Hey fags! whats Sup Forums drinking tonight? IPA master race reporting in

Hey fags! whats Sup Forums drinking tonight? IPA master race reporting in.

Imperial Stouts >>>>>>> IPAs

Never tried one, any good specific brews you recommend?

Alaskan hop o thermia double ipa. 8.5 abv and 70 ibu

Drinking this right now. RIS aged in bourbon barrels. It's ok, though a tad hot.

Is that a stout? neat.

Yup. RIS is short for Russian Imperial Stout. Like I said, it's just ok. Nothing really special, which isn't surprising considering it's made by Sun King.

Since this thread will need constant bumpin to stay alive, join the other drinking thread if you want.

It's on /soc/, forgot to add that.

Havin this tonight