What country hates the U.S. the least?

What country hates the U.S. the least?

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But I'll still get mugged if I go there

you say shit like this and wonder why every country in the world hates us

Likely yes.

According to those Pew polls, Filipinos, Nigerians, Kenyans, and Canadians have a higher opinion of Americans than Americans do.

Canada probably.

Canadians view it as Canada with guns.

>and Canadians

That sounds pretty accurate besides Canada and probably Philippines as well.

>statistics be rayciss n shieet

We love our big brother

Countries where people have a positive view of the US. It's all from 2014 except for the US info.

Philippines (92%)
Israel (84%)
USA (83%), 2016 data
South Korea (82%)
Kenya (80%)
Italy (78%)
Vietnam (76%), forgive and forget I guess
France (75%), eternal allies
Poland (74%)

Countries where people have a negative view of the US

Egypt (85%)
Jordan (85%)
Turkey (73%)
Russia (71%)
Greece (63%)
Pakistan (59%)
Lebanon (57%)
Tunisia (47%)
German (47%)

Oops, meant to reply to

Fuck USA.


twas a facetious remark

Apparently, 73% of Brazilians have a favorable opinion of the US. So you guys are pretty high up there, but not quite near the god-tier countries like the Israel, South Korea, and France.



it's hard to hate when you see so much of yourself in it

Fuck USA.

Always those ungrateful bastards.

I'm surprised that Canadians don't hate us a lot more tbqh. A great deal of your national identity seems to be "we're not American".

That's hilariously biased fearmongering from a writer who clearly has a bone to pick with both Trump and Farage. There's no substance, it's just a multi-page fellatio session extolling the virtues of the Truman/FDR/Churchill-created international order.

And for what it's worth: the IMF, World Bank, and United Nations are all still based in the US. The world's banking is still done primarily in New York and London. The global influence of the English language gives the US and UK unmatched cultural influence. The idea that the "Anglo-American Order" ended because we elected a pro-tariff President is madness.

Germans tend to be anti-nationalism, America is like the patron saint of nationalism. They're still justifiably angry about the fact that we were using their country as a base for espionage too.

>Vietnam (76%)
>German (47%)

>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do

Why are Germans such ungrateful, horrible people?

We all love Brazil!

There was the whole spying thing....

>The idea that the "Anglo-American Order" ended because we elected a pro-tariff President is madness
No it's not.

we aren't American
that has nothing to do with us hating you, it's just we don't want to carry your reputation by being lumped in as one nation

no Canadian truly hates America, but many are smug because they think Canada is a better version of America

>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do
>Why are Germans such ungrateful, horrible people?

The Japanese have a very clear and obvious threat just to the west of them that the US is defending them from. The Vietnamese, as bizarre as this sounds, are one of the biggest success stories of the American international economic order. They became massive coffee exporters with some help from the World Bank/IMF/WTO and the fact that Congress gave them "most favored nation" status when it comes to trade, exempting them from a lot of trade barriers. They're worried about China as well.

But the Germans....what do they really need us for? What are we really protecting them from, and how essential are we for them economically?

non meme this

The fact that you posted an article from 12 years ago kind of proves my point....and for what it's worth, Bush was fully on board with the international order, despite a preference for unilateralism.

>We all love Brazil!
Now that you are at the brink of the collapse you surely love everybody.

>What are we really protecting them from

>and how essential are we for them economically?
More than I think we all suspect

The US is not at the brink of collapse

lmao in your dreams 3rd worlder

I bet you think Brazil is rising up too don't you






everyone i know says good thing about america

Before last mouth we used to be neutral. Not anymore though

Good. I HATE Mexico!


fuck Mexico and every other cunt south of it

Brits. At least on Sup Forums and Sup Forums. It's like a dick sucking exhibition

United States of America

>besides the Philippines
What the fuck? Are you serious? That's the fucking stereotype, and they love us more than we love ourselves. This is bothering me more than it should that people would think the Philippines hate us.

Add México to the second list.

