What it feels to be schizophrenic? daily thoughts???

what it feels to be schizophrenic? daily thoughts???


Schizoaffective here, AMA

What do you think of the Fort McMurray fire?

What's day to day like?
Do you catch yourself doing strange shit?

boy, lets say i was to become a neet. could you explain the process of your diagnosis? do you have papers? do you get neetbux every month?

ment for

op here, what do you feel when you trip? do you use lsd or shrooms sometimes?

It's fairly average, i'll talk to myself everynow and then, sometimes i'll see something out the corner of my eye or just hear things every now and then, haven't had a major hallucination in about 6 months now

Looked pretty

What kind of things do you see and hear?

Don't just leave me hanging

Do you have out-of-body experiences during an episode?

Never used either of those, usually it feels like i'm on a whole different level, like theres no one around even if i'm in public, pretty scary

Sometimes I hear scratching, things calling my name, every now and then I hear a loud ass scream which scares the shit out of me

do you ever wanted to murder someone?

So he was beside himself with fear?

Not really, I feel present in my own body but I don't feel present in reality

Sometimes I have an episode where I feel like I need to hunt something, once I took my rifle late at night and set up a snipers nest in my living room, which over looks most of the town, and just spied on the neighbors i'd never pull the trigger though

do you do it for the drugs they gave you?

Nah, I don't even take the drugs I just bin them, rather not be a zombie

craziest thing you've seen?

Depends on scale, one hallucination was a deer headed man with red eyes, the other was when I was in a mall and everyone was dead

I am schizoaffective as well. Pretty sable in this part of my life, but my late teens/early adulthood was a mess. It took a lot of time to piece myself back together.

Doing fine now, though. No meds, married for 3 years, steady job with good pay.

If I were to describe what an episode feels like, I'd say it's as varied as any dream. It can be enlightening, terrifying, or soothing. It depends a lot on how the subject copes with the condition and how stressed they are.

Hospital /Psyche ward security officer here.

You ever get so manic that they had to give you a dose of good ol Vitamin H (Haloperidol)?

So the hallucinations are managed through emotion or how a person "feels"?

My Nigga

Nah , i'm pretty calm most of the time, only spent one night in a psyche ward and that was self admitted

With schizoaffective conditions, it has a large impact. Schizophrenia isn't defined by emotional involvement. Both are aggravated by stress, just like most mental conditions.

Do you have mental persons you counsel with as well, or is that just me?

Schizoaffective here, as well.

When I'm not paying attention, I very routinely see what look like protruding bits of the ground RIGHT in front of my feet, making me think im gonna trip unless I know theres nothing there already.
Sometimes knowing doesnt cut it though.

Do you have to give the air a kick just to make sure?

I can imagine someone walking down the street when all of a sudden...*kick* "Nope"

I used to have a person call me every week but I stopped that after a bit, I can manage on my own and my friends help me out quite a bit

most schizophrenics dont know or cannot accept they are its usually comes down to what their behaivour is, its usually shovey, aggressive, pushy, criminalistic, interfering into others worlds first, sticking their beak where it doesnt belong, causing trouble, as causative, usually a lower caste mind set, intellectually, dystopic, believe right to be wrong etc, usually autistic, mass syndrome, logical fallacies are their constructions of justification, appeals to majority etc, usually try to assert an agenda on you at the same time forever trying to get away with unaccaptable behaivour, can't see axioms, etc highly uncooperative to progress, will do anything to stay "as the pack" to keep themselves alive, safe etc, whilst never confronting their own self because that would require being alone, too weak, pathetic, for such.

retarded from an epistemological standpoint of view essentially, philosophically redundant

I meant a person in your head. I didn't hear the word "Tulpa" until about a year ago, but I've had something similar since my symptoms started appearing.

mass conditioned by institutionalised whitewashed autistic egocentrism

>Generalized statements and rambling

Are YOU schizo?

That's exactly what I do if my stride hasn't really started yet. If it has, I do a kind of studder-step like the thing you see people do when they're marching in a group and they get out of step.
Or I try to step up it like thinking there's one extra stair and fumble like a tard, but not so much that one.
It's weird though, I've REALLY tried to just not do it, but it's like how you try to catch something you've dropped before it lands.

Fucking sucks if I'm carrying something

>cant comprehend simplisticly presented plain and straight forward points of rhetoric and calls me schizo

yes, yes you are

By his own definition, I'd say so.

calm down

>points of rhetoric
Care to provide evidence?

full blown egocentrism

odd schizophrenia


Schizoaffective, and that's just some of the little shit I see.
People are complex, mang

How does one know if they have schizophrenia without going to a psychiatrist or psychologists?

