Hey fags! whats Sup Forums drinking tonight? IPA master race reporting in

Hey fags! whats Sup Forums drinking tonight? IPA master race reporting in.

Imperial Stouts >>>>>>> IPAs

Never tried one, any good specific brews you recommend?

Alaskan hop o thermia double ipa. 8.5 abv and 70 ibu

Drinking this right now. RIS aged in bourbon barrels. It's ok, though a tad hot.

Is that a stout? neat.

Yup. RIS is short for Russian Imperial Stout. Like I said, it's just ok. Nothing really special, which isn't surprising considering it's made by Sun King.

Since this thread will need constant bumpin to stay alive, join the other drinking thread if you want.

It's on /soc/, forgot to add that.

Havin this tonight

Drinking some different ciders. Trying to finish this UV blue but it tastes like shit

And a couple of these on the weekend

my pops had a bottle from the sixties that we opened for my 21st. Good times. My personal favorite is the irish spring water.

Ill have to look that up later, in terms of whiskey I havent dabbled in many different brands, I usually stick to what I always get, but some variety wont hurt

IPA - England's export beer.
It's good enough for the darkies.

I like Legunita's because it is brewed near my home town.

Ipa fag here. Prefer lag's daytime (session ipa) and nighttime (black ipa) to the regular one in your pic. Good brewery all around though.

Step aside plebs. Altough it's not night here.

>England's export beer.


Pilsner Urquell is awesome! Light, crisp, perfect for drinking a few during a warm Summer's day and still feel fine afterward.

Assume you're talking Petaluma but they have other brewing locations now... It's the curse of success.


The other location is Chicago, which happens to be a few hours away from me.

>IPA - England's export beer
IPAs have become much different than the original British article.

Just some jagermeister

Yup. Not a goose island fan, then? You get Great Lakes in Illinois? I drink what I can of theirs whenever I venture north.

Bottled? Tap? Filtered?

> Master race

You misspelled Imperial stout, m8.

This user gets it

I don't normally drink Pilsner but I had a problem with liver after taking antibiotics and believe it or not my doctor said drink one plzeň (Pillsner) for lunch and you will be able to drink in no time. I normaly drink Gambrinus, Krušovice, Bernard or Budvar since PIlsner is twice as expensive here in Czech. rep but hey one must take their medicine right.

Old Rasputin is a goodue and the easiest to come by I think. But I live in the states so dunno how much help it will be for you

>master race

Oh, how cute. Did you just turn old enough to drink?

Drinking a 40 of Steel Reserve.

I actually live in Indiana. Eh...Goose Island is ok overall. Besides last year's infection issues, Bourbon County is so goddamn good! Some of their year-round offerings can be good (Sofie, Matilda, etc.).

Unfortunately, IN doesn't get Great Lakes. :(

Why would you ruin your drinking with this: Do you even Reyka, Ketel One, or even fuckin Tito's? No Stoli?

Yummmmm. Though I have taken more of a liking to Ouzo and Arak Razzouk. Same good licorice flavour, but with higher booze content. That and it is clear neat and white with water or on the rocks.

I havent dabbled in many different brands tbh, I usually get what I always get, I will however be glad to take suggestions, im always open to more variety, at the end of the day though, if I get hammered, im happy

If you gonna post Belgian, just go straight with some Lambic.

Well honestly if you can find it, Reyka is a bomb ass vodka. Made in Iceland and you can really taste the purity. It's also the cheapest of the vodkas I mentioned (22 USD where I live, compared to the 14 USD smirnoff costs). The extra money is WELL worth it

My nigga.

Well thanks man, ill be sure to check where to get some where I live, and hopefully try it out

whisky albeit a cheap as fuck bottle, I like this brand tho

Case of this

Fuck I hate you dilettantes. learn a thing or two before trying to act sophisticated about something jeez.

Glad to see someone else enjoys them delicious Lamics. lol

Was just asking a simple question

Sierra Nevada Torpedos, also have some Bourbon on standby...

>I drink Pilsner Urquell almost every night, but tonight this (from tap)

I just got up, but yesterday it was this beauty.

I'm swallowing sadness with hints of self loathing.

couple that with whiskey and you are golden

track 7 panic ipa