? A fucking faggot?

She's just waiting for her to fart, that kinky Brit.


>the joke

i thought she was a man at first soo no problems
no not a faggot but you are for not getting the joke







Shit game shit company


Nobody actually wants to play this game except for retarded blizzard fanboys

What a scrub. If you can't play don't complain that the game is bad, just stop being shit at overwatch.

>not getting the reference

She's clearly a closet fart fetishist, which is why she hugs Widowmaker's ass so tight.

See? She clearly wants to be farted on.

Too late Sup Forums. You can't unsee it.


Why? Did they decide that she has a dick now?


No one cares about ster.
He's not funny.

This is exactly the thread I was looking for.

Moar Mei please.

>be tank
>have barrier
>walking with it up
>if I drop it my whole team of squishies gets killed by gunfire
>reaper walks up
>walks through barrier
>fires three shots with scrublord shotgun
>die, followed by team of squishies as barrier drops
The point of being a glass cannon attacking a tank is generally to be subtle, to flank the big guy before he can react because you can't fight him in a straight fight, but you don't know that because you're another cowaddoody scumbag

I bet you run around as tracer you feckless homosexual

My theory that she's a fart fetishist makes more sense than that. There's at least actual, albeit circumstantial and inconclusive, evidence for it.

Standard women are fart fetishists, they just don't want you to know. Why would they hold them in for so long if they didn't want to fart out a gargantuan cloud of methane?

And who better to carry on such a relationship than a flirty but fetishly-repressed British woman and a secretive assassin?

>Tracer hears Widowmaker's fart for the first time
>Gets so wet

The SJW outrage would be delicious music.

your team is supposed to stop people from just walking through. it's not a broken or shitty mechanic, it's just that you/your team doesn't understand how it should work correctly. lrn 2 communicate scrub

Moar D.Va pls

do you have the quality turned down? the fuck, your pc can't run it on max?



Yeah my graphics card is super shit

>any game with casual matchmaking
>implying the casual matched partners won't just go triple widowmaker anyways because they just KNOW they can snipe that tracer
My sides!
Oh god my sides!!

Its a shitty mechanic(Not broken!) that relies upon a team of mindless distracted sheep

>lrn2understand behavioral meta
Not even being scathing, players justnever change.

Welcome to the internet!1230


The female-penis symbolizes female empowerment and independence from men.

>lets balance our game around casual solo queue.

Ya okay.

stfu more pron

D.Va in particular

>implying they balanced the mechanic around first time players
>not their target audience which is the people that are going to stick around for a while


>let's balance our game around the most played portion of it, which would also have the best AND LARGEST sources of data to help balance it.

Teamwork in a buddied up lobby works to fill out the gaps in flaws of bad mechanics just as much as it works to support rounded mechanics.

Implying the constant influx of casuals coming and going throughout the games life won't make up a larger portion than people who stick

Why not just hold your shield up in front of your own high damage heroes, so they can kill the reaper.
I don't understand the problem here. Also,
>pin him
>ult him
Just sounds to me like you're bad and don't know how to react to an aggressive reaper or your positioning is complete anus.

fucking degenerate

The target audience is always the new influx because the new influx offers potential new microtransaction cash.
If a new player trying the 3 day free trial gets upset over a poor mechanic and leaves before paying a dime then they've lost the large entry fee AND the micro transactions

Tl;Dr:balancing around a new players experience to draw them in is a mainstay of business models

Fair point, but it makes sense to me that more dedicated players are more willing to pay for the micro transactions, since they know they are investing in something they like.
That being said, I don't think this Reaper-Reinhardt interaction that people will experience and go
It's just a matter of understanding how the game works. And having that depth of possible game knowledge is a driving force to make new players stay.
