Wtf is this board even suppose to be? All you post is pornography

Wtf is this board even suppose to be? All you post is pornography.

Post something interesting and thought provoking.

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Please post in this thread


hopefully the armless man had some brandy first too

Does this work? Try it out for me.



ayyy lmao

Pornography provokes thoughts of lust.


Lets raid this fuck face b downvote his shit!


This is a base urge for many

Here is my fucking face newfag this is thought provoking enough for you

Another base urge is to be valued

Value is given to you by those around you


Each has their own set of values which they judge you by.

you got it coming up

>are you
>the bread wizard

So the obvious course of action is to tailor your approach to each individual to achieve maximum value from each.



However, what makes one person value you more might make another value you less

in the beginning were the words
and the words made the world
I am the words
the words are everything
where the words end
the world ends
you cannot move forward in an absence of space

What's this?

This leaves you to seek value from those you value. Judging as you are judged

Nice 9gag watermark faggot

This leads to like minded thinking and groups forming

Groups which, like the individuals that make them, want to be valued.

If they cannot willing be given value perhaps they can take it.


But how can they if we are not willing to give it?
don't like it leave

Surely they need to give us what we want. So they value us. They don't value us for what we value. Merely that we have it.

So they give us our base urges at the price of valuing what they value and giving them power

The power we give to them leaves us feeling unimportant and unvalued. However, all our base urges are fulfilled.

And we don't understand why we feel this way if we have everything we want

But you can change that. Simply by valuing individuals close to you.

Thank you for trying to provoke thoughts

I think about this all the time

The world, and everything that currently exists on it, is pointless. The universe, and everything inside of it, including the earth, is pointless. The only incentive we have for existing is determining the point of our own existence. That's it. There's no overall plan. There's no end-goal 1000 gamerscore achievement. Good on the guys who make the big decisions and rack in the billions in cash. Good on the guys who set forth on journeys of discovery that lead to benefits or disruption for all mankind. Good on the women that set the precedent for equality, and empowerment, and even the attitude that the patriarchy should be brought to its knees and men made to kneel. Good on Oprah, and O'Reilly. Good on Lincoln, and Luther-King. Good on Thutmose, and Ceasar, and King Louise XVI, and good on those that brought those men down. Good on those that think I've been too "white" in my examples. Good on those that agree. Good on those that think this is too nihilistic, and good on those that think it's complete bullshit and completely unworthy of your examination.
And at the same time. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. Because there's no point to any of it. And that's the beauty of life and death; rich and poor; sickness, health, happiness and sadness, addiction and will. There's no point to any of it, and yet there is everything in it because of that.

Guthix is the one true answer

Why put a name to the nameless?

Forgot to mention all the guys at the low end who to trades work and shit like that. Good on, and fuck them too. Good on everyone, and fuck everyone.
Do The World Wakes motherfucker. ******** is **** bitch