Ok Sup Forums, I have a 5 paged essay on frankenstein due by then end of the day, can someone please help? The topic is acceptance
Ok Sup Forums, I have a 5 paged essay on frankenstein due by then end of the day, can someone please help...
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Gee thanks Sup Forumsro
Shameless self bump
Nah I'm just kidding mate, but the illiterate anons of Sup Forums won't be of use, including myself
Thanks for being honest lol
Think about the good savage n'shit. When frankestein's monster take refuge in the shed of that family and learns their custom.
It's quite a topic.
What kind of shitty remedial English class are you taking where the most your dumbass professor gets out of Frankenstein is acceptance?
Read the book from Mary Shelley, first.
Or a short version.