Why are Americans so fat?

Why are Americans so fat?

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naughty stepmom


cuz iowa and corn

Because it is quite a bit cheaper to only eat fast food than cook yourself.

Also the "bigger is better" mentality very much affects portion sizes.

You consider them fat?
OK, buddy...whatever.

3440 dropbox.com/s/ls05et7h6mfbfk2/130.zip?dl=1

I'd still vigorously fuck her

Because it's sexy

fast food dumbass

If that were a guy, we'd call him pudgy. Bitches get to call themselves 'curvy' and shit. She ain't fat fat, but she ain't thin

Ease of access to terrible foods and no natural predators to eat them.


>thick bitches ain't fat dey bootiful
found the black guy



Shes not fat shes thick

I bet she doesn't know shot about star wars



cheap corn. corn syrup cheaper than sugar. corn fed cows and corn syrup used in everything.

there was some kind of fun fact that no one born after 1980-something has ever eaten grass-fed beef.



Undesired populations are being eradicated through disease.


to imply thats a fuck is bullshit its no longer human its another classification.

im fat.

this is unhuman


ayyy lmaooo

>thinking you won't end up like that

pic related, your foot in a few years





Because in America, unless you deliberately seek out particular foods, what you're eating is probably full of all kinds of unnatural shit that's going to wreck havoc on your health over time.



I thought it was a hand...


that webm of the landwhale on the scooter trying to get through the grocery store door

and how her hips are too wide and alien looking

>"..pork skins.."

sounds about right


His balls?

Not long now...

>360 noscope


The South and Midwest

>genetic superiority

same dude? same gut kek


we eat too much unhealthy food and we don't get enough exercise. DUH!
what are you, retarded?

Because America subsizes the creation and sales of foods designed for military applications. Tightly packed foods high in fat, protein, sugars, and carbs, with lots of preservatives. These foods are perfect for high energy military routines, involving a great deal of travel. Because the military contracts for their design, and purchases them by the truckload, they are cheap for individual home consumers, who live sedentary lifestyles, involving lots of simple taskwork for low pay, and little exercise or travel.

>dat booty doe




>Ease of access to terrible foods



lol j/k, they all overeat and never take any exercise

What's that toilet rated at?

>tfw your facefat mushes your eyes closed

I don't have the appropriate tfw reaction image. Maybe a kind user could draw something appropriate.

That's awesome. You'd never have to wear clothes


The problem is that they're not being eradicated. I know 70 year old women that are morbidly obese and have been that way for 30 years. Doctors are keeping them alive.


The same reason why Brits, Aussies, Mexicans and niggers are fat.

I hate the fatties and I'm not really into girls who ride the line between chubby and fat or I guess what they call "curvy" but I'd still prolly let that bitch suck my dick

Fuck your country usa would destroy the entire EU if it came to it. look up the force comparison. Also moon

cheap food and cheap gas.


Cause we like Beer and fast food !


Fuck, that bitch is delicious.

Your country is pretty much fucked. Your all to fucking lazy to even cook your own food....LOLZ


I hate people that get bothered by other peoples poor choices. If it doesn't affect you directly stop being such a bitch and let people live their lives. Fucking meddling faggots,


Because like all the kings before us, we are rich!


I'm sure that counts as child abuse!!...

Shit food, shit culture, shit brains.

What happen here ?


y'all need to calm down and read this, it makes a lot of sense

She is so fucking hot

In one picture...

Because the tears of Europeans are high in calories

Four years? I can't imagine how much they would have to eat to gain that much weight that quickly.
It bottles the mind.


I don't know man, it bums me out. We deserve to be made fun of. It takes serious effort to get that fat. Between work and school I barely went to the gym this semester and still didn't get fat because I don't eat a whole pizza a day like my coworkers. Shit's gross.

stop posting this everywhere



look at his tiny wittle arms XD

Americans don't know how to food.

Younger people are waking up to the idea that you should cook things from scratch because it's popular to eat healthy now, but the older generation is too lazy and set in it's ways.

Mostly people 35+ just want to reheat something tasty instead of putting in the time to cook or plan your route to pick up decent food.

And then there's the subcategory of people who think the "i don't give a fuck" attitude is teh coolest. They're plagued by Mountain Dew, Taco Bell and Dorito's, cheap tasty food that will give you an unhealthy pale look and fuck up your skin.

American's have no cultural attachment to food so there's no pride in it unless you're in an Organic Health Food Store.

well done user, you sure told that shillbot

Try again

Here's some European fatties in these articles. And the bitch in the image is from New Zealand.


>quite a bit cheaper to only eat fast food than cook yourself

Bullshit bullshit bullshit


We don't need to defend our size, we aren't fucking mexico. We're the U.S of god damn A and we aren't the fattest anymore so hop off.

We got this hurdle to cross and then we'll be fit as fuck

>If it doesn't affect you directly

But it does. My health insurance rates are through the roof in order to help pay for fatties needing hundred of thousands of dollars of medical treatments every year.
Just like how my car insurance rates are through the roof because of all the shitty drivers out there, but I've never had an accident or gotten a ticket.

I legit can't see how people can eat enough to become this fat. Like seriously, if I eat more than two full meals a day I physically feel sick and I'm perfectly healthy. All you muricans need to chill with the food.

Such poor use of the English language.

fat acceptance UK style