Been thinking about joining the military as soon as I hit 18 years old

Been thinking about joining the military as soon as I hit 18 years old.
It involves up to 5 months of "school" before joining, and I live in Romania.
The only reason I want to do it is because it might aswell be my only chance of ever stepping foot outside this shithole, with enough luck. If not, I'd still have military experience to go through most shit this country can throw at me if I want to retire later.
Should I?

Forgot to mention, but yes, I am fit enough to pass all of the physical probes, and have no mental illneses. I'm also not gay.

I dont think you should do it for the sole reason of travelling outside the country. I'm not sure how involved Romania's military is so you might not even get that chance. You mentioned that you aren't gay, do they not permit gays to serve?

what area of the military? just basic land soldiers, or anywhere else?

>as soon as I hit 18 years old.

underage MODDDDDS

Good observation

join the french legions might asswell learn french in same time.

French is not a useful language and there is so little benefit from knowing a second language

There's a huge bias against people who aren't straight, but you can still join if you pass everything with flying colors because they aren't allowed by european laws to discriminate against homosexuals. I also feel like I couldn't get hired anywhere else unless at some sort of security firm, and they don't pay much.
In the military here, the salary varies a lot, but a good average would be of about 3500 RON monthly, and at a security firm I'd get about 1200 RON monthly.
I also like guns, but they're illegal here.

Du-te in legiunea straina daca vrei armata. Astia de la noi sunt poponari

Basic soldier most likely, maybe some sort of APC driver even.

M-as duce, dar nu sunt sigur cum as face asa ceva.

knowledge is power.

I suppose that's reasonable
>Gay serviceman here

Ai destule informatii pe tot webul...cauta.

Mais, la langue est inutile. Pourquoi gaspier ton temps?

parce ce que je parle anglais francais espagnole et que je veux apprendre le russe, plus tu parle de langue plus le monde souvre a toi personellement je déteste la culture francophone a un haut point.

Don't go to Romanian army, just travel to France and apply for the motherfucking foreign legion. Pays more, you can apply for citizenship after 5 years.. Google it and do it.

Yeah, I'll try to join it. People say you don't have to learn french, which is good because I barely know french. Overall I only hear good things about it, and it seems that racism is strictly prohibited, which is good because I come from a country full of gypsies that people tend to frown upon when hearing it's name, and I'm not racist myself.

you don't have to learn french beforehand*
You'll learn french there if they accept you, made a mistake.

You don't have to know french when you apply, but you sure as hell have to learn it inside.

Yes, I noticed my mistake. Would be silly to not have to learn french in a french military branch.

learn first a usefull industrial job and then go military

Their is penice exam day in the French Legion

They can look at my penis as much as they want. Hell, they can cut it off too as long as I can still pee, it's not like I'm the sexiest man on earth. Not even close.