>be murican
>eat raw meat
>muh rare steak
>murica fuck yeah
Be murican
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought argentianos knew about steak, guess not.
How do you prepare your churrascos?
not raw
its not like mince you retard
you can eat it rare because the inside hasn't touched anything before so it can't make you ill
it's not a fucking hamburger
it's got nothing to do with sanitation
it's just disgusting af
How unsurprising that the sissy sudaca can't handle the idea of eating undercooked food
Go eat more burnt beetles subhuman
Why do you eat a steak in the first place? For the flavor? Well you're losing all the flavor when it's well done so you're fucking stupid. Does argentina even have trees?
are you one of those people disgusted by sushi?
have you never eaten salami before?
a lot of food is grown in human shit, and you will have drunk recycled piss before
>be american
>throw meat on the grill
>eat it all raw because your fat ass just can't wait for it to get cooked
maeks u tink
raw food meat of any kind is disgusting.
and yes I hate sushi.
You don't fucking cook it at 500 degrees for 30 minutes, you retards
You cook it at a low temperature and it gets cooked without losing the juices, and gets a better taste, instead of just warm raw meat with no flavor
It's painfully obvious you never cook meat for yourselves
you can still get worms from eating veg
>instead of just warm raw meat with no flavor
I can see you've never actually tasted rare meat before
And yes I know how to cook meat, if you really must know
Furthermore what the hell do you mean cooking it at low temps keeps juices? In order to get it well done the heat has to get all the way through, and that heats the meat and loses juices no matter how slowly you cook it because it depends on the temperature of the meat, not how long it takes to get it browned
Fucking idiot
>be Argentine
>live in country famous for its beef
>be incapable of cooking a steak properly
No you cook at 500 degrees for 5 minutes on each side so the outside is crispy and the inside is rare. You're too poor to realize that better tasting cuts are only better tasting when you leave it raw
>it can't make you ill
Bitch, look at it.
>monkey education
As the Bong said, it's not a hamburger, the surface area is only on the surface so bacteria can't get any further in.
it is chewy like gum, best with blood
cooked meat all has the same texture so some natural sliminess is a relief
it is an acquired taste but when you over cook it the quality of the cut of the meat would differentiate less, to know a good meat is to eat it rare-ish
Ah yes, Argentinian steak knowledge
If you get sick from rare meat you cooked it wrong
good post
I apologize these are what we call negro cabeza or subhuman amerindian bolivians who live inside of villas outside of Buenos Aires and masturbate to anime in hilo latino.
We true European man enjoy a pink steak and can actually afford it, unlike those '''''''''''''people''''''''''
It could if it's not properly handled, but chances are it's been better taken care of than most newborns.
How good the steak is depends mainly on the steak and who is preparing it. The best black and blue I've ever had was at the same place I had the only well done steak I've ever enjoyed (ordered as such because my stepmother sometimes faints at the sight of blood, even on a plate, coming from a chunk of dead cow).
That said, I prefer most tender cuts of beef on the rarer side.
Everyone eats steak medium rare unless they're from filthy fucking third world gutter countries
Also the Falklands will never be yours, fucking do one you cunt
>morbidly obese hillbilly interpretation
I wrote LOOK AT IT. But of course I'm not surprised that won't stop you. Bet you can write a book of excuses to eat that thing.
t. flyover
if it was a burger and it looked like that inside it would, but it hasn't seen the light of day until the moment you cut it open
it never had a chance to pick up bacteria from any surfaces which is why it is safe
if it made you projectile vomit people wouldnt eat it, that would be pants on head retarded
Enjoy your carcinogens and spoiled meat that's blacker than the average argentine
>my stepmother sometimes faints at the sight of blood
She's a lady. Send my blessing to this grand dame.
>because my stepmother sometimes faints at the sight of blood, even on a plate, coming from a chunk of dead cow).
Tell her it's literally not blood and to read a fucking book
Undercooked meat doesn't taste right, still tastes somewhat like blood, and is rubbery instead of coming apart when I chew it.
>iron-rich meat tastes like iron
>better burn it so it tastes like charcoal instead
don't even cook meat ever again, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about
t. baby
>which is why it is safe
...Till you faint and a knife cross your eyes.
This coming from the guy who hates the idea of eating something raw
Uncooked vegetables must terrify you huh?
I agree, that's why medium rare is 10 times better than rare
But well done is just too dry. You need the internal fat to soften without drying it out
Also, there's no blood whatsoever in properly prepared beef. The red stuff is just water with hemoglobin in it
you ask for your meat to be done "a punto", that shit on the pic looks undercooked and dry as fuck somehow.
Is it the glorious return of the Argentine Nutritionist? Tell us about the deadly amino acids in eggs again please
Must've been left out for a while so they could get a good picture
I meant OP's pic, the ribs on my post look glorious.
Phoenix is the fifth largest city in the union
If you included the cities that literally border us like Tempe and Glendale we'd have a population greater than San Francisco
Wow, I thought Argentinian beef expertise was the one thing they had going for them
I guess they really are a third world country
don't lecture me on meat, the only people we can sit down and talk about asados and meat with are uruguayans.
the rest....just shut up and learn from us.
