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Library edition

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Rude japs out editon

And Finland welcome edition?

>more asians

the gf

I thought your name was "Javier" or something similar. That's it.

Is that legendat?

the gf


No, these guys are the professionals in Helsinki
Think a wall can stop me? Great wall of China didn't work.

Mmm okay.

take it back.

not as bad as how they cancelled athf imo

it's an unworthy of you.

>tfw in SoCal
>Have fetish for thicc voluptuous latinas
>Too much of a beta white boy to get one

Life is suffering.

>Practically empty

Really made me think

>living in WorstCal

Is this may I say an intellectual edition?

>tfw in Wisconsin
>tfw have a asian women
>realize that I'm black and beta
Life is suffering

gf just sent me this


Of course.

Ignore johhny, he's still upset he got rused and rustled by someone rp'ing a jap.

My name is kunta kinte


ah, goodnight /cum/

Think that's a gang sign l*d


>living in SoCal

I'm so sorry.

I took this last year.

wtf is this

Very nice

The central library is a post-modern piece of shit but the staff is really nice.

your gf is a slut and i done fucked that purdy mouth of hers

no gf

which one?

as long as you aren't white, that's fine

at least change your flags properly, you proxying idiot


Madison, WI

I truly am sorry.

Big ol' batch of chili buds

Don't get mad, Texans :^)

is it bad if I'm installing 2 games from Steam at once

wtf baja

What's wrong with socal?

It's grows uglier and uglier the more I look at it. Tomorrow I visit to pick up a few books.

What are you reading fellow scumbags?

you got problems buddy

people are assholes. Travelling anywhere is a nightmare. Everythings expensive as FUCK. CHI's everywhere

any weebs who can give me a source on this


>says the proxyfag

and who doesn't?

especially here?

sauce is literally given in that Sup Forums thread you dumpass


Oh, It's true...


Microbe hunters

i wonder if i could kill someone if the time came

>i wonder if i could kill someone if the time came


fedora posting is such entry tier shitposting

finns welcome edition

>tfw to intelegent for fedora posting

>fedora posting is such entry tier shitposting

Sounds like an interesting read. I'm waiting impatiently for a few things to be delivered to the library right now as I've ran out of reading material. I finished The Tin Drum yesterday by Gunter Grass and will pick up his novel The Flounder as well as Thomas Mann's Confessions of Felix Krull, confidence man and The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz.

I see. I was there before and I liked it. But I was also 13 so who knows.

Anyways I'm tripping out again. I think that means it's time to take more medicine and fall asleep. Goodnight /cum/

How is /cum/ doing tonight/today?

>fedora posting is such entry tier shitposting


might end it all senpai

I hadn't started contemplating suicide until you reminded me how awful everything is and will ever be.


Fuck I wanna rjb one out when I get home bits there's ppl there, what do?

i'm comfy desu

wtf... its a just look like bait of pig.


T. White pigguh in Japan town


Not so bad 2bh.

interior looks godawful tbchwy

≥tfw visiting mom so don't care if my IP gets banned



Los MEXicanos

Do something crazy

>when mum gets the feds at her front door cus her degenerate son wuz browsing for cp


Mexicans, do y'all listen to Feliz Navidad at Christmas time?

How's your relationship with your father?

We listen to Black Metal.


>red kidney beans

Well. I just got back from an evening walk, it's really nice out this time of year with all the Christmas lights + comfy sweater weather

No doubt it would have been cheaper to go with traditional design and building materials. Give it five years and it'll look horribly out of date as well as being an eyesore.

died when I was 6

What can I do for you?

Not me desu.

He couldn't be more disappointed if he tried.

>We listen to Black Metal.

I wouldn't do that

pretty awful

our relationship could best described as "two office coworkers who tolerate each other enough to be cordial, but very much dislike each other"

probably helps to explain why I'm such a sperg failure

Met him when I was twenty-three. We've developed a pretty good relationship since then.

how do you know she doesn't browse?
you're a bad son

>c*na ch*n

this faggot hasn't been gassed by a hitsquad yet?

>Met him when I was twenty-three.
