It's 2:00 am in Europe

It's 2:00 am in Europe
Why aren't you sleeping?. Go to bed faggots!

I've only been awake for twelve hours

I worked night shifts for a while and somehow I am unable to unfuck my sleep schedule

I can't sleep user.

its 3 already

ik kan niet slapen

Ackshually it's 1:52

>he refers to the time by the nearest hour
it's 'nearly 5 to 2'

lmao we had this shit in English class.

half past eight and similar bs i watch american movies and they just say whole time i cba with stupid ass language without genders for inanimated objects


we say a quarter till or 5 past as well

2:50 is 10 to
2:51-2:52 is just gone 10 to
2:53-2:54 is nearly 5 to
2:55 is 5 to
and so on
there are specifics to this if someone asks you what the time is

Europoors don't have jobs so they don't need to go to bed at a sensible hour.

I'm going to stop having a job by the end of the month actually. It was a fixed-time contract for 2016.

I think I'm fucked.

we say half past half past half past 2 in the America

Good afternoon, guys ( *・ω・)ノ

so things are still pretty shitty in greece?

here in the midwest we still use the imperial system for time: 6:12 is approximately six and thirteen sixty-fourths.

Worse than ever. My dreams are pretty much completely crushed at this point, I can only hope for a half-decent lower-middle class life (which is really disappointing here, like 12k/year).

>tfw staying up till 5-6AM
>wake up at 1-2PM
Get me out of this NEET life.

This sucks. Sorry to hear that, bro. I honestly didn't know what was going on there recently so I thought maybe things were getting better. What was the average salary in the same income group before the crisis? What happens if you lose your job? Will you get any unemployment benefits?

>Will you get any unemployment benefits?
Essentially no. Petty amounts are given under very specific settings (lots of paperwork involved).

To put things in perspective, people most people without degrees make something in the range of 500-700 euros per month.

People with decent degrees have it a bit easier, but the income rarely goes above 1200, and it's pretty much always a demanding dead end job in a dying economy in a country with degrading public services and infrastructure.


comfie 1.05hs here

You niggers can't get rid of me

post your cats


You're all niggers.

sleep tight yuros

will bed soon

are you japanese? can i ask you something? im in a hurry and dont know what to do
the thing is that there is a jap market a few blocks from my home, and it has a qt 25 yo jap as a cashier
I tried to talk to her always politely and be a nice guy when i give her the groceries but she doesnt even smile nor talk so much
I reckon her spanish musnt be good, but that shuoldnt mean her bitterness
what should i do to catch her attention? what do japs girls like talking in her past twnties?

So did they go to sleep now


nice qt with light eyes. male or female?

How hard would it be to start a kind of fight club fraternity house in your country? I assume real estate is cheap right now. Would be much less expensive than living on your own.

Waking up here

Are you drinking an energy drink to start the day :3

Are you asleep now?

It's 7:31 now lad

Greece real estate is not cheap. The people are not poor.
I have considered relocating there. The banks were fucked, not the businesses. They moved their money to Bulgarian banks.

Me too, but visa issues. Whites should by default be allowed to live in Europe.

Don't worry, sir. She is not Japanese. It's an alien .(◥◣_◢◤)

Get a job

What time is it in europe now and what are they up to

9:40 - 12:40

thanks lad wwhat did you have for brekky

Stay up with me euros.