What is your opinion on white women?
What is your opinion on white women?
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I cannot make any educated opinion on them as I have almost zero contact with them
From hearsay I can see that they are positively received by most people, the young adult type most of all
>someone actually spent time creating that cuck picture
i just dont get why blacks seems so obsessed with white women when in every rapper videoclip you have big assed black girls, i say seem because i dont know how its in reality
They are fine, but I don't care about the colour desu. It could be a nice southern girl too.
a black fling is exceptionally common in reality
as the implication of the picture
if you look for couples you are doing it wrong
I had a chance to go through my ex gf's Facebook messages once. They absolutely love black men who are tall, well built and have money.
funny how it's always americans who make '''''''''''''ironic'''''''''''''''' cuck posts
We cuck you proper on the daily, faggot, nothing ironic about it
but that picture makes no sense, nature tells people to mate with people similar to them
>men who are tall, well built and have money.
If you ahve this it doesnt matter what color you are, women will love you
>If you ahve this it doesnt matter what color you are, women will love you
Yeah, well, being black was the question here dumbass, and the answer is yes.
I dont see such question in whole thread
>nature tells people to mate with people similar to them
t. armchair evolutionary psychologist
no, society did
nature told people to no wear clothes and be ready for inception as soon as period is over
Ah, yes, I now remember why they named your country such.
Plenty of non-Americans post this shit to but I bet your cuck ass doesn't call them out for it.
black guy here
i have to say they repulse me
[spoiler]tfw no qt 3.14 middle eastern gf[/spoiler]
Nah, its pretty known fact, opposites in fact do NOT attract, quite opposite
And now i remember why KKK was so succesful and why Trump won. Nobody asked how white women see niggers
it remind of a study who explained that cuckery was only a thing in the USA, and it was mostly spread among the 30 years old middle-class white.
>Nah, its pretty known fact
Well then, I suppose you shouldn't have a hard time linking me to some peer reviewed proof (publications like the Pioneer Fund do not peer review btw)
there was study published here dont know the issue tho, just use google if you are interested its pretty easy to find
without feminism they are ok
and even though im a black guy i avoid spade queens like the fucking plague
>its pretty easy to find
So then why didn't you just find it and link it to me instead of relying on my guesswork?
People who made that pics are fucking pathetic,no matter the race..
they are giant fans of the bbc as far as i know
just utterly dumb race traitors
because its 4 am and i cant really be bothered to t bh