>"Shut up and learn from the masters"
>*Cracks fingers*
>*Burns the meat*
Ah yes
>Be Argentinian
>Burn you beef black in order to have it match your skin when you eat it.
>things you learn on Sup Forums:
>there is only one "proper" way to cook steak
>everyone has a different opinion about it
you're walking on thin ice...
>I agree, that's why medium rare is 10 times better than rare
Not him but I agree 100%
post Medium well or gtfo lad.
Is that you? You guys are pretty white.
I seriously thought argentines knew about steak.
Guess I thought wrong.
that's messi mate
What you faggots do is cook good cuts like there tough cuts. You don't slow cook a good piece of meat.
we just don't like gummy and bloody raw meat
if you like it that way then to each their own
have fun eating like dogs and pigs
Good thing I can swim nigger
ITT: Anglos not aware you can cook stuff with something else aside fucking 5000°C plasma ovens
eating meat raw is barbaric no matter how sophisticated you think you are
>you can eat it rare because the inside hasn't touched anything before so it can't make you ill
ITT: Argentinians not aware you can cook stuff without burning the entire cut
t. Pei Ping
>Polish-Argentinian quality meat.jpg
>“‘Saving for well-done’ is a time-honored tradition dating back to cuisine’s earliest days. … What happens when the chef finds a tough, slightly skanky end-cut of sirloin that’s been pushed repeatedly to the back of the pile? He can throw it out, but that’s a total loss. He can feed it to the family, which is the same as throwing it out. Or he can ‘save for well-done’—serve it to some rube who prefers his meat or fish incinerated into a flavorless, leathery hunk of carbon, who won’t be able to tell if what he’s eating is food or flotsam. Ordinarily, a proud chef would hate this customer, hold him in contempt for destroying his fine food. But not in this case. The dumb bastard is paying for the privilege of eating his garbage! What’s not to like?”
for the record i do eat raw meat, it's just what he said is dumb
rare =/= raw but you do have a point about worms
Have you guys never had a well made well done steak? They can be amazing and the south Americans know how to do it right. I prefer rare but you're really missing out on some pretty good food
Same to any argentinabro who discounts rare all together. You just need to find a good chef
>Heat pan for 10 minutes with no oil
>Take steak straight of the fridge when you're ready to fry it because bringing steaks up to room temperature is a meme and will make it harder to get a crusty outside and pink middle
>Sear steak in very hot pan until browned all over, taking care to render the fatty side first so it cooks in its own fat
>Put in oven on pre-heated tray at 110 Celsius for 5 minutes (depending on thickness) until internal temperature comes up to 55 Celsius
>Slice and eat immediately because resting is a meme that only serves to overcook your steak
This is objectively the only way to cook a steak and if you disagree you're wrong and an idiot
I have more of a problem with him saying rare is shit because his opinion is truth
Well done well done is prebbi gud
>his country is such a diseased shithole that he cant eat rare meat
>trying to take the high horse because his country doens't know how to properly cook a medium rare steak
nah you can miss me with that shit. Just own up to the fact you guys don't know how to cook a steak properly and keep it moving. The meat shouldn't even chewy if it's medium rare or rare. The fact that you say this just showcases your inability to cook a proper steak.
>best way to cook a steak
Are you one of those griddle autists?
This thread is retarded desu. In every fucking restaurant even those that serve a $100 steak, they will still ask you how you want it cooked. And they will make sure it is good. It doesn't fucking matter how you make it. /thread
He's american so he probably uses a BBQ
At least you know how to cook meat blackgentina, I give you that
Do you know what a BBQ is?
If you don't have your steak blue you are not a real man fact.
t. absolute madman
A griddle is different.
>tfw blue rare
i hope our meat is as cheap as american
Myoglobin is close enough to hemoglobin in terms of heme-colour (and function) to trigger phobic reactions, regardless of any understanding of the differences between the two.
it is not easy to carry the weight of european culture, gastronomy and heritage...not with these simple minded new worlders begone fools, I'll be enjoying my top-tier asado and wine this summer, as you choke on raw intestines.
But this picture is obviously from an advertisement. These things are not yours at all.
>argentina: summer, asado, wine
>us: winter, raw intenstines
senpai&me make better asados, every argie house comes packed with these
lots of reasons for that outburst on how well done is shit and raw is good
First of all he's a brit who doesn't know shit about anything
Second, he got angry because it was his restaurant and the food turn out to be shit, so when confronted he started spouting lots of bullshit
>well it's your fault for wanting well cooked meat
That's the most retarded shit I've heard
I'm American and I hate anything but well-done meat with a passion.
They come packed with white women?
I'm getting my black ass to Argentina.
You use a pan for the shitty meat to make churrascos.
Good meat should be done in pic related, also just with wood, not carbon or oil.
sabe el yorugua
>Implying I'm gonna take cooking advice from the nation famous for being shit at cooking
Not today Nigel.
>Be Argensimian
>be triggered from other thread about people enjoying rare steak
>try to act superior because you love eating charred meat
>still get BTFO
se te torció la parrilla, bo.
It isn't the 1970s anymore, we have far more Michelin starred restaurants per capita than you