I am attempting to learn my first second language...

I am attempting to learn my first second language, I've chosen Russian mostly because I have traveled to the area a few times and I really enjoyed it. I have been using Duolingo however it never really gave a proper introduction to Cyrillic letters.

> Should I just stick do Duolingo and the letters will come to me eventually, or should I try to memorize the alphabet first?

alphabet first you dingus

Just memorize the alphabet, it doesn't take a lot of time.

>American learning Russian

What a waste, should just learn spic speak


This. C'mon, OP.

At first your brain will feel tired from trying to read in an unfamiliar alphabet, but over time it will start coming naturally and you will be able to read words almost unconsciously/at a glance like you can with English. You can let this come "naturally" and take forever, or you can study it for a few days and significantly speed up the process of your brain accepeting and processing the new alphabet on sight.

Try writing letters or words and pronouncing them as you write them. Use Forvo alot and read the word while the native speaker pronounces it. See if there are youtube vids of reading exercises where people say the word/letter aloud. This way you can also work on pronuncation alongside recognition of the writing system.

Duolingo is not a good tool to use on its own. It definitely makes a nice introduction and a fun way to study but you need to supplement eventually. If you still want easy gameified learning I would suggest adding Memrise and BaBaDum and maybe Clozemaster.

Memrise uses spaced repitition and if you enjoy that and want to get more control over it with less cute features and more technical features you should switch to Anki.

The real key to learning is just shittons of input and constant practice and staying motivated so if you need to vary your method to stay interested, go ahead, just make sure you put in some effort almost every day.

t. language knower

Just learn a language that doesnt use moonrunes.

I learned Chinese before I knew any characters

I bet you voted for donald trump too

Cyrillic is fucking easy it should take you week at max and only if you are retarded it should be that long

easy for you because you are subhuman slav

If it takes you more than 3 hours to fully understand and comprehend Russian Cyrillic then you're a literal mental retard and shoild stick to babby languages.

>babby languages

I thought russian was a babby language? Its very phonetic, so other than the alphabet (which isnt hard to learn) its pretty straight forward.

good fucking luck user.

Duolingo is shit btw, but free so I can't complain

What would you suggest then? Its kinda hard where I live to get real life experiences with any language other than english. I dont even have any mexcians to talk to.

Russian isn't phonetic, stupid ass.

Its easy for me because i dont have double digit IQ, half the letters are same as in english

I fixed it

That's fine, but OP was asking specifically about learning the writing system

> dropping ц

Why do Russians (or any language) have a cursive writing system?

Faster to write

But impossible to read. Have you seen Russian cursive?

Dude I can't even read English cursive

lol dumbass

Этo coвceм нeпpaвильнo. кaкoй дypaк
Учи пиcaть pyccкий, хyй

*пиcaть пo-pyccки