Put a secret you dont mind sharing. Mine is ive never been able to convince a women to sleep with me

Put a secret you dont mind sharing. Mine is ive never been able to convince a women to sleep with me

OP is a faggot.

i once forward kicked a kid in the back just to see what it would be like

cheeseburgers make me hard cuz I can haz

My mom's had 3 cats but she's getting older so she can't really handle it. I told her I knew someone who was looking for a cat. Took the oldest one and let it go in the woods last October. It was declawed, and sick. Probably didn't survive the night.

That's a good kitty.

I cum on my cousins while they sleep every time they come over

>record everytime

I once bought a mouse for my cat to play with and kill, but he got bored. After an hour of the mouse running around, I figured I should put it out of it's misery? Not sure why I didn't just put it outside.
So I decided to drown it. I filled the sink with cold water and held it by the tail and submerged it. Wussed out after, like, 20 seconds.
Emptied water and filled it with hot water and soap. Dropped mouse in. Mouse squeaked and swam around for like 40 seconds. Feelsbadman.
Took mouse out, filled with half cold water, still soapy, and submerged again, this time determined to stop this. Mouse starts convulsing under water, like it's dooing sit-ups sideways...
Drop it on floor and start to cry lightly as watch it do this for like 2 mins before going still. Throw mouse in bushes outside, start balling in room, tell girlfriend and she comforts me. Second worst thing I ever did to an animal, but definitely most cruel.

I just took a shower with my 7 &9yo nieces after we got done swimming

Dump or fake

fucked my sister when she was 14. still fap to that.

Did someone say secret?

Idk how to upload videos here I'm on phone

A couple nights ago I had a dream I had sexual relations with my two cousins, and got in deep shit for doing so.

They're 14 and 11 respectively.

I really want to forget about it.

Greentext pls

>no greentext
>no respect

Put them on mediafire or some shit like that then give us the link you faggot


>got house with Mrs a while back
>her nan is sick and she visits her a couple of times a week
>she goes out
>I get out some sex toys I've got and dildo my ass till I cum
>clean up act normal

Calm your tits, your mom might hear your heavy breathing. You should be able to post them from phone if you convert them to webm first

I uses to be really adventurous with sexual pleasures and I stuck my dick in between the 2 mean patties of a double cheeseburger. I'm not joking it was super good I didn't need lube or anything just the warm beef grease was good enough. Now I spend a lot of time spreading the word of burger sex and hopefully some of you brave dudes will try it and stop being pussies. Burger boyz 2016 represent


lost my virginity to my sister when i was 11