Traps you would marry

>Traps you would marry
no homo

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself, faggot.

So homo

imagine her doing this in full wedding dress

>no homo

>Traps you would marry
>no homo
>would marry
>no homo

No...just no...continue living in your shitty fantasy world, homo faggot.

Newfags need to learn to sage gay shit.

Vagina is too precious to me, fuck off

what's wrong with you?

Cute as fuck. More?

Ass... The other vagina

>no homo

Pick one you misinformed faggot

>wanting a long term relationship with a mentall ill person
>not a fuck buddy system on the side.

You full homo bro.

Well if it's a true trap, you wouldn't know till it was too late. At the point you just cover the fem penis with your hand and finish. No homo.
Unless like me,,, you drop to your knees and start sucking the fem penis, surprising yourself at how much you love it... Then you need to accept that you're bi

Ironic faggotry is still faggotry.

Fuck off faggot no homo means no homo

Fuck you... Just put your cock in my mouth.

the irony of mentioning ironic faggotry using unironic shitpostig

Some people told me my ex looked like a trap. I miss molesting her.

who? I've seen her before, but google/NSA has nothing

She posted in a trap thread a few times.

Any more pics?

Is there more? Fucken great potential right there

>marry trap
>no sexual intercourse
>10/10 no homo
having expensive diner
>love story ends
>implying Sup Forums will ever marry something thou


How many levels of irony are you on?

Step up fampai.

>not posting date/day/b/

Are you literally retarded ?


he might just be

This fucking beauty

but please, prove how come i am the retard one, when i just proved something logical...
out of sugar, are we?

I'm curious as to why you think he's a tard


>sees random number
>assumes it's right without checking
>is retarded themselves



way to many retarded people on this thread....

dude. they asked for more pics so i posted it. its not meant to be a new pic lol.

10x m8, dubs always right

Has never shown face, probably for a good reason.

1, this thread doesn't even contain a post with that number.

2, it's missing a fucking digit you dumbass

She'd be feeding you user if you catch my drift.


This short chubby slut.

>random post number
what are archives

>missing a digit
how's common core m8?

my nigga

Who cares with a body like that

doesn't even look like a girl

this ass

I'm just mad this trap faggot has posters of mai waifu.

Fucking r9k.

Don't care

or ariella shamless, but it's not a trap, it's a shemale

The post wasn't a post in this thread and was for the thread the trap actually posted herself

Anyone got source on this or know who the tranny is?

>for a good reason

Probably because he is not an insane slutbag who imagines their future in porn and as a tranny

I'd marry seph even if he had a manly af face

Paris Lees the one in blue

What's the difference?

Without hesitation

Yep. She'll be keeping you nourished in different ways ;)

all of them. i want to build a harem :*

a trap it's only a man with feminine body
trap = IT'S A TRAP!
a shemale it's a man with surgery and hormones

somik-chan without hesitation

>traps meaning women with feminine penises, AKA men.
>no homo

>bait but I'll say pick one faggot because I'm in the mood

Wait, she's a he?
Damn, I want to be like that!

get outta there or build an opposition inside



a trap can be anything from cd to tranny. it has to be passable as a women from looks



More of her please. Also checked

Patricia all day.


your ex is a woman
->your ex looks like a trap
->a trap looks like a woman
->your ex looks like a woman
->a woman looks like a woman. you don't say user!

FFS I would love to suck that cock dry every fucking day
>no homo




Are those guns in the background?

Does anyone have the webms of Kayla-pie or Kutie-pie or whatever the fuck her name is


got moar?

Do we have any info on traps that have given up and gone back to being regular dudes?

Basically an obese 12 year old boy
At least the rest of the homos in this thread are into grown people



no face, no fap

I love traps but this is definitely one of the more disgusting traps. Fat boy in a dress lol this is when it starts getting gayer then how gay it already is

Jennifer hills I'm pretty sure

words to live by



amanda close *the next she-male idol*

sorry not amanda close, Dany DeCastro

Wow, traps bring out so much shitty attitudes. You have the normal woman bashing all women are subject to, but then you have a thick layer of poorly handled hidden homosexual urges on top of that. No wonder they are attacked so often. They totally fuck with some guys minds.

>Wanting to marry leafy
Are you 12?

>no homo

>marrying a man
>not being a homo

you can pick only one

That's supposed to mean that the trap is so feminine (=a so good trap) that we should consider it as a she more than a he.
">Traps you would marry
Only those who deserve to be called girls"

need tumblr