Ok, here's the map, using information from Pew's global surveys. Not all of the countries are current, for some I had to go as far back as 2013. And of course, these are all from before the election. I'm sure that Mexico's rating of us is about to drop like a rock.

Map key:
80%+: Dark green
70-80%:Light green
60-70%: Yellow
50-60%: Orange
Less than 50%: Red

And these are the below 50 countries, for anyone interested.


Also, the Philippines and Ghana deserve statehood, they're at 92 and 89 percent favorable, respectively. China was surprisingly high at 50%, as was Vietnam at 76%.

>US elects a president who wants to keep Mexicans in Mexico
>this makes other Mexicans angry


Yours truly

That's a favela fucker. Too many of these commies here. Well to do middle class Brazilian normies don't hate the US.

Why Jordan?

Nah, you guys are pretty low on the list. Only 65% favorable, so much for the "Special Relationship".

>Yours truly

We support Israel. Jordanians really hate Israel.

>US elects a president who wants to send Chicanos and Sudacas to Mexico
>this makes REAL Mexicans angry


Only the retarded working class, minorities and liberal women from London have a problem with you guys. But you're still held in high regard everywhere else.

H-hopefully Brits stop hating America soon

What the bloody heck? I love Argentina now!

>US elects a president who wants to send Chicanos and Sudacas to Mexico

He doesn't want to send chicanos and sudacas to Mexico. He wants to send Mexicans (actual Mexicans, not wannabes who can't even speak Spanish) who came here illegally back to the US. Don't worry, the annoying George Lopez types are staying here and there's nothing we can do about it.

*He wants to send Mexicans who came here illegally back to Mexico.

I know our left-wing media outlets have been spreading the lie that Trump wants to deport all latinos, but it's not true. It's only the Mexicans who are here illegally. Everyone else is staying.

>the annoying George Lopez types are staying here and there's nothing we can do about it.
Fuck. Can't we deport him to El Salvador?

>Every country that hates us is a corrupt shithole
>Really made me think.

these two friends really hate america.

Why you think they hate you? serious question here.

lmao, the week on Sup Forums after the election, with all those tweets threads
retards actually believed Trump was literally Hitler

Ok maybe the Argentinians don't actually hate us and the Greeks have negative views on most countries but I'm pretty sure a lot of the Russians (being their scapegoat because we didn't pay attention to them until Crimea) and all of those Muslim countries' (supporting Israel and bombing Muslims) citizens do hate us.

For the last twenty years it became incresengly obvious that, save for maybe football, that idiot's opinions can't be taken seriously on any degree

This, fuck beaners.

We don't have a personal grudge with Americans. Just their government and interventionism. We don't like interventionsism at all, and are raised to distrust any figure of authority we're not familiar with. If the current world super power was Russia, and they intervened on foreign policies, we'd hate them instead

It only makes it worse that the Jordanian government unoficially agrees with Israel in everything.

Yeah, I read some stories about him, pretty fascinating. I didn't know that the man who made him (his agent) was also involved in politics and helped one of your socialist presidents come to power. I've always wondered why would rich people like Maradona become friends with Castro or Chavez. Maybe he is just a clown and not really politically motivated at all. Or maybe his relatives were junta victims??


But why?

I always found it ironic that a supposed socialist like Maradona refused to pay taxes in Italy

fair enough

The US military does a lot of humanitarian work in Africa

Stuff George Lopez into a cannon and fire him over the wall please.
t. CHI (>tfw first time I ever even heard of "chicano" was seeing a comedy show of his while flipping channels)

Pl-Please, nobody bully me, I take g-great pride in my cunt...

Of course Japan! USA! USA! USA! (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)

>a fucking pimple
No. I don't want to hear that shit from you.
I'll spank the moe out of you, you stupid whore.

The colonial power there used to be English-speaking. The Church of Nigeria is part of the Anglican Communion. The slaves who now compose our black population were west Africans, most similar to Nigerians. And finally our only true colonial effort was Liberia - which is close by.