Hello to all amerifats and other peasents

hello to all amerifats and other peasents

i am from israel, and i don't really know much about the whole political thingy you got over there.
can you please explain me the current political debate in america?

who is better? and why?

what i know so far:
Trump is a cool meme guy
Hillary is feminazi
Bernie is jewish (has tail maybe?)
and the other mexican one wtv his name is

Other urls found in this thread:


pretty much sums it up

give shekeru

In america we have a democracy , but your vote does not really count.


the mexican one is Ted Cruz
or is he?

Enjoy your Middle East.

i will







photoshopped noses



Who can say with a straight face that Hillary is better than Trump? Lmao, regardless our candidates could've been better, but Trump is our best option.

why? please elaborate

>Trump is our best option because muh feels

Id rather have a kurd

this gal killed ISIS

Exactly. Fuck those dolled up israel public relations token soliders

These bitches look like they mean business. Would not start a firefight with them.

jobnik life
hail Trump



hope you fucking blow up get out of Palestine

jews were there first

Awesome post dude. Nice dubs too


Nice dubs. Also, your dick is hugeasy, so you have a lot of potential in your life.


I'd vote Trump, because Hillary has no integrity at all. It's hard to know exactly where Trump stands, but at least he's been smart about how he campaigned so that most of his controversial statements are easily amendable come election ad time.

There's some truth to that, but it's not as bleak as people make it seem. You want to change America? Vote people into congress who mirror the values of your preferred candidate. A president alone only has so much power.


thank you sir, good answer



-Wants to deport illegals and secure our border with a wall.
>inb4 it's impossible to deport that many people
>Operation Wetback happened in the 50s

-Wants to restructure a lot of our trade deals with foreign countries.
-Wants to close tax loop holes businesses use to evade paying.
-Wants to lower the cost of college education.

-Panders to gays, blacks, Hispanics, women, and SJWs.
-Is clearly a corrupt politician.
>FBI investigation.
>Won't release transcripts of certain extremely questionable speeches given to Wall Street types. Why won't she release them? Who knows.

Basically that's all you need to know. The only other candidate left is Bernie and he is the true meme candidate. He also basically can't win at this point.


>implying we aren't fucked if Trump is president

Don't get me wrong we're fucked if any of them becomes president. Wtf are we suppose to do when everyone running is a shitbag?

Oh look this meme again.

>>mine, all minee

>implying it isn't true


become black
seems to have privileges in these days
>> nice dubs

wtf you expect me to watch some fucking 1+ bullshit?

Summarize it

Trump is an extremely corrupt liar who has no principles whatsoever, except to do whatever gets the most wealth and power to Donald Trump. He is an extreme narcissist who doesn't care about anyone else, or the country. He'd let it all burn around him, if it was good for Donald Trump.

Hillary is also extremely corrupt. She wants as much power as possible for herself. She doesn't care about the average citizen, maybe only barely cares about the downtrodden. She is a multi-millionaire, who believes in socialism to the extent that it grows government and therefore gives her more power over the country, which she can in turn bend to her own benefit. At least she is mostly sane, and is smart enough to not push things too far that might put everything towards collapse. Unlike Trump, who will know no bounds.

7539 anyfiles.org/2zQA

Diebold got caught with voting machines that had altered code that changed the votes to whatever they wanted them to be. Took the evidence to supreme court, lost and you never even heard about it on the fuckin news


So computer hackers can hack the machines and change the votes?

I bet that happens all the time.

the truth, now watch this thread 404 without
shlomo bumping the thread

Yes because hackers went and hacked every single card that stores each individual vote with the same software... Get fucked shlomo

I guess I'll have to bump the thread now




This thread should be a prime example of just how many posts come from shlomo's on Sup Forums now.

Seriously not a single post after the truth comes out.

Tin foil hat much?


lol Nice response shlomo. Did you even watch the documentary or review their EVIDENCE. It was proven that the altered piece of software wasn't stored on the actual voting machine but within the cards that stored the individual votes themselves. Please explain to me how a hacker would get physical access to every single vote storing card?

>watch the documentary

Yea in the 30ish minutes since you posted it I watched an hour and a half long documentary. Are you a fucking shlomo?

