Faces of Sup Forums, and rate each other you faggots.
Faces of Sup Forums, and rate each other you faggots
Nigger is back
Take your shitty rate me threads to /soc/ you fucking attention whores.
hi clone
you look wierd user
Franklin from fucking GTA
You're probably a dick to people
are you OP's brother?
Thanks man
Hockey player
If you're referring to yourself as nigger that means you're jobless, ignorant, speak incoherently, and always play victim? If you aren't then you're just black. Self deprecating faggot
Kek I'm just black
No tits, timestamps, or further posts. I just want to know my rating. And yes this really is me. Reverse image search shouldn't pick up a thing.
You look Jewish
Yeah just clocked Ya
Sweet man
If you shaved your head, you would be Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins/10
Thanks I guess
nice, u cut or unsnipped then?
haha what
You guys are okay/10
Normal Ill have a beer with you
Is that a bad damn?
as in cut dickwise. I know it's an offbeat question, but didn't mean it to troll or whatnot
I'm half black half Korean, hence the hair.
A very good one.
Do you know what website you're on, faggot?
And don't mind the hoodie, I'm 20 and got it from an older friend
I look like jesus?
Pussyless virgin.
I do faggot. And my definition is the correct way to use nigger as most on this site would agree
Lol 2 black guys in this thread
Check'd jesus or a death metal drummer
Haha thanks user nice dubs too niggerino
You have those freshly opened bag of hot cheetos farts
Sup. Are you the other black dude? Are you in us?
r8 me b
Ahahah lol
Yes, user, Black people exist.
interesting, what's your nationality then if I could ask?
Yes kek
Is this your first time on Sup Forums?
Sweet got dubs again
I don't fart...
Ah coooool. I'm in KOR with my mudda... My dad's the black American. But who gives a shit about my story. That's all I wanted to say.
looks like someone gut cucked
Ja, but what gave it away?
Nice man heard Korea was a cool place to visit
Guys could I get one more rating on me? And then I'll disappear
Are you Rasputin, alive again?
Kek honestly just idek looked like you smoked
Glad to say I've had one sexual partner, many many times. Wish I still had her, though.
Or have I gotten under your skin? :(
Look like a man I could drink with
callin all spideys
Lol Well, I do. Marihauna helps me get high and forget how much I hate.
I should ask my mom if someone getting cucked brought about my existence.
Yeah, but it's all I've known for like 7 years. Don't really stop feeling out of place even when they see your parents but I'm used to it. If you like travel though, give it a try.
Thanks pal. You'd probably out drink me, though, I go hard, fast, then just black out.
Lol nice man
Meh I wouldnt worry about it
College football player/10.
Lol I'm casual
Lol I wish I could play football but I'm only 5'5