Why do Argentinians want to be white Sup Forums?

Why do Argentinians want to be white Sup Forums?

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Usa is white?


at least you know you are safe


name one country in occident who doesnt want to be fully white, and dont come to me with negro pride shit.
every country in latinassmerica wants to emulate the european cliche without realizing how cucked the europeans are


what is the file we download by the link?



negro try harder to be a nice person and your race will be redimed stop the gang bullshit already

first of all being hit is not a thing to be proud of is not a nice thing revew the eye brows of this guy

now find that normal people feel conserned if they are hit review this eyebrows

there seems to be a universal constant of the darker your skin is then the more likely you will have shame against your own race.


Nosotros somos blancos boludo!!!!111!

I dont like argeniggers, but this faggot is right tho

Ya te gustaría ser blanco, jodido negrata. Quédate en tu puto gueto/país con tus complejos y tus mierdas

This is a big truth i need to admit.

pa k kieres saber eso jaja saludos


looook we find an Argenigger!!!!

el problema de argentina es que esta cada vez mas plagado de negros, fucking cucarachas

u maadd boooiiiiiiii

>Jodido negrata
No soy negro pero preferiría serlo antes que ser un gallego de mierda

argenigger detected

Muerto de hambre, deja el ordenador y ponte a trabajar antes de que te de una fatiga encima del teclado



Our white little girls

Funny but the last argentinian i met literally asked me this.

la sheila
la yise
la shamila

Same dad, probably.

Its somewhat common to see "negros villeros" having multiple lovers

this white argentine chick looks really hot
i can accept that she is white

Let me know how white you think she is after you meet her in a discoteca, bang her, and then fall asleep with your valuables not nailed down.

Damn man, feels bad to be black...

chileno detectado

this is very accurate

Because most have been bred with exiled nazis

1881 dropbox.com/s/ls05et7h6mfbfk2/130.zip?dl=1

same reason everybody wants to be white. nobody likes niggers.

Only white country on south america.

Ugly face and fake ass.

Is that really the best you can do?

Sorry, I don't talk to faggots.

lol, you just did! HAHAHAHAHA what a goober. boy I bet you feel silly.

Yeah, i know you niggers have a problem with everyone.

>Gallegos hablando de trabajo


Hello, My name is Michael Dick, I just want to warn everyone about these threads:
My son was making a drinking game "Drink every time you see a chilean or mexican jelly of argentinians for being white"
Minutes later he end up in an alcoholic coma, and woke up dead in hospital from eternal bleeding.

you don't know the perfect argentine white asses



nice butts, if you cover their faces then they are white for me

My dad was an alcohol.



Dejá de morder el anzuelo boludito

About as white as a T.V floating down the street at night time.

Because they are a bad copy of europeans, argentfags are just a bunch of shithole people

on the left argenniger
on the right normal white argentinian


Agree, argeniggers are so weird... they've got somewhat white bodies but nigger faces.