Why do you think I asked you to explain it? You are doing a terrible job of that you fuckin shlomo.

Shlomo's typical responses in life


seriously come up with some actual responses that have some actual meaning not just implications and white washing. In other words use some hard factual evidence in your claims.

Don't get mad at me because you're too fuckin lazy to do some research on your own.




lol I'm not mad you're the one who is acting like a weirdo and saying shlomo constantly.

Anyway confirmed for bait and troll I guess. From what I gathered you're little documentary shows nothing other than the computers they used were vulnerable to hacking. Just like pretty much any computer in the world.

So ya like I said tin foil hat type shit.


Still trying to shill are you?

>Calling other's names, trying to debase them on a personal level to deny credibility instead of talking about the actual subject.

>I'll call him a troll and bait if weirdo didn't work!

>From what I gathered... means jack shit because you obviously didn't take any time or effort to review the actual facts.

>Repeat Tin Foil Hat in vain attempt to deny credibility


If I can't win the argument using fact's I use name calling instead!


>i'm offended that you called me shlomo

Calling a documentary sponsored by HBO which also covers video evidence of the trail in supreme court tin foil hat type shit.

This was real life evidence that was taken to real life court of the highest degree.

Do you even understand the concept of conspiracy theory?

There's nothing to theorize here it's all hard evidence.


The simple fact that it's only been shlomo here and me posting after the truth comes out speaks volumes as well.



>Still trying to shill are you?

What does this even mean?

>Calling other's names, trying to debase them on a personal level to deny credibility instead of talking about the actual subject

Hypocrite much?

>instead of talking about the actual subject

You're the one who is not doing this.

>In 2003, she discovered the source code of voting machine manufacturer
>Researchers at Rice University and Johns Hopkins University also studied the programs she obtained and found security weaknesses
>The tests took place February 14, 2005; May 2, 2005; May 26, 2005 and December 13, 2005 and allege to prove that Diebold machines were not secure and could be hacked and results altered.
>and unusual errors (such as a date-stamps 16,000 years in the future on one tape)
>arranged for a series of hacking demonstrations on the "GEMS" central tabulator and also the hacking of memory cards

What does all this mean? Like I said it proves that the machines were vulnerable and nothing else. What does this have to do with anyone's vote not counting? See pic related.


Ignoring the fact that they found this on the machines from the florida state recount

Ignoring the fact that they found this tampering throughout all of their storage cards in their factory.

Trying to imply the hacking of the memory cards were arranged ahead of time.

You really are trying hard, gotta give you props.

Best candidate rn is definitely Trump. Hillary is either a boldface fucking liar, or just straight up mis/uninformed, Bernie is going to drive the economy to fuck, and Ted dropped out.




Mitt Romney is the Mexican. Ted Cruz is Canadian.

Yes, let's avoid electing a puppet for the ultra rich, let's just put one of them directly into office.

Listen, if you believe anything any of them says in speeches you are the argument against democracy. Officials have track records on how they vote, what they support, through actions made while in office, because they always go back on promises, each one. This is what you should base your vote on, not what they say their platform is, but what it's always been. Trump has nothing but his word. No record because of no experience. That is not good enough, not in business and definitely not in politics. Trump himself would laugh at someone with no experience applying for a position with merely a promise to do well.


I think we've had enough white men destroying its time a gal showd everyone how to get shit done

Finally someone else with some sense.

nice b8 m8

Wanna see how a gal get's it done? Look at Merkel in Germany.

It's true, atleast Hitler was for his own people.

Are you implying that the votes were changed? Is this happening all across the nation then? How many were changed?

At least you didn't say shlomo this time.


It's proven fact that ATLEAST the Florida state votes were changed which was the deciding factor on getting Bush into presidency at the very end of the election.

Diebold made up 5,729 voting machines in that year's election alone. Also 20% of the machines did not have paper trails for the recount.


Obviously YES the votes were changed in the Florida state recount and it's proven fact!

It would be naive to think that was an isolated case.



what are jew going on about


faggot shill

Women, ivana trump, can't 'convert to Judaism', neither can men, you have to born into it and it only follows the female blood line. Ivana's mom wasn't a Jew.

The OP, and whoever made the pic, are complete shitposting retards.