I used to mean so much to this person. He used to want to talk to me every day, know what I was up to. I used to visit him nearly every week, and he used to be able to tell me anything, and he knew I'd be there for him. We've done so much together, known each other for so long. He's like a brother to me.
But times caught up.
Now he barely speaks to me, he never wants to know what I do or what i'm up to. He has never invited me to anything anymore, he never wants to do anything, and overall it just seems like he doesn't care for me anymore. It's been happening too much all year and last year to be coincidence. He's probably embarrassed when I'm even in his presence now, he probably wishes that we could just stop being friends already because he no longer knows who I am anymore. We talk still, and I still walk with him when I can. But outside of that, we've only drifted apart. It feels like almost all my peers don't care for me, and that they wish I could just disappear from their lives forever. How could I let this happen? The memories we've shared, the years we've gone through, the things we've done. Now look at us.
He once called me his best friend. Now I'm not even a close friend.
I wish friendships wouldn't be this way.
I wish they wouldn't slowly die out like how I will on my death bed, alone, no one but the nurses and doctors to care for me, only there because of that paycheck at the end of the month.
How could I have gotten so attached to someone in what seemed like so little time? I love him, I considered him family. He deserved that title, every bit of it. Seems like he's ditching me for some other people who he probably won't know after high school anyway. I should have never met him or any of my other peers. Then maybe I wouldn't have all this emotional and social frustration.
I should have never met you. I wouldn't have talked to you the first time I met you, had I known what we would become.
Also general feels thread.
Brayden Wright
Camden Cruz
I lost all of my friends from high school. Its not a rare thing. Most people do. You'll find someone awesome OP. Keep your head you bastard :)
Noah Roberts
If this is guy to guy, its gay. and you being this over-attached probably freaked him out. If this is guy to girl, its creepy and she wants you to fuck off immediately. If this is girl to girl, thats impossible because the word "bitch" is never used.
Cooper Turner
You missed if it's girl to guy hes tired of your friendzone shit
Ayden Gutierrez
seems like he hates you. also, still friends with my bro from elementary. and the people from high school. ya'll are faggots who don't how not to spaghetti
Lincoln Richardson
Only thing I can say is to get over him. The more you try to contact him the worse you'll feel. Don't message him for a long time and see if he messages you, if he doesn't then its not worth it. Like other user said you'll find someone else.
Aiden Wood
If its a girl to a guy this ignorant, he doesn't deserve to get fucked.
Ryan Phillips
wow you are weird op.
Nathan Long
>OP here >Looks it's guy to guy ok? And I know you people will call me faggot or a pussy or some shit. I already see it coming and I'm fine with that. It's just that how could he care about me so much and not give a shit about me in a few years? I'm an emotional piece of shit and I probably deserve anything thats coming. No man should have to be like this.
Justin Long
I think he's just trying to not be rude
Anthony Murphy
Exactly fucking this,,
Zachary Garcia
...are you seriously gay OP?
guys don't do this touchy feely shit. thats almost in our job description.
Cameron Nguyen
I'm bisexual Fucking kill me
Brandon Reed
Justin Jackson
I don't think being emotional has anything to do with sexual attraction you faggots
Luke Robinson
Do you think he's hot?
Robert Peterson
Have feelings for him a bit, probably a 6/10
Benjamin Scott
Is your friend gay? Cause that could very well be the reason he's talking to you a lot less.
Nathaniel Campbell
No, he's straight as a line as far as I know. He knows I'm bi and he's ok with it
Asher Martin
Does he know you're bi? Maybe he figured you had a crush on him and it freaked him out.
Nathaniel Edwards
Bruh I thought this was a Girl to Guy post LOL
Seriously OP get a grip
Aaron Fisher
How sure of that are you? And on that matter, have you ever just sat the dude down and asked why hes being distant?
Jaxson King
people grow apart, user. We've all gone through it....It is just a part of life. Sad but true.
Jace Rodriguez
Cringed hard
Joshua Hughes
maybe he WAS fine with it. but now he is clearly not. most likely he met a new friend that absolutely hates gays. or maybe he is interested in a girl who is disgusted by gays.
And straight guys will ditch a bro for a girl any day of the week, its a guys duty to understand that.
Lincoln Reyes
Why should I?
Carter Thomas
Op, You sound so desperate for friendship in those messages. I'm sure you're a nice guy but people change and maybe he has. You can't force someone to like you and bribe them. Just try to find other friends or just ask him if he hates you. I'm sure he'll tell you the truth, but it seems like you make it awkward enough.
I dont mean any offense to this, but im calling it how i see it.
Charles Long
fucking seriously
James Flores
you sound like a weirdly possessive weinerboy OP, they drifted away because you wanted to keep them in your pocket like a toy you could play with any time, when they probably just wanted normal friends to hang out with.
this is a problem with you, not him
Matthew Rivera
do you have tits? Yes or no? Its important
Brandon Wright
Well, why should you ask us? We're not him, we don't know. It's the best to ask him. What can you lose?
Blake Barnes
Who cares OP. My old "best friends" got into meth, crash n burn.
Others I used to consider friends I'd pop in the mouth for being snitch faggots. Roll with it, find some new friends and have fun. Get off the fucking phone texting some limp dick that doesn't want to hang out and you'll be fine.
Evan King
i was that other guy before, you are toxic, your group of friends all bitch about you while you're not there because you're so weird about people having other friends and you say and do these weird things
>i can give you money to go if you want wtf is wrong with you, he closely wants nothing to do with you, have some self respect and move the fuck on
Matthew Collins
I feel like I know you irl... Washington State?
Daniel Sanchez
Dude I'm straight, and been best friends with another dude since like 2nd grade. If he suddenly decided to have nothing to do with me... I'd be broken...
Nothing to do with being gay or not bro.
Wyatt Edwards
Mason Rogers
Where u from OP fam?
Noah Anderson
Space needle state
Julian Flores
Thanks for discussing this topic with me anons. Made me feels a lot better, I'll talk to him sometime soon about all this
Kayden Clark
Good luck
Colton Cox
How do you get over the thought of a recent ex one day telling another guy he's great, the love of her life, and him eating her out like you did, Sup Forums?
Sebastian Nelson
Nah man, New Zealand. I'd probs still hang with you doe. Go go karting or some shit and laugh at the faggots I used to call friends
Owen Nelson
You are in love with a straight guy. One day you'll grow up and realize that, just because you want something, doesn't mean you'll get it. You have two options: Get the fuck over it, or keep being a lil bitch which only hurts you and no one else.