ITT: Identify the 3 spiders I found in/around my home

ITT: Identify the 3 spiders I found in/around my home.
>pic related 1/3
Southern California, USA

>pic related 2/3

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No spider experts?

Malaysian Death Spiders. No idea what they're doing in socal

>"Malaysian Death Spiders"
>pic related

1 looks like 1 cross orb weaver

2 looks like a hacklemesh weaver

not sure on 3

they are all ants you fucking moron last one is a bullet ant i know that others no so sure.
p.s. you gay

That's a Nopespider.

I would rather die than live in a house filled with brown recluses.

Are those common in Cali?
I know there is a spider family that "mimics ants" but these look more like ground spiders to me.
They're dead. Don't worry.

OP here, almost positive they aren't Brown Recluses

1st and 3rd look like common garden spiders middle 2nd looks like a wolf spider.

North American Faggot Spider.

If that is the case, then I have nothing to worry about right? Bites no worse than a bee sting?


who cares nigga just move out

That looks like a pregnant Hobo Spider which are extremely venomous btw.

Yeah no shit, Mr. Scientist man
I was just saying, they are found near your location
Fuck poisonous arachnids

I don't think so.
>pic related

You have nothing to worry about in Cali except black widows. we have no other medically significant spiders natively.

yes, I see 2 almost every day at work here in cali, 1 is very common in backyards/trees

If you add "Malaysian" to anything it sounds scarier.

3 is certainly a wolf spider

I'm a cripple who rents from his great uncle. I ain't moving out over something I can kill with my slippers.
Cool, thanks!
>pic related

We have massive house spiders here in Alberta.

Gotta bunch of them around the window in the basement.

Just let them chill since I am 100% they are reason our insect problems stopped.

This appears to be..

Metaltella simoni
(Hacklemesh Weaver)

Well I would leave em alone, but the #1 was found on my bed, #2 was found by my shoes and #3 was in my hallway

Those aren't brown recluses fucking retards. Probably just a wolf spider. Grow some balls it's just a spider

To people saying 3 is a wolf's a wolf spider

Hmm. Possibly right.
>pic related

>grow some balls
And do what? Kill them? I already did. Just looking for identification you fucking faggot.

Op here. She's a beauty. What else do you have? Do you take macros? Got a website or something I can look at more?

I'm not asking you to grow some balls, it's these fags on the board who are blatantly spurting out random spiders that aren't even close.


Just this one im afraid

Does it get agitated easily or is it somewhat docile?

Well, Id be scared if it got agitated, being dead and all

How'd you kill it without damaging it? Freezer? Alcohol?


immediately after it died I positioned it on a notecard, using wax to secure its feet where I wanted them, and let it dry for a few weeks. Now it's a perfect little statue

Neat. I might try that.