This is literally the craziest thread I've been in today

paranoid schizophrenic reporting in

now medicated I'm sane enough but I can't work and life got pretty boring

psychosis is on one hand life threatening, life destroying, and a huge catastrophe for the people around me, but, it's subjectively, while exhausting and overwhelming, also pretty awesome and mind blowing. I had it twice, imagine a months long lsd and shrooms trip, or call it a deep profound spiritual experience, words don't do it justice.

Problem is when you think you are basically God and immortal, you forget that you are in fact mortal, and put strains on your body it can't endure in the long run, this and I act basically batshit insane from an outsider perspecitve of my loved ones, so that's why I take my meds. Glad I've experienced it once or twice but wouldn't want to experience it again. At least not this soon.

So now the thread has a troll, who's only purpose is to corrode the constructive nature of our conversations. Since they will never deliver a solid, coherent argument, rhetoric is ultimately useless against them.

Guilt is a giant factor

>what it feels to be schizophrenic? daily thoughts???

All of that really isn't far from an average train of thought.

Pretty sure my gf is schizoid in some way. Has dissociative episodes where she doesn't know who she is, acts fucking obnoxious with little to no self awareness, cries whenever she's wrong, starts drama constantly, respects no one, victimizes herself anyway, hears voices telling her to get her shit together.

Honestly maybe just an american woman, but either way, it's frustrating and I don't know if she'll ever get the help she needs.

fuck off carlos

>Problem is when you think you are basically God and immortal,
it depends on your semantics to the enlightenment god is merely another word for self; becoming; actuated; etc

the individuals human capacity

sounds like shes going through puberty and memory growth

>Honestly maybe just an american woman
>maybe just an american woman
>just an american woman
>just woman
Ding ding ding, there you go, good job.

I don't think this is accurate. Wikipedia doesn't say anything close to that.

>hears voices telling her to get her shit together.
memory recall, subservient guilt

work it out for yourself as all things

Oh yea.
Listening to steven wilson when I was having a panic attack fucking wrecked my mind. Tried pot, but an inverted brain and a heart attack arent good together.


Winged giants brought the shadow's seed from the black star. The fire grows as do the shadows. Exoskeletons of the grain foster the love the dead peasants. Blisters grow on the shadows as the breath of the echos of light turn the five prophets white with the roots of deception. Language is the gift of the old and the death of peace.

try acid

It's honestly very hard to pin this shit down. We've done some psychedelics together and it's made the relationship much more complex. Sometimes I think maybe I'm crazy and she's just reflective of what I've done to her, mixed with fucking annoying and depressed because that's just who she is. But idk, sometimes it feels like we saw the void together, and part of her was left in it.

We are all our own god

wait until she leaves u or stay in it together

Nailed it.

Agency: The Unoriginal Thought

Is anyone having signs of true time syncing?

I'm curious when you hallucinate how vivid is it? Do you literally see and hear things or is it like some intrusive thought that won't leave?

If you believe every song on the radio is about you. If you believe you are in every image of art. If you believe "orbs" that float in the air like dust particles are controlling you. If you see things on security cameras no one else sees. If you believe that you can make clouds in the sky rise and fall. If you think you are Jesus. If you believe that enemies die and become oil only to float to the surface of the planet and become marijuana plants. If you try to resurrect dead animals. If you believe you have cut babies out of men as well as women. If you hear voices. If you believe the FBI and CIA have implanted "voice to skull" technology within you.

I have a family member who is functionally delusional and I hear all this shit all the time. He's been hospitalized twice against his will.


oftent imes propagating bullshit is as worse if not more than the bullshit literal self

Intrusive thought is only an apt description once you've recognized a disparity between what you see/feel/believe and what everyone else does, and noticed that this pattern is ongoing. Usually it isn't something you question when it first starts. It's a kind of hubris you have in thinking you're sane, a confidence in your senses. Once you've recognized that you can have delusions pretty easily, and have them manifest in observable ways, then it can seem pretty concrete for a duration, a lot like when lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis. You can be aware that you're an unreliable narrator for you consciousness, but it is very difficult to control. In all ways, it seems a perception rather than a prescription your mind imposes. In much the same way, it can simply end when you "wake up", which in my experience is generally redirecting my attention and reframing my narrative of thought.

This sounds like me.

Diagnosis? Just functionally delusional?

I love reading about people's delusions so if you have any stories, I'd love to hear them. They are the most artistic myths, and the smarter the person is, the better